10 Oktober 2013

Figur / Nama Tuhan dari Seluruh Dunia

Sedang tahap pengetikan.. maaf agak lama, karena buanyak sekali namanya :D

Name - Origin - Description

* A, Babylon/Chaldea, A moon goddess
* A'as, Hittite/Hurrian, The god of wisdom
* A'ra, W. Arabia, A local god
* A-a, Mespoptomia/Babylon/Akkadia/W. Semitic, She was a sun goddess
* Aa Maakhuer, Egypt, A lion god of truthful speech
* Aabit, Egypt, A goddess of song
* Aaghu Gugu, Cherokee, A goddess of the of the dawn
* Aah, Egypt, The moon god of Memphis.
* Aahmes Nefertari, Egypt, A protector/punisher of humans elevated to goddesshood
* Aakuluujjusi, Inuit, The great creator mother
* Aasith, Egypt/Syria, A goddess of the hunt, war, and the desert
* Aataentsic, Iroquois, A goddess
* Aatxe, Basque, An evil spirit capable of assuming human form
* Ab Kin Xoc, Maya, A god of war
* Aba khatun, Baikal/Siberia, A sea goddess
* Abaangui, Guarani, A god whose huge nose became the moon
* Abaasy, Yakut/Siberia, Netherworld beings
* Abaddon, Hebrew/Christian, The chief of the demons of the 7th hierarchy
* Abandinus, Roman/Celtic/British, A god known only by inscription
* Abarta, Irish, A god of the Tuatha De Danann
* Abassi, Efik, Creator of the world
* Abat[t]ur, Mandaeans, It weighs souls and/or their deeds
* Abeguwo, Melanesia/New Guinea, A rain goddess
* Abello/Abellio, Gaul, A god of apple trees
* Abeona, Roman, She is the goddess guardian of children leaving home to go on their own
* Abere, Melanesia, A goddess of Evil
* Abgal, N. Arabia, A desert and tutelary god of the Bedouins
* Abgal/Apkallu, Sumeria, 7 spirits that derived from the the Abzu
* Abhijit, Hindu/Puranic, A benevolent astral deity and goddess of fortune
* Abhijnaraja, Buddhist/Tibet, A physician god and medicine Buddha
* Abhiyoga, Jain/India, The generic name of the servile gods
* Abira, Antioquia, The creator.
* Abnona, Gaul, The goddess of the Black Forest
* Abora, Palma Is./Canary Is., The supreme Being that sat in heaven and caused the stars to move
* Abowie, Ghana, A goddess of healing and sterility
* Abraxas/Abrsax/Abraxis, Greek/Oriental, an occult theonym this god has the torso and arms of a man, head of a rooster and serpent legs
* Abu, Sumeria, A god the of vegetation
* Abuk, Dinka, Patron goddess of women and gardens
* Abundantia/Abundita, Roman, A goddess of agriculture and abundance
* Abziu, Sumeria/Mesopotamia, The primordial deity of underground water
* Acala, India/Buddhism, This god is protector of of the teaching and defends temples
* Acat, Maya, A god of tattooists
* Acaviser/Lasas, Etruscan, A goddess, one of the fates
* Acca, Roman, A goddess associated with Hercules
* Acca Larentia, Etruscan/Roman, An earth goddess and goddess of winter
* Accasbel, Irish, Most likely was an early god of wine or mead
* Acchupta, Jain/India, A goddess of learning
* Acco, Greek, A goddess of Evil
* Achelois, Greek, A moon goddess
* Achiyalatopa, Zuni, A celestial giant monster with feathers of flint knives
* Achlae/Aclelous/Acleloos/Achelous, Greek, A river god of some standing in the community
* Achtland, Celtic, A goddess of sex and magic
* Aclla, Inca/Quechua, A goddesses of war and virgins
* Acna/Akna, Maya/Mexico, A mother goddess
* Acolmiztli, Aztec, A minor chthonic underworld god
* Acolnahuacatl, Aztec, Another minor chthonic underworld god
* Acoran, Gran Canary/Canary Is., The supreme Being who really really likes milk
* Adad, Babylonian/Mesopotamia, The god of wind, storm, flood and rain
* Adam[m]as, Nassenes, The parental godhead of the gnostic movement
* Adamanthea, Greek, A goddess of midwives
* Adamisil Wedo, Haiti, A water goddess
* Adaro, Polynesia/Melanesia, A sea god
* Addanc, Wales, Primordial giant/god
* Adekagagwaa, Iroquois, The spirit of summer who rests during the winter in the south
* Adeona, Roman, A goddess of school children
* Adeos, Roman, A goddess of modesty
* Adhimukticarya, Buddhist/Vajrayana, A minor goddess and deified Bhumis
* Adibuddha, Buddhist, The primeval Buddha
* Adidharma, Buddhist, A primordial goddess
* Adikia, Greek, The goddess both injustice who is rather hard on the eyes
* Adimurti, Hindu, An avatar of Vishnu
* Aditi, Hindu, Hindu supreme creator of all that has been created
* Adityas, Hindu, The divine sons of Aditi, Varuna Aditya, Indra, Mitra, Rudra, Tvashtar and Vishnu
* Adonis, Greek, A god of nature
* Adonis, Phoenicia/Syria, A dying and resurrected god that embodies vegetation scorched by the heat of the summer sunshine
* Adrammelech, Mideast, A god to whom infants were burnt in sacrifice [only reference to the practice in the christian OT]
* Adrastea , Britain,  the goddess of war
* Adrasteia, Greek/Thrace/Trojan/Phyragean, A mountain goddess that  is the guardian of righteousness and avenges is all wrongs
* Adro, Lugbara, An earthly god of and grass fires
* Adroa, Africa, A god that is the an early version of Adro
* Adsullata, Britain, A goddess of hot springs
* Aea, Greek, A goddess of hunting
* Aeacoc, Greek/Roman, A chthonic underworld god and 1 of the 3 gods of Hades
* Aebhel Afekan, Melanesia/New Guinea, The creator goddess
* Aebhel/Aeval, Irish, A goddess who is a faery [interesting story] 
* Aed, Celtic/Irish, An underworld god known only from inscription
* Aedos, Roman, A goddess of modesty
* Aega, Greek, A goddess of war
* Aegeria, Roman, A goddess of prophecy invoked by pregnant women
* Aegir, Germanic, A god of the ocean
* Aengus, Celtic/Irish, worshipped from about 500 BC/400 AD
* Aeolos, Greek, He was the custodian of the four winds
* Aequitas, . , A minor spirit of fair dealing from 300 BCE
* Aericura, Celtic/Roman, An underworld god known only from inscription
* Aerten/ Aerfen/Aeron, Wales/Cornish, A goddess of fate
* Aesculapius/Asklepios, Greek/Roman, A god of healing and of medicine
* Aesir, Norse/Germanic, The pantheon of the gods
* Aesma Daeva, Persia, A demon of lust and anger that is ticked at the cow
* Aestas, Roman, A goddess of summer usually portrayed nude and adorned with garlands of grain
* Aesun, Irish, A god whose name means to be
* Aether, Greek, The god representing pure air and light
* Aetna, Roman, A mountain goddess
* Aeval, Celtic, A goddess of sexual relations and small size
* Afekan, Melanesia/New Guinea, The creator goddess
* Afi, Abkhaz, A god of rain and thunderstorms that does not tolerate women using his name
* Afreet, Arabia, They are unclean spirits
* Ag'o, Dahomean, Worshipped by hunters
* Agaman Nibo, Haiti, A goddess of the dead
* Agamede, Greek, A goddess of healing
* Agas, Iran, A demon of illness, especially the eyes
* Agasaya, Semitic, A war goddess
* Agathos Daimon, Greek, A good genius/guardian spirit
* Age Fon, Benin/W. Africa, Revered by hunters he is the god of animals
* Agischanak, Tlingit/Alaska, A goddess of the earth
* Aglaia, Greek, The youngest of the three graces
* Aglibol, Palmaryia/Syria/Greek/Roman, The moon god
* Agni, Hindu/Vedic, A god of fire and guardian of homes
* Agni, India, A god of lightning, fire, and the sun and who also mediates between the gods and humans
* Agnikumara, Jain/India, They are youthful appearing gods associated with rain and thunder
* Agnostos Theos, Greek, The unknown gods that were always worshipped as a group
* Agrona, Wales, A slaughter goddess
* Agrotera, Greek, A goddess of good health and hunting
* Agu'gux, Aleut[USA], The creator god that was claimed to be the Christian god under Russian Orthodox priests
* Aguara, Tunpa/Chiriguano, The fox god who gave the carob tree to the people
* Agwe, Benin/Africa, She is the mother of the sea
* Agwe, Haiti/Vodun, A goddess manifestation of Yemanja
* Agwe, Vodun, A god of the ocean
* Agweta, Haiti, A sea goddess
* Ah Bolom Tzacab, Maya, A god of agriculture who controlled rain and thunder
* Ah Bolon Dz'acab, Maya, A fertility god associated with rain and thunder
* Ah Can Cum/Acaum, Maya, A hunter and protector of the animals god
* Ah Chun Caan , Mexico , be deity though of the city of Merida
* Ah Chuy Kak, Maya, A god of war
* Ah Ciliz, Maya, The god of solar eclipses
* Ah Cun Can, Maya, A god of war
* Ah Hulneb, Maya, A god of war
* Ah Kin, Maya, The sun god who brings drought but protects man from the powers of evil associated with darkness
* Ah Kin Xoc, Maya, A god of poetry, a singer and musician
* Ah Kinchil, Maya, A god of war and the sun
* Ah Kumix Unicob, Maya, These are small attendant water gods
* Ah Mun, Maya, The god responsible for protecting the green maize
* Ah Muzecab, Maya, The bee gods
* Ah Patnar Uinicob, Maya, They are large water gods
* Ah Peku, Maya, A thunder god that lives on the tops of hills
* Ah Puch, Maya, He is the god of death
* Ah Tabai, Maya, A hunting god
* Ah Uaynih, Guatemala, A goddess of sleep, specifically males
* Ah Unicir Dz'acab, Maya, A god of healing
* Ah Uuc Ticab, Maya, A minor vegetation and fertility god
* Ah Wink ir Masa, Guatemala, A nature goddess
* Aha, Yakut/Siberia, A river spirit, female type
* Ahat, Egypt, A cow goddess
* Ahau Chamahez, Maya, He is one of two gods of medicine
* Ahau Kin, Maya, A goddess of war
* Ahemait, Egypt, An underworld goddess who eats the souls of the unworthy
* Aheramenmthoou, Egypt, The god of thunder, night, storms, wind, landslides and tidal waves
* Ahmakiq, Maya, He is a god of agriculture
* Ahnt Alis Pok', Mexico region, A very small goddess - 2 feet high
* Ahnt kai, Mexico Region, A goddess of women and children
* Ahone, Virginia/USA, The supreme deity who was indifferent to worship
* Ahriman, Zoroastrianism, The supreme evil spirit and lord of the darkness and death
* Ahsonnutli, Navaho, Chief god
* Ahti, Egyptian, A goddess of evil
* Ahti (or Ahto), Finland, God of the depths, giver of fish.
* Ahuic, Aztec/Mexico, A goddess of all running water
* Ahulane, Maya, A god of war
* Ahura Mazda, Persia, The supreme god
* Ahurani, Persia, The goddess of rain and water
* Ai Ada , Turkey?,  The moon god
* Ai Apec Mochica , Peru, The supreme god that rules the destinies of the world
* Ai Tojon, Yakut/Siberia, A god that created all light
* Ai Tupua'i, Polynesia, A goddess of healing and of war
* Aiakos, Greek, A god of the underworld
* Aialila'axa , Mexico region,  A moon goddess
* Aiaru, Polynesia, Her function is to predict death
* Aibell, Irish, A goddess of Munster
* Aibheaeg, Irish, A goddess of fire and of toothaches
* Aibheaog, Irish, A fire goddess
* Aida Wedo, Benin/Haiti, A goddess of the rainbow and fresh water Aida Cuedo, Aido Wedo, Ayida, Ayida Cueddo
* Aidin, Celtic, A goddess of love and sexuality
* Aido Wedo, Haiti, A goddess of fire
* Aife/Aoife, Irish/Scotland, A goddess and queen of the Isle of shadow 
* Aige, Irish, A goddess of water and bays
* Aijo, Estonia, A goddess of evil
* Ailsie, Cherokee, A goddess of water and pools
* Aimend, Irish/Scotland, A sun goddess
* Ain/Aine, Irish, A goddess of war, of fertility, love and of Midsummer Lair Derg
* Aine of Knockaine, Irish, A moon goddess who was connected with the Summer Solstice
* Aino, Finnish, A goddess of justice
* Aiolos/Aelus, Latin/Greek, The ruler of the winds
* Airmid, Irish, A goddess of all healing arts and witchcraft
* Airsekui, Huron, The great spirit
* Airyaman, Persia, A god of social bonds, contracts, and marriage who at the end of time will fish souls of the the temporarily damned called a Hell by using a net
* Aisha, Arabic, A goddess of water
* Aisha Qandisha, Morocco, A goddess of sexual activity
* Aittsamka, Bella Coola, A goddess of teaching
* Aitu , Samoa,  the lower order of the gods
* Aitvaras , Prussia,  the The brave and loving demon that will bring good fortune to your home when well fed and treated kindly
* Aius Locutius, Roman, A god supposed to have given warning of the approach of the Gauls 391 B.C.
* Aizen-Myoo, Buddhism, A deity who is full of compassion for mankind
* Aizen-Myoo, Japan, The god of tavern keepers, musicians, singers, prostitutes and love
* Aja, Babylonian, The dawn goddess
* Aja, Yoruba, A goddess of healing, herbs and of knowledge
* Ajalamo , Yoruba/Nigeria/W. Africa, A god of fetuses
* Ajatar, Finnish, A goddess of evil
* Ajatar (sometimes Ajattara), Finland, An evil forest spirit.
* Ajaya, Buddhist/Mahayanna, A minor goddess
* Ajbit, Maya, A god that helped create people [13 were involved]
* Aje, Yoruba, A goddess of wealth in all its forms
* Aji Suki Taka Hi Kone, Japan, A god of thunder
* Ajok, Louko, Chief god
* Ajtzak, Maya, Another god that helped create people
* Ajysyt, Yakut/Siberia, A goddess of healing and birth
* Aka, Turkey, The mother goddess
* Akasagarbha , India/Buddhism,  A Bodhisattva and the personification of supreme knowledge of the absolute void
* Akelos, Greek, A river god
* Aken, Egypt, An underworld god and keeper of the underworld ferryboat
* Aker, Egypt, A god of the earth that guards in the entrance to the underworld
* Akerbeltz, Basque, An avatar of the god Mari
* Akerbeltz, Basque, An avatar of the god Mari
* Akert khentet auset[s], Egypt, A book of the dead deity
* Akeru, Egypt, Pluralistic earth gods
* Akewa, Toba, A sun and war goddess
* Akhushtal, Maya, She is the goddess of childbirth
* Akka ("old lady"), Finland, Female spirit, feminine counterpart of "Ukko"[7].
* Akonadi, Ghana, An oracle goddess of justice
* Akongo, Ngombe, A supreme and creator god
* Aksayajnana-Karmanda, Buddhist, 1 of the 12 Dharnis and the deification of literature
* Aksobhya , Buddhism,  A Dhyani-Buddha
* Aktunowihio, Cheyenne, The soul of the earth and a subterranean spirit.
* Akuj Akuj, Africa, The chief deity
* Akusaa, Egypt, A goddess of war and sunset
* Akycha, Alaskan, A goddess of war
* Akycha, Inuit, The sun god
* Al Lat, Arabic, A goddess of fertility, procreation and the earth
* Al Shua, India, A goddess of Ursa Major
* Al Uzza, Arabian, A goddess of the dawn
* Ala, Nigeria, A goddess of fertility, morality and of justice
* Ala Ibo, Nigeria, A goddess of the earth in its dual aspect of fertility and death
* Ala Muki, Polynesia, A river goddess who takes the form of a dragon
* Alaghom Naom Tzentel, Maya, The goddess of thought and intellect
* Alaisiagae the, Celtic/British/Roman, They are minor goddess
* Alako/Dundra, Norway/Gypsy, Sent to the earth as a human to reveal the secret laws and a band of lore of the the gypsies, he stayed over in a the moon
* Alalahe, Polynesia, The goddess of love
* Alalu, s, HurrianThe first heavenly King who lasted for 9 years
* Alalu Ossetian, Cen. Caucasians, A spirit of smallpox and protects women
* Alastor, Greek, A mortal that became a minor spirit that avenged evil deeds and demanded vengeance for crimes
* Alat, Arabic, An astral goddess
* Alatangana Kono, E. Guinea/W. Africa, One of the two creator deities, this god created land from swamp
* Alaunus , Celtic,  a local name from the Mannheim area for Mecurius

* Alauwaimis, Hittite, This demon drives away evil and sickness
* Albasta, Slavic, A goddess of evil
* Albina, Etruscan, A dawn goddess and protector of ill fated lovers
* Alcis, Greek, A goddess of physical prowess and strength
* Alecto, Greek, One of goddesses of vengeance
* Alecto of Eumenides, Greek, A goddess of justice
* Alectrona, Greek, An early goddess
* Alemona, Roman, A goddess of fetuses
* Alephus , Greek,  A Minor river god
* Alfhild, Scandinavia, A goddess of wrestling
* Alfs, Germanic, A minor race of gods
* Alignak, Inuit, A god of the moon, storms, earthquakes and tides
* Alii Menehune, Hawaii, Chief of the Little People
* Alisanos, Gaul, A god of stones
* Alk'unta'm, Bella Coola, The sun god
* Alkonost, Russia, A goddess of the land of the dead and justice
* Allah Mid, East, A god
* Allatu[m], W. Semitic, An underworld goddess
* Almaqah, S. Arabia, An astral god
* Almha, Irish, A goddess of the Tuatha De Danann
* Almoshi, Slavic, A goddess of healing and cattle
* Aloadae/Aloidae, Greek , they were 54 ft. tall and warred with the gods, they lost
* Alom, Maya, A sky god that helped 6 other gods create the world
* Alopurbi, India, A goddess of hunting
* Alpanu, Etruscan, An underworld goddess
* Alpheus, Greek, A river god that fell in love with a nymph and had a bad experience Aretimas
* Alphito, Greek, A white goddess
* Altan Telgey, Mongol, The earth goddess
* Altria, Etruscan, An ancient earth goddess
* Aluelp , Caroline Is.,  job,
* Aluluei, Micronesia, A god of knowledge
* Am-Heh, Egypt, An underworld god and minor deity who lives in a lake of fire
* Ama, Baikal/Siberia, A goddess of the dark and of the underworld
* Ama No Uzume, Japan, The witty goddess of persuasion
* Ama Terasu, Japan, The sun goddess queen of the universe
* Ama-arhus/Arad-Ama-arhus/Amat-Ama-arhus, Babylonia/Akkadia, A fertility goddess
* Ama-Tsu-Mara, Japan/Shinto, The god of smiths
* Amaethon, Celtic, A god of agriculture
* Amagandar/Orokannar, Tungus/Siberia, Protective female spirits
* Amalthea , Greek?,  A nymph of springs
* Amasagnul, Babylon/Akkadia, She is a fertility goddess
* Amaterasu, Japanese, A goddess of war and the sun
* Amaterasu O-Mi-Kami/Amaterasu Omikami, Japan/Shinto, The sun goddess
* Amatsu Mikaboshi, Japan, A god of evil
* Amaunet, Egypt, A fertility goddess
* Amayicoyondi, Peru, A goddess of the sky
* Amba Dravidian, India, A goddess of the earth
* Amberella, Baltic, A goddess of the ocean
* Ambisagrus/Bussumarus, Britain, The weather deity
* Ame No Uzume, Japanese, A goddess of fertility and happiness
* Ame-No-Kagase-Wo, Japan/Shinto, An astral deity that had to be executed
* Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A water goddess
* Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The supreme god from about 600 CE till now
* Ame-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto, Japan/Shinto, The goddess of weavers
* Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A primordial deity
* Ame-Waka-Hiko, Japan/Shinto, A god that goofed and had to die
* Amelenwa, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Amelia/Maitresse Amelia , Haiti/Vodun,  loa of Haiti
* Amen, Egypt, A primordial creation deity
* Ament, Libya, A goddess who welcomes the dead to the after world
* Amesha, Spentas/Yazatas, They are gods without being gods and created without being creatures[6 in number]
* Ami, Egypt, A god of fire.
* Amida, Buddhist/Japan, A primordial deity
* Amimitl, Aztec, A minor god of fish hunters and lakes
* Amitabha, Buddhist/India, The fourth Dhyanibuddha
* Amitolane, Zuni, The rainbow spirit.
* Amm, S. Arabia, A moon and weather god
* Amma, Dogon, The supreme god
* Amma, Dogon/Mali, The creator god with a novel story
* Amma, Dravidian/Tamil/India, A local god
* Ammavaru, Hindu/Dravidian/India, A primordial mother goddess
* Ammit, Egypt, He ate the hearts of unworthy souls
* Ammon/Amen, Egypt, The god of air, wind, sun, reincarnation, war
* Ammut, Egypt, An underworld goddess that eats the hearts of the evil
* Amn, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Amogahasiddhi, Buddhist, The fifth meditation Buddha
* Amoghapasa , Buddhist,  God
* Amon/Amun, Egypt, A god of agriculture, fertility and long life
* Amor, Roman, A god of love
* Amphion, Greek, A god
* Amphitrite, Greek, A goddess of the sea
* Amponyinamoa, Ghana, A goddess of long life
* Amsu, Egypt, A god of fertility
* Amun, Egypt, The supreme creator god
* Amunet/Nuit, Egypt, A goddess of mystery
* Amurru, W. Semitic, A minor mountain god
* Amymone, Greek, A goddess of springs
* An, Sumeria, The god of the Underworld and chief deity
* An Zu, Assyria, The goddess of chaos
* Anael, Babylon, A goddess of astral light
* Anahita, Egypt/Babylon, A goddess of water and war
* Anahita, Persia, A goddess of fertility, semen and of water
* Anaitis, Persia, A fertility goddess
* Anala, Hindu/Puranic, An attendant god
* Ananke, Greek, An omnipresent goddess of destiny
* Ananse Ashanti, Africa, The creator of the sun, stars, day, moon and night who often intercedes between gods and mortals
* Ananta, Hindu/Puranic, A snake god and one of the seven snake deities
* Anantamukhi, Buddhist, 1 of the 12 Dharnis
* Anantesa, Hindu/Puranic, A minor deity and 1 of the eight Lords of of knowledge
* Anapel, Koryak/Siberia, The goddess who presides over birth and reincarnation
* Anasuya, Hindu, A goddess of wisdom
* Anat, Ugarit, The warrior virgin, slayer of snakes, life and fertility goddess
* Anat/Anath, Canaan, A goddess of war, hunting and love
* Anath, Phoenicia, The chief W. Semitic goddess of love and war
* Anatis , , A moon goddess?
* Anatu, Mesopotamian, A goddess of the sky and ruler of the earth
* Anaulikutsai'x , Bella Coola, A river goddess that oversees the salmon's cycle of life
* Anbay, S. Arabia, A god of justice and an oracular source
* Ancasta, Britain, A goddess
* Anceta, Roman, A goddess of healing
* Anceta, Kamos Moab (Jordan), The chief god that when Hellenized became equated with Ares
* Andarta, Celtic/Gallic, A fertility goddess most likely
* Andjety, Egypt, An underworld god of the ninth nome[district]
* Andrasta Icene, Britain, A victory goddess
* Andriaahoabu, Madagascar, The high Lady that descends to earth on a silver chain
* Andriam Vabi Rano, Africa, A goddess of water and lakes
* Androgyne, Greek, The man/woman god/goddess
* Andromeda, Greek, A goddess of dreams
* Andvari, Scandivania, A dwarf that can turn himself into a fish and living in water in
* Anextiomarus, Roman/British, A god linked with Apollo
* Angels, Jewish/Christian/Islam, These spirits are  messengers between the heaven and earth, with nine orders at present
* Angerona, Roman, A goddess anguish, secrecy, silence and the winter solstice
* Angina, Roman, Another goddess of health, specifically of sore throats
* Angitia, Greek, A snake goddess
* Angitia, Roman, Early goddess of healing and witchcraft
* Angpetu Wi, Lakota, The sun god
* Angru Mainya, Persia, An evil underworld god
* Angus, Celtic, A god of youth
* Angus Mac Og, Irish, One of the Tuatha De Danaan
* Angus Og, Irish, A god of love
* Anguta, Inuit, A god who lives under the sea and drags down the dead
* Anhouri, Egypt, A minor god
* Anhur, Egypt, A god of war and hunting
* Ani, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Anieros, Phrygian/Roman, A goddess of the earth
* Anila , Hindu/Puranic,  .
* Aningan , Inuit,  A moon god called Igaluk in Alaska
* Anjea, Australia, A fertility spirit
* Ankalamman, Hindu/Dravidian, A Guardian goddess that wards off demons
* Anna Kuari, Oraon/India, A local vegetation goddess
* Anna Perenna, Etruscan, A goddess of reproduction, wanton love, and of spring
* Annalia, Africa, A river goddess
* Annallja Tu Bari, Sudan, A goddess of sexuality
* Annapatni, Hindu, A goddess of food
* Annapurna, India, A goddess of autumn
* Annis, Celtic, The black goddess
* Anpao, Dakota, The spirit of the dawn.
* Anqet, Libya, A goddess of water fertility healing and lust
* Ansa, Hindu/Puranic, A minor sun god
* Ansar, Babylonia/Akkadia, A primordial deity
* Anshur/Ashur/Asshur, Assyria, Not only be goddess of the sun, but it was the that killed the dragon of chaos during creation
* Antaboga, Indonesian, An underworld serpent deity ruling over the production of rice
* Antai, India, A goddess of healing and whooping cough
* Antero Vipunen, Finland, Deceased giant, protector of deep knowledge and magic.
* Anteros, Etruscan, The god of passion
* Anteros, Greek, The god of returned love
* Antevorta, Roman, A goddess of childbirth, the future and prophecy
* Anthat, Syria, A war goddess who had a shrine at Thebes
* Antheia, Greek, A goddess of spring
* Anti , Egypt,  A Guardian deity of the eastern sky
* Antu, Babylon/Akkadia, She is derived from the older Sumeria Ki
* Anu/Anann/Dana/Dana Ana/Catana, Irish, A mother goddess associated with fertility and the primordial mother
* Anu/Anus, Babylon, The head of the gods, he had an army of stars to destroy evildoers
* Anuanaitu, Caribbean, A goddess of the ocean and whirlpools
* Anubis, Egypt, A god of black magic, death, embalming and funerals
* Anuket, Egypt, A goddess of water and of rivers
* Anukis, Egypt, A birth goddess and of the cataracts of the lower Nile
* Anulap , Truk Is.,  The sky god
* Anumati, Sanskrit, A god of the full moon
* Anunit, Chaldea, A goddess of the morning star
* Anunitu, Babylon, The goddess of the moon
* Anunnaki, Babylon, The seven judges of the Underworld they began as fertility deities
* Anuradha, Hindu/Puranic, A minor goddess of fortune, she is benevolent though
* Anus Hurrite, , The king of heaven who declared war on the father of the gods, he lost
* Anyigba , Togo/Africa, A goddess of hunting, luck and healing
* Anzety, Egypt, The god and King of Busiris
* Aondo Tiv, Nigeria, The creator god that lives in the sky
* Apa, Hindu/Puranic, An attendant god
* Apacita, Inca, A guardian spirit
* Apacita, Inca, A guardian spirit
* Apam Napat, Persia/Hindu/Vedic, A god of fresh water
* Apap Teso , Uganda, A creator god who as a benevolent sky god brings rain
* Aparajita, Buddhist/Mahayana, A minor god/goddess
* Aparajita, Hindu/Puranic, A form of Durga
* Aparajita, Hindu/Puranic, A god, a form of Rudra
* Apate, Greek, The goddess of deceit
* Apaturia, Greek, A goddess of evil
* Apedmak , Sudanese , a war god
* Apep, Egypt, A huge serpent who caused storms and eclipses and ate the sun at evening
* Apesh, Egypt, A tortoise god of night, evil, and the powers of darkness
* Apet, Egypt, A goddess that protects pregnant women, children, nursing mothers and justice
* Aphaea, Greek, A moon goddess?
* Aphrodisias Carian, S.W. Turkey, a fertility goddess
* Aphrodite, Greek, A goddess of desire, fertility and sexual love and beauty
* Aphrodite Pandemos, Greek, A goddess of sex likely conflated with Aphrodite
* Apis, Egypt, A god of fertility
* Apiu, Etruscan, A weather god
* Apo, Inca, A mountain god
* Apollo, Greek, A god of archery, harmony, order, inspiration, intellect, mathematics, medicine, oracles, prophecy, reason, and truth . About a busy little fellow.
* Apolonia, Brazil, A goddess of healing and toothaches
* Aponibolinayen, Philippine, A goddess of the sky
* Apophis, Egypt, The demon of darkness
* Apozanoltl, Aztec/Mexico, A running water goddess
* Appias, Roman, A fountain nymph
* Apsaras, Hindu/Vedic, Protective deities of gamblers and Water spirits
* Apsu, Babylon, A god of underground waters
* Apuat, Egypt, A jackal headed god who helps the soul choose it's next incarnation
* Aquilo, Roman, The god of the west winds
* Aquit, The Americas, A moon deity
* Arachne, Roman, The mother goddess of Weaving
* Aradia, Italy/Etruscan, A Lunar deity?
* Aralo/Aparajita/Aray, Georgia/Armenia/Crimea, A god of agriculture
* Aramazd, Armenia, A god
* Aranyani , Hindu/Vedic,  a minor goddess of woodlands
* Aranzahas, Hittite, The Tigris river deified
* Arapacana, Buddhist, A god
* Ararat, Anatolia, The ancient creator goddess
* Araua, Roman, A moon goddess [maybe]
* Arava , . , A moon goddess
* Arawa , Suk/Pokot / Kenya/Uganda, A moon goddess
* Arawn/Arawyn/Arrawn/Arawen, Wales, The god of Annwn ruled the underground 
* Arazu, Babylon, The god of construction that was completed
* Archons, Gnostic Christian, Primordial creator gods
* Ard Greimme, Irish/Scotland, Once a sun god
* Ardhanarit, savara, /Ammaiappan/Naranari Siva and Sakti combined
* Ardra, Hindu/Puranic, A minor goddess of misfortune
* Arduinna, Roman/Celtic/European, A goddess of forests and hunting
* Ardvi Sura Anahita/Anahita, Persia, The goddess of rivers and water
* Ardwinna/Dea Arduinna, Britain, A goddess of woodland and animal
* Arebati, Bambuti/Congo, A god
* Areimanios, Greek, An underworld god, not nice
* Ares, Greek, A god of storms and war
* Arete, Greek, A goddess of justice and virtue
* Argante, British, A goddess of healing
* Arge, Greek, A goddess of hunting
* Ari Au Tchesf, Egypt, A lion god
* Ariadne, Greek, A goddess of dreams
* Arianrhod, Wales, A goddess of fertility and wanton love and mother aspect of the triple goddess
* Arianrod, Irish, The goddess of the moon
* Aricia, Roman, A goddess of prophetic visions
* Arimanius/Areimaios, Roman, An underworld god
* Arinna, Hittite, The goddess of the sun
* Aristaeus, Greek, The protector of flocks that originated the cultivation of olives
* Aristatos, Greek, A god of herdsmen
* Arito/Artio of Muti, Switzerland, A goddess of bears, prosperity and the harvest
* Arjuna , Hindu/Vedic,  a heroic god
* Arma, Hittite/Hurrian, A minor moon god
* Armaz, George, The supreme god and a warrior deity pre Christian style
* Arnakua'gak , Inuit,  The old woman of the sea, an animalistic spirit
* Arnamentia, Celtic, A goddess of spring waters

* Arnemetia, Roman/British, A water goddess known from inscriptions
* Arom, Kafir/Afghanistan, A minor goddess contracts
* Arsan Duolai, Yakut/Siberia, The chief spirit of the underworld
* Arsay, Canaan, An underworld goddess, the third daughter of Baal
* Arsu, N. Arabia, An astral god
* Artaius, Gaul, A god of sheep and cattle herders
* Artemis, Greek, A goddess of agriculture, archery, hunting, chastity, virginity, fertility, childbirth,the moon, and of nature
* Arthapratisamvit, Buddhist, A goddess of logical analysis
* Artio of Muti/Arito, Switzerland, A goddess of bears, prosperity and the harvest
* Aruna, Hindu, A god of morning and warriors
* Arundhati, Hindu/Puranic, An astral goddess personified as the morning star
* Aruru, Babylon, A goddess
* Arvenus, Gaelic, A local tribal deity
* Arya-Tara, Buddhist, A goddess
* Aryaman, Hindu/Vedic, A god of formal hospitality
* Aryong Jong, Korean, A goddess of water and rainfall
* As, Egypt, A local fertility god
* As ava, Russia, The goddess of fresh water
* Asa Poorna, Chohan/India, A goddess of happiness
* Asalluha, Summer/Babylon/Akkadia, A minor god that acts as a messenger and reporter toEnki
* Asar, N. Arabia, An equestrian god
* Asase Afua, Ghana, A goddess
* Asase Ya Ashanti, Ghana, A goddess of the earth, fertility and the creator of humanity
* Asbit, Egypt, A goddess of fire
* Ascelpius/Aesculapius, Greek, A moral taught medicine Chiron the Centaur and could raise the dead
* Asertu, Canaan/Hittite, A fertility goddess
* Asgaya Gigagei, Cherokee, The god of thunder
* Ashera, Phoenicia, A goddess of fertility
* Asherah, Canaan, A goddess of the sea
* Asherali, Canaan, The moon goddess of fertility
* Ashi, India, A goddess of wisdom
* Ashiakle, Ghana, The goddess of wealth, and of the sea
* Ashima, Semantic, A moon goddess
* Ashimbabbar, Semantic, A moon goddess
* Ashirat, Akkad, A goddess of the Evening star
* Ashis, India, A goddess of happiness
* Ashkit, Egypt, A goddess of wind
* Ashnan/Asnan, Sumeria, A goddess of drunkenness, wine and grains
* Ashtaroth, Phoenicia, A moon and fertility goddess
* Ashur, Assyria, The chief deity of war and fertility
* Ashvins, Hindu, Sons of the sun
* Asi, Persia, A goddess of wisdom
* Asiaq, Inuit, A goddess of weather
* Asima Si, Brazil, The goddess of water and fish
* Asintmah, Athabasca/Canada/USA, A goddess of midwives
* Asira, N. Arabia,  a little god mentioned only by name
* Asis , Suk/Pokot / Kenya/Uganda, A sun god
* Askelpios, Greek, The god of healing and physicians
* Aslea[s], Hindu, A minor goddess of misfortune
* Aso, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Asokottamasri, Buddhist/Tibet, A physician god
* Asopos, Greek, A local river god
* Aspalis, W. Semitic, A hunting goddess
* Asrael, Islam, The angel of death who takes the soul from the body.
* Asratum, Canaan, A fertility goddess
* Assur, Babylon/Akkadia, National deity of Assyria
* Astabis/Zamama/Ninurta, Hurrian/Akkadia, A warrior god
* Astamastara, Hindu/Puranic, A group of mother goddesses
* Astapaios, Gnostic Christian, The Prime parent ruling the seven heavens of chaos in gnostic mythology
* Astar , Ethiopia,  an astral god
* Astaroth , W. Semitic,  a fertility goddess who deals with sheepherders
* Astarte, Canaan, A goddess of hunting
* Astarte, Egypt, A goddess of war
* Astarte, Syria, A goddess of the moon
* Astarte/Ashtoreth, Phoenicia/Babylon/Assyria/conference/Canaan, A goddess of fertility, sacred love, sexuality and of sex and the moon 
* Asterodeia, Roman, Another moon goddess
* Asthertet, Syria, A goddess of horses, war and the moon
* Astlik, Georgia/Crimea, A pre Christian astral goddess
* Astoreth, Palestine/Israel/Lebanon, A fertility goddess
* Astraea, Greek/Roman, A goddess of justice, truth, of purity, innocence and modesty
* Astraeos, Greek, A god of astronomy and star light
* Astrik, Slavic, A goddess
* Asuha-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A god of courtyards
* Asuras , Hindu/Vedic,  sky gods that become demons
* Asurkumara, Jain, Youthful gods associated with rain and thunder
* Asvayujau, Hindu/Puranic, Minor goddess of fortune
* Asvins, Hindu/Vedic, Physician twin gods
* At Em, Egypt, A goddess of time
* Ataa Naa Nyongmo Gan, Ghana, The creator god that controls the sun and the rain, call causes disasters as epidemics and and earthquakes if you don't follow his rules
* Atabei/Attabeira, Cuba, An earth goddess
* Ataecina, Roman/Iberia, An underworld goddess
* Atahensic, Iroquois, The sky goddess who fell to the earth at the beginning of creation
* Atai, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Atalacamani, Aztec/Mexico, The goddess of ocean storms
* Atanea, Greek, A goddess of the ocean and the dawn
* Atanea, Marquesas Is.,  A dawn goddess
* Atar, Iran, The god of all fire
* Atargatis, Syria, A goddess of lakes, fertility and nature
* Atasamain , N. Arabia,  an astral deity
* Ate, Greek, A goddess of discord, evil, error, infatuation and justice
* Atea , Marquesas Is.,  The god of light
* Aten, Egypt, The sun god
* Atete, Ethiopia, A goddess taken over by the Christians as the Virgin Mary
* Athena/Athene/Pallus Athena, Greek, A goddess of war, architecture, astronomy, science, of horses, intellect and wisdom, oxen, of purity, reason and spinning
* Athirat, Canaan, A goddess of the ocean and official wife of El
* Athor, Egypt, A goddess of light
* Athtart/Astarte, Canaan, The goddess of fertility and sex
* Atida, Uganda/Africa, A goddess of hunting and rain
* Atira, Pawnee, A goddess of the earth and of the Evening star
* Atl, Aztec, A god of water
* Atlacoya, Aztec/Mexico, The goddess of drought
* Atlahua , Aztec , a minor god of lakes and fishermen
* Atlaonin, Aztec, One of the names of the mother goddess
* Atlas , Greek,  A Titan that has to hold up the sky forever, he irritated Zeus
* Atma, India, The divine spark, whatever that is, in humans
* Atoja, Peru, A goddess of rain
* Atropos, Greek, Oldest of the Fates
* Attabeira Atahensic, Iroquois, The sky goddess who fell to earth
* Attar, W. Semitic/Canaan, A god of the morning star
* Attis, Roman, A god of plants
* Atua Fafine Tikopia, Polynesia, A creator being
* Atua I Kafika Tikopia, Polynesia, The supreme god viewed as a intercessor rather than a Controller
* Atua I Raropuka Tikpoa, Polynesia, Another creator deity
* Atugan, Mongolia, The goddess of earth and the source of all life whose power is beyond understanding but can be bestowed
* Atum, Egypt, A bisexual god of water
* Atunis, Etruscan, A god similar to Adonis
* Au , Gilbert Is.,  The sun god and sky lord
* Au Co, Vietnamese, The creator of humanity
* Auchimalgen, Chile, A moon goddess
* Audjal Caroline, Islands, The earth goddess
* Aufaniae, Celtic, A collective name for some of mother goddesses
* Augeus, Greek, A god of healing
* Augralids, Greek, A goddesses of justice
* Auilix, Maya, The god of dawn
* Aura, Greek, A goddess of morning and of the wind
* Aurita, Roman, A goddess that heals earaches
* Aurora, Roman, A goddess of warriors and of the dawn
* Ausaitis, Lithuania, The god of health
* Auseklis, Latvia, A goddess linked to fertility, involved in the the heavenly bathhouse
* Auset, Egypt, The goddess of Sirius
* Austeja, Lithuania, The bee goddess
* Austrine, Lithuania/Baltic, The goddess of the dawn
* Autyeb, Egypt, A goddess of happiness, Joy
* Auxesia ,  , A goddess of growth
* Avalokitesvara , Buddhist/India , A Buddha designate
* Avatar, Hindu, An incarnation of a deity
* Avatea , Hervy Is.,  A moon god
* Averruncus, Roman, A goddess of childbirth, specifically of the delivery
* Aversa, Etruscan, A goddess pictured carrying an ax
* Aveta, Celtic, A goddess of healing waters
* Avfruvva, Finish, A goddess of rivers
* Avrikiti Fon, Benin, The goddess of fisherman
* Awitelin Tsita, Zuni, A goddess of the earth
* Awonawilona, Pueblo/Zuni, Chief deity
* Axiocersa, Phrygian, A goddess of the earth
* Axo Mama, Peru, The goddess of the potato crops
* Aya, Mesopotamia, The goddess of dawn and war
* Ayaba, Dahomean, The goddess of the hearth
* Ayas, Hittite, He is the keeper of the old tablets with the words of fate
* Ayauhteot, Chile, A moon goddess
* Ayauhteotl, Aztec, A goddess of fog and mist
* Ayida, Haiti, A goddess of rainbows
* Ayiyanayaka , Sri Lanka, A god of fields and woodland that protects against plague
* Ayizan, Haiti, A goddess that protects the market place
* Aylekete/Agbe, Fon, A god of the sea and a member of the Vodun gods
* Ayt'ar, Slavic, The god of procreation
* Ayurvasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Ayyapan, Hindu, A god of growth
* Azacca, Haiti, A god of agriculture
* Azele Yaba, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Azer Ava, Finno/Ugric, A goddess of the sky
* Azer Ava, Slavic, A goddess of justice
* Azi , Buryat,  red headed earth spirits that like human company, they appreciate eloquence, musical talent, tobacco, tea, and of all and reward models that please them.  Those that irritate them forfeit their souls
* Aziri , Africa,  goddess of possessions
* Azizos, Palmyra, An astral god representing the the morning star
* Ba, China, The goddess of drought
* Ba, Egypt, A fertility deity
* Ba Maguje, Hausa, The spirit of drunkeness
* Ba Xian, China/Tao, The collective name for gods
* Ba-Pef, Egypt, A malevolent underworld god
* Baal, Phoenicia, He is the god of the thunderstorm, war, good harvests, fertility, nature, winter rain and of storms
* Baal, Syria, A god of fertility
* Baal Brathy, Phoenicia, A mountain deity
* Baal Hammon, Carthage, The sweety of Tanit
* Baal Malage, Phoenicia/Canaan, A local god known from inscription
* Baal Samin, Canaan/Phoenicia, The head of the pantheon - Lord of Heaven
* Baal Sapon, Canaan/Phoenicia, A mountain and deity
* Baal/Hadad, Canaan, A storm god[originally meant lord]
* Baalat/Ba'Alat, Phoenicia, She is queen of the gods who is partial to books, libraries and writers
* Baalshamin, Semite, A god of the sky
* Baau, Phoenicia, The creator goddess
* Bab, Egypt, A disrespectful rouge of a god
* Baba, Sumeria, A goddess of healing and fertility
* Baba Yaga, Slavic, A goddess Autumn and death
* Bacabs, Maya, They stand at the four corners of the world supporting the heavens
* Bacax, Roman/N. Africa, A cave god known from inscription at Crita
* Bacchus, Roman, A god Of revelry and wine
* Bachu, Chibcha, The ancestor goddess
* Backlum Chaam, Maya, A god of male sexuality and of sex
* Badb, Brazil, A much feared serpent goddess
* Badb/Bodva, Irish, A goddess of war
* Badb/Odva/Badb Catha, Irish, A goddess of war 
* Badi Mata, Hindu, A mother goddess
* Bagala, Hindu, A goddess with the power of cruelty
* Bagba, W. Africa, A fetish that controls the wind and rain
* Bagishi, Kafir/Afghanistan, The god of flood waters and posterity
* Bagvarti Urat, Armenia, A tutelary goddess
* Bahu, India, A goddess of Leo
* Baiame/Daramulun/Nurundere Kamilaroi/Wiradyuri, Aus, A god of all things and master of life death
* Baiji, China, A goddess of health and epidemics
* Baile of the Honeyed Speech, Irish, The god of Blarney
* Baj Bajania, Yakut/Siberia, A rather joyous forest god
* Bala, Hindu, A mother goddess
* Bala, Jain, A messenger goddess
* Bala-Sakti, Dravidian, A goddess
* Balakrsna, Maya, They are guardian deities
* Balaparmita, Buddhist, A philosophical deity
* Balarama, India, A god of agriculture
* Baldaer , Anglo-Saxon,  The dying god who is the same as Balder
* Balder/Baldr, Nordic, The dying god, aslo god of poetry
* Bali, Hindu/Epic/Puranic, A demonic god
* Ball Hermon, Phoenicia, A mountain deity
* Balor, Irish, A god of death
* Baltis, Arabic, A local goddess
* Ban Chuideachaidh Moire, Irish, An old goddess
* Ban Naomha, Irish, A goddess of war
* Banba, Irish, Part of a triad with Fotia and Eriu and as well as an earth goddess
* Banbha Cavillaca, Peru, A virgin goddess that was preggers by a sneaky god
* Banebdjedet, Egypt, A god possibly involved with arbitration
* Banemdedet, Egypt, A god of sexual fertility
* Banga Ngbandi, Zaire, A creator god and creator of white skinned people
* Banka Mundi, India, A hunting goddess
* Bar, Syria, A god of mountains, war, deserts, battle
* Barastar Ossetian, Caucus, this god at judged and in souls sending them to paradise or oblivion
* Baron Samedi, Haiti/Vodun, The god of death magic and the underworld
* Barong, Bali, A protective spirit
* Barsamin, Armenia, A weather/sky god
* Basamum, S. Arabia, A god of healing
* Bast/Pasht, Egypt, A cat goddess, healing, life and war
* Bastet, Egypt, A goddess of fertility, love, sex,of joy
* Batara Guru, Indonesia, The god that made the earth
* Baty, Egypt, A cow goddess of fertility
* Bau, Phoenicia, A goddess of the dawn and the sky
* Bau, Sumeria, A goddess of fertility
* Baubo, Greek, A goddess of bawdy laughter
* Bebhionn, Irish, A goddess of healing
* Bechoil, Irish, A goddess whose legends have been lost
* Becuma, Irish, A goddess who ruled over magical boats
* Beda, German, A goddess of unknown responsibilities
* Beelsamin, Phoenicia, The sun god and lord of the sky
* Befana, Roman, A goddess of winter who was kind, each January fifth she distributes goodies to good children and of lumps of coal to those that are not
* Beg-Tse, Buddhist/Tibet, A god of war
* Behanzin Fon, Benin, The fish god
* Beiwe, Saami/Lapland, A goddess of the Summer solstice and war
* Bel, Babylon/Akkadia, A generic term means Lord, not god as some claim
* Belata-Cardu, Gaul, A god of the destruction of your enemies
* Belatucadros, Britain, The war god
* Bele Alua, Ghana, A tree goddess
* Bele/Tule/Azapane/Mba, Sudan/Africa, A god of fear, mischief and trickery who gave fire and water to mankind
* Belenus, Pan-Celtic, A god charged with the welfare of sheep and cattle, he also was a sun god and healer in some regions and associated with Beltane

* Belet-Seri/Belitsari, Babylon/Akkadia, The underworld goddess that kept track of the dead coming through
* Belili , , A moon goddess
* Belisama, Britain, A goddess of the Mersey River
* Belisama, Gaul, A goddess of crafts and the forge
* Belit Ilani, Babylonia, A goddess of warriors
* Belit Seri, Babylonia, A goddess of justice and fairness
* Belit-Ili, Babylon/Akkadia, A mother goddess
* Bella Penu Khond, India, a local deity Orissa
* Bellona, Roman, A goddess of war and mother goddess
* Belobog, Belun/Slavic, The god of happiness, luck, and order
* Belogob, Slavic, The god of the living
* Beltiya, Babylon/Akkadia, A generic name for goddesses
* Bendis, Thrace, A goddess of the moon and a mother goddess
* Bentakumari, India, A goddess of water
* Benten-San, Japan/Shinto, The only goddess among of the seven deities of good fortune
* Benu, Egypt, A sun god in a bird like form
* Benzi-Ten/Benten/Benzai-Tenno, Japan, The goddess of eloquence, language, arts, fortune, water,  and knowledge
* Bera Pennu, India, A vegetation goddess
* Berecyntia , Gaul?,  An earth goddess
* Bereginy, Slavic, A goddesses of hunting
* Bereguni, Slavic, River nymphs accused of stealing newborn children
* Berenice, Egypt, A goddess of Coma Berenices
* Bertha, Norse, A goddess of spinning
* Beru, Brazil, The butterfly demon who appears at the female puberty rites
* Bes, Egypt, A god of childbirth, food, love, marriage, luck, recreation, relaxation and sleep
* Bethel, Phoenicia, A local tutelary god
* Bhadra, Hindu/Puranic, A minor goddess
* Bhaga, Hindu/Vedic/Puranic, A minor sun god
* Bhagavan India, N. Cent., A tutelary god
* Bhaiarva, Hindu/Puranic, A minor form of Siva
* Bhairavi, Hindu, The goddess of terror
* Bhaisajyaguru, Buddhist/Tibet, A medicine Buddha
* Bharani, Hindu/Epic/Puranic, A minor goddess of misfortune
* Bharat Mata, Hindu, The mother goddess that is the mother of India
* Bharati, Hindu/Vedic/Epic, A minor goddess of sacrifices
* Bhavanavasi , Jain/India,  A generic name given to deities that look youthful
* Bhavani, India, A goddess of midwives
* Bhima, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Bhima/Bhimsen/Bhimul Pen, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A warrior and rain god
* Bhrkuti-Tara, Buddhist/Tibet, A mother goddess and Buddha designate
* Bhumi, Buddhist/Vajrayana, The collective name for a group of deities
* Bhumi Devata, India, A vegetation goddess
* Bhumidevi , Hindu/Epic/Puranic,  a fertility goddess
* Bhumiya, Hindu/Vedic/Puranic, A fertility and guardian god of the fields
* Bhut, India, A rather nasty evil spirit so don't irritate it
* Bhutadamara , Buddhist/Mahayana,  god
* Bhutamata, Hindu, A terrible goddess, a frightening form of Parveti
* Bhuvanesvari, Hindu, A goddess
* Bi-har , Buddhist/Tibet,  A Guardian deity that protects against demons
* Bia, Greek, The goddess of force [and no, it does not stand for the bureau of idiotic affairs]
* Bibi, Gypsy, A goddess of healing and cholera
* Biblys, Greek, A goddess of fountains
* Biddy Mannion, Irish, A goddess of midwives
* Bidhgoe, Celtic, A goddess of love and of sexuality
* Bikeh Hozho, Navaho, A goddess of happiness
* Bila , Aus.,  A goddess of war
* Biliku , , A goddess of fire
* Bintang, Borneo, A goddess of love
* Binzuru-Sonja, Japan, A god of fine vision and curing who is unable to escape pain, therefore he helps others to do so
* Birdu, Babylon/Akkadia, A minor underworld god
* Bisal Mariamna, India, A goddess of war
* Bisam, India, A goddess of health, Diseases
* Bishamon, Japan, He is one of the 7 gods of luck and the Buddhist patron of warriors
* Bishamon-Ten/Bishamontenno/Tiamontennu, Japan, A god of wealth and protector of human life that chases demons
* Bitol, Maya, A sky god[1 of 7] that helped create the world and its mortals
* Bladud, Wales, The sun god
* Blathnat, Irish/Wales, The maiden form of the triple goddess
* Blid, Scandinavia, A goddess of happiness
* Bo Dhu, Irish, A black cow goddess
* Bo Find, Irish, A white cow goddess
* Bo Hsian, China/Tao, A god
* Bo Ruadh, Irish, A goddess who helped bring fertility to barren Irish
* Boann/Boannan Boyne, Irish, A goddess of fertility and the river Boyne
* Bochica, Chibcha, The supreme sun god and a god of law
* Bodua, Celtic, A war goddess
* Boibhniu, Celtic, A god Blacksmiths
* Bokwus, Kwakiutl, A wild spirit of the woodlands
* Bolbe, Greek, A lake goddess
* Boldogasszony, Hungary, A virgin goddess who protected mothers and children
* Bolon Ti Ku, Maya, A collective name for the the nine underworld gods that are not well defined
* Bombat Kamayan, Hindu, A local deceased goddess
* Bomo Rambi/Bomu Rambi, Zimbabwe, A moon goddess
* Bomong, Minyong, A goddess of war
* Bona Dea/Fauna, Roman, A goddess of fertility, great prophecy, the dispenser of healing herbs and rather prim and chaste
* Bonchor, Tunisia, A god thought to be the creator deity
* Boora Pennu Khondi, India, A god of light that created the earth goddess and they made the other great gods
* Boraspati ni Tano, Batak, An earth spirit
* Boreas, Greek, The god of the North wind
* Borghild, Norse, A goddess of the moon
* Bormanus,  Celtic/Breton , god of hot springs
* Bormonia, Roman, A goddess of healing
* Borvo/Bromo/Bormanus/Gramnnos/Belenos/Toutiorix, Britain/Gaul, The god of hot springs who replaced his mother Sirona
* Brag srin mo, Tibet, A goddess of fertility and an ancestral goddess
* Bragi, Norse, A god of eloquence and wisdom
* Brahani, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Brahma, Hindu, The supreme god and creator of the cosmos
* Branab Llyr, Celtic, He is a god of the dead and can restore him is to life
* Brangwaine, Welsh, A goddess of love
* Branwen/Branwyn, Irish/Manx/Wales, The Venus of the Northern Seas and a goddess of love
* Breasal, Wales/Cornwall, High King of the entire planet
* Breksta, Lithuania, A goddess of the darkness
* Brenos, Celtic, War god
* Bres Maclatha, Irish, A vegetation god
* Brhaspati, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An astral god personifying Jupiter
* Briant , Celtic?,  A goddess of the river which holds her name
* Brigantia, Britain, A goddess of sovereignty Britainnia
* Brigantia/Bridget/Brigit,  Pan-Celtic,  The goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, and women in childbirth
* Brigantis, Celtic, Yet another moon goddess
* Brighid, Celtic, A goddess of education, healing, sore eyes
* Brighid, Gaelic, A goddess of metal working
* Brigit, Irish, A fertility goddess
* Brihaspati, India, The god of incantation and ritual
* Brimo, Greek, A death goddess
* Brisaya , , A moon goddess
* Britannia, British, The genia Lor of Britain
* Britomartis, Crete, A goddess depicted as a hunter
* Brizo, Greek, A goddess worshiped as a prophet Delos
* Brome, Greek, Another nymph who was a nurse for Dionysus
* Bronach, Irish, A goddess linked to forgotten Samhain rituals
* Brono, Norse, A god of light
* Buadza Gan, Ghana, A god of the wind
* Bubastis, Egypt, A goddess of childbirth
* Bubilas, Lithuania, A goddess of bees
* Buddha, India, He was deified after his death
* Buddhaalocana, Buddhist/Shingon, A goddess and female Buddha
* Buddhabodhiprabhavasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Buddhakapala, Buddhist/Mahayana, A god
* Budha, Hindu/Vedic/Epic/Puranic/Buddhist, An astral god
* Budhi Pallien, N. India, A forest goddess
* Buga, Tungus/Siberia, The supreme God
* Bugady Musun, Evenki/Siberian, The goddess that was the mother of all animals
* Bugid Y Alba, Puerto Rico/Haiti, A god of war
* Buk, Neur/Sudan, The goddess of rivers and streams
* Buku, W. Africa, The god/goddess of the sky
* Bulaing Karadjeri , Aus.,  A goddess
* Bulan, Indonesia/Malaysia, A moon goddess
* Bulane, Mozambique, A god of water
* Buluc Chabtan, Maya, A god of war
* Buluga Andaman, Islands, A god
* Bumba, Bantu/Africa, A god of fire
* Bumerali , Aus.,  A goddess of physical prowess
* Bunbulama , Aus.,  A goddess of rain
* Bunzi, Zaire, A rain goddess
* Buri, Nordic, One of two primordial beings
* Buriyas Kasite, Iran, A war god
* Bussumarus Amelia/Maitresse Amelia  , Haiti/Vodun,  loa of Haiti
* Buto, Egypt, A cobra god of Lower Egypt and justice
* Buxenus, Gaul, The god of box trees
* C(co)chimetl, Aztec, A minor God of merchants that and commerce
* Ca the a, Mojave, The goddess of love
* Cabaguil, Maya, A god who helped create the world and mortals
* Caca, Roman, A goddess Hearth of fire
* Cacoh, Maya, A creator god
* Caelestis, Carthage, A moon goddess
* Caer Ibormeith, Irish, Usually thought of as a goddess of sleep and dreams
* Cagn Mantis/Kalahari, Africa, The creator
* Caillech/Cailleach/Carlin/Mala/Liath, Irish/Scotland/Manx, A goddess of winter and the goddess in her destroyer aspect
* Caireen, Irish, Protective mother goddess
* Caishen, China, The god of wealth
* Cakra, Hindu, The mind the creator
* Cakresvari, Jain/India, A goddess of learning
* Cakulha, Maya, A god of the lessor lightning bolts
* Calliope, Greek, The Muse of of poetry and eloquence bonds
* Callisto, Greek, A nymph
* Cally Berry, Irish, A maiden goddess
* Calounger, Brazil, She is a death goddess and/or a sea goddess
* Calypso, Greek, The nymph who kept Odysseus captive for seven years
* Camaxtli, Aztec, A god of war and fire as well as of one of of the 4 gods that created the world
* Camaxtli, Maya, Here he is a god of fate
* Camenae, Roman, A goddess of springs and rivers
* Camilla, Italian, A goddess of fire
* Camozotz, Maya, The bat god
* Campestres, Gaul/Roman, The name of a lost goddess of fields
* Camulos, Briton, A war god [Colchester ?]
* Canda, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A terrible goddess and a distinct form of Durga done in
* Candali, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of terrible appearance
* Candamius, Roman/Iberia, An astral god
* Candanyika, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Another distinctive form of Durga
* Candavati, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Another form of Durga
* Candelifera, Roman, A goddess of childbirth and midwives
* Candelifera, Roman, She Roman is a mother goddess responsible for bringing in the child into the light
* Candesvari, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess that stands upon a corpse
* Candfrasekhara, Hindu/Puranic, A form of a god Siva
* Candi, India, The goddess Durga in her moon form
* Candika, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess of desire
* Candit, Sudan, The goddess of streams
* Candit , Sudan , The goddess of streams
* Candogra, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess, a distinctive form of Durga
* Candra, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/Buddhist, A planet god commonly affiliated with the moon
* Candsvera, Hindu/Puranic/Epic,  A Minor God and benevolent aspect of Siva
* Canidia , Greek?,  A moon goddess that was also a sorceress
* Cankilikkaruppan, Hindu/Dravidian/Tamil, A local god
* Canola, Irish, Believed to be one of the oldest of the Irish deities
* Caolainn, Irish, A goddess of wisdom healing and fertility
* Capakan, Maya, The god of earthquakes and mountains
* Cardea, Roman, A goddess of door hinges
* Carika, Buddhist, A goddess of the repetitive chant
* Cariociecus , Roman/Iberia,   A war God
* Carlin, Scottish, A goddess of winter and Shaimin
* Carman, Irish, A goddess of County Wexford and black magic
* Carme, Greek, A nymph and companion of Artemis
* Carmenta, Roman, A goddess of childbirth and midwives, prophecy and springs
* Carmentes, Roman, A minor goddesses of birth
* Carna, Roman, A goddess of health
* Carne, Britain/Cornwall, Most likely another version of Herne
* Carravogue, Irish/Britain, A goddess of winter from County Meath Crone
* Carridwen , Welsh?,  A moon goddess
* Caryatis, Greek, A goddess of healing
* Castalia, Greek, A goddess of springs
* Catequil, Inca, A god of lightning and thunder
* Cathubodia , Breton , A Breton version of the Irish earth goddess Banbha
* Cathubodua , Pan-Celtic,  A war goddess
* Caturmurti, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A specific form of Vishnu [4 faces]
* Cauri, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of terrifying appearance
* Cavillaca, Peru, A virgin goddess that was preggers by a sneaky god
* Ce Actal, Aztec, A minor creator god
* Ceacht, Irish, A goddess of medicine
* Cebhfhionn, Irish, A goddess of inspiration
* Ceiuci, Brazil, A star goddess who created all animals
* Celedones, Greek, A goddesses of happiness
* Cenkalaniyammal, Hindu/Davidian/Tamil, A local goddess that guards the paddy fields
* Centeocihuatl,  Aztech,  A maize goddess
* Centeotl, Aztec, He is the maize god
* Centzon-Totochtin, Aztec, These are the party gods, a drunken and immoral group that meet frequently that a blast
* Ceres, Roman, A goddess of agriculture, grain and summer
* Ceridwen, Welsh, A goddess of inspiration and the hag aspect of the mother goddess
* Cerklicing, Latvia, A god fields and grain
* Cernunnos,  Pan-Celtic,  A god of fertility and the horned god
* Cernunnos, Roman, A god of prosperity
* Cerridwen, British, A goddess of mountains
* Cerridwen, Celtic, A goddess of fertility
* Cerridwen, Wales/Scotland, A moon, grain, education and healing goddess
* Cerridwen, Welsh, A goddess of education and healing
* Cessair, Irish, Well known pre Celtic mother goddess
* Cethlion, Irish, A goddess of the sea and the Formorians
* Ceto, Greek, A goddess of the sea
* Cghene, Isoko/Nigeria, A creator god with no material aspect, but a nice guy, no temple or priest
* Ch'ang O/Heng-O, China, A goddess of the moon
* Ch'ang Tsai, China, A god of the spleen
* Ch'eng Huang, China, A god of the land,ditches, moats and the people
* Ch'I-You, China, A god of weapons, dancers, smiths and war
* Ch'ih Sung tzu, China, Lord of the rain
* Ch'ing Lung, China, A god of the lungs
* Ch'ung Ling yu, China, A god of the nose
* Chac Uayab Xoc, Maya, A fish god known as the great demon shark
* Chac Xib Chac, Maya, A god of sacrifice and war
* Chac/Chac Mol, Maya, A god[s] of lightning, rain, thunder, wind and fertility
* Chahuru, Pawnee, The spirit of water
* Chaitanya, Hindu/Puranic, A mendicant god
* Chakwaina Okya, Zuni, A goddess of childbirth

* Chalchiuhtlcue, Aztec, A goddess rain and storms, violence, vitality, lakes, whirlpools, rivers, water , love, beauty and youth Don't make this one mad whatever you do.
* Chalchiutotolin, Aztec, A penitence
* Challalamma, India, A goddess of buttermilk [?]
* Chalmeacacihuitl, Aztec, A minor underworld goddess
* Chalmetcal, Aztec, A minor underworld god
* Chamer, Maya, A god of death
* Chan Hs'ien, Chinese, The guardian god of children that had been a mortal King
* Chandra, Vedic, A god of the moon
* Chang Fei, Chinese, A god of war and butchers
* Chang Hsien, China, A god of dreams and of pregnancy
* Chang Pan, China, A god of masons
* Chang Tao Ling, Chan/Taoist, The god of the afterlife and head of the heavenly Ministry of exorcism
* Chang Xi, China, A moon goddess
* Chang Yong, China, A goddess of justice
* Changing Woman, Cherokee, A goddess of the moon
* Chango, Africa, A warrior god that Defense morals against enemies that want the land, wealth and women
* Chantico, Aztec, She is the goddess of hearth fires and volcanoes.
* Chao san Niang, China, A goddess of wig salesmen
* Chao T'eng k'ang, China, A god of the bowels
* Chaob, Maya/Lacandon, The wind[s] god[s]
* Chaos, Babylon, The mother of the gods
* Charis, Greek, A minor goddess
* Chasca, Inca, A goddess of the dawn and the dew
* Chattrosnia, Buddhist, A god
* Chaya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Chebeldei, Siberia, These are the inhabitants of lower world
* Chemosh, Moab, The head god
* Chen Kao, China, A god of the ears
* Cheng San Kung, China, A god of fishing
* Cheng Yuan ho, China, A god of strolling singers
* Chernobog, Slavic, A god of chaos and the night
* Cherub, Mesopotamia, These are the guardians of important places and they intercede both with the gods/and for the gods
* Chhih of warg tzu, China, A god of rain
* Chi Po, China, A god of the winds
* Chi Sung Tzu, China, A rain god
* Chia, Chiboa, A moon goddess
* Chiang, China, A goddess of agriculture
* Chibchacum, Chibcha, The god of farmers and merchants
* Chibiabos, Algonquin, The brother of Nanabush
* Chibilias, Maya, A goddess of the rainbow
* Chibirias, Maya, An earth goddess who sends the rain and paints the earth
* Chiccan, Maya, The rain gods
* Chickcharney, Andros Is./Bahamas, A small furred/feathered spirit of the forest
* Chicoahui  Itzcuintli-Chantico, Aztec, A god of lapidaries
* Chicomecoatl, Aztec, She is the goddess of grain, fertility and frost
* Chicomenochtli, Aztec, A god of painters and solar pleasure[not my claim]
* Chiconahui, Aztec, A hearth goddess
* Chicoonahuiehecatl, Aztec, A minor creator god
* Chie, Chibcha, A fun loving goddess
* Chih Jih, China, A god of the day
* Chih Nii, China, A goddess of spinning
* Chih Nu, China, A goddess of weaving
* Chikara Korekore, Zimbabwe, A sky god
* Chimalmat, Maya, A goddess of the Little Dipper
* Chimata No Kami, Japanese, A god of crossroads, roads and footpaths
* Chimera, Greek, A goddess of volcanoes
* Chiminagua, Chibcha, Another omni-potent god that created the earth in a rather simple matter
* Chin hua Niang niang, China, A god of drums and violins
* Ching Ling Tzu, China, A god of tea
* Chinnamastaka, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess, a headless form of Durga
* Chinnintamma, India, A goddess of households
* Chio Yuan Tzu, China, A god of the brain
* Chipiripa, Curra, The rain god
* Chirakan Ixmucane, Maya, One of the new goddess formed by the 4 gods that made the world
* Chiuacoztl, Nahu, A goddess of childbirth
* Chiuke Ibo, Nigeria, A sky god who is also regarded as a creator god
* Chlaus Haistic, Irish, Ancient goddess of unknown function
* Chloris, Greek, A goddess of flowers
* Chnum, Egypt, A god
* Chokmah, Spanish, A goddess of order and wisdom
* Cholmus, Siberia, The creator of animals
* Chonsu, Egypt, A god of the moon
* Chors, Balkans, A pre-Christian sun god
* Chos-Skyon, Buddhist/Tibet, A tutelary guardian deity
* Chou Wang, China, A god of sodomy
* Chowa, India, A goddess of health
* Christalline, Haiti, An evil sea goddess
* Chu jung, China, A god of fire and the celestial executioner
* Chu Niao, China, A god of the heart
* Chu Ying, China, A god of the eyes
* Chuang Mu, China, A goddess of the bedroom
* Chuginadak, Aleut, A goddess of fire and volcano
* Chuh Kamuy , China?,  A moon goddess
* Chul Tatic Chites Vaneg, Maya, A creator god thought by some to be the name of the Christian God
* Chulavete, Mexico, A goddess of the morning star
* Chun T'i, China, A goddess of the dawn and warriors
* Chunda, Buddhist, A goddess of happiness
* Chung K'uei, China/Tao, A god of the afterlife that belongs to the Ministry of exorcism
* Chung kuei, China, A protector of those who travel and god of examinations
* Chung Liu, China, A god of eaves
* Chup, Chumash, A goddess of the wind and rain
* Chup Kamui, Ainu, A goddess of war and the sun
* Cian, Irish, A god of medicine
* Cihuacoatl, Aztec, She is a goddess whose roaring signaled war
* Cihuacoatl-Quilaztli, Aztec, A creator goddess with a rather unique way of creating humanity
* Cihuateto, Aztec, These are women that die in childbirth, gain eternal life and become spirits that accompany the sun
* Cinei, Chukchi/Siberia, A sea goddess
* Cinteotl, Aztec, A god of fertility
* Cinteotl, Nahu, The god of Maize
* Cinxia, Roman, A minor goddess of marriage[ She worries over the attire of the bride]
* Cipactli, Aztec/Mexico, A primordial goddess of water
* Cipactli, Mexican, A goddess of water
* Circe, Greek, A goddess of healing and of herbs
* Cista, Persia, A goddess of the morning star
* Cit Bolon Tum, Maya, He is a god of medicine
* Cit Cac Coh, Maya, A god of war iconised as a red Puma
* Citalatonac, Aztec/Mexico, A creator god
* Citlalicue, Aztec, A creator goddess and the goddess of Milky Way
* Citra, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of misfortune and a maleovent astral deity
* Citrasena, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Cittavasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Cizin, Maya, A god of death
* Clairm'e, Haiti/Vodun, A river loa
* Clairmezin'e, Haiti, A river goddess
* Clementia, Roman, This goddess was invoked to protect the citizen against the emperor's absolute use of power
* Cleone, Greek, A goddess of water
* Clio, Greek/Roman, A goddess of history
* Cliodna, Irish/Scotland, A goddess
* Clota, Scotland/England/Wales, A goddess and namesake of the River Clyde
* Coatlicue, Aztec, A goddess of the earth
* Coatrischie, Cuba/Taino, A goddess of water, winds, and storms
* Coca Mama, Peru, A goddess of health, happiness and the coca plant
* Cocha, Peru, A goddess of rain
* Cocidus, British, A hunting goddess
* Cocijo, Zapotec/Mexico, The rain god
* Col/Chol, Nuer/Sudan, A rain and thunderstorms god
* Colel Cab, Maya, A chthonic earth goddess
* Colleda, Koliada/Serbian, The goddess of the winter solstice
* Colop U Uichkin, Maya, A sky sky god who with a night avatara  with the same name  is the bringer of disease
* Comus, Greek/Roman, A god of banquets, drunkenness and merriment
* Conchenn, Celtic, A goddess of love
* Concordia, Roman, A goddess of harmony, peace and justice
* Condatis, British/Roman, A local god
* Condwiramur, Wales, A goddess of sovereignty
* Coniraya, Quecha, The creator of all things and founder of agriculture
* Consus, Roman, A god of counseling and negotiation
* Copia, Roman, A goddess of prosperity
* Corchen, Irish/Manx, A goddess of which very little is known
* Corra, Scotland, A goddess of prophecy and who regularly appeared in the form of a crane
* Corus, Roman, The god of the wind
* Coti, Bushman/Africa, A goddess of hunting
* Cotys, Phrygian, The earth goddess who presided over debauchery
* Cotys, Thrace, A goddess of fertility
* Coventina, Celtic, A goddess of healing and wells
* Coventina, Roman/British, A water goddess
* Coventina, Scotland, One of the most potent of the Celtic river gods
* Coyolxauhqui, Aztec, A moon goddess
* Coyote/Koyote, Pan-W. USA, A demigod/creator/trickster
* Cratos, Greek, A god of strength
* Credne, Irish, A god of metallurgy and smithing
* Creiddylad//Creudylad/Cordelia, Wales, A goddess of summer flowers and the sea
* Creidhne, Celtic, A god Metal working
* Crionis, Greek, One of the many river gods
* Crnobog/Crnoglav, Slavic, A black god of death
* Crobh Dearg/Crove Dairg, Irish, A war goddess
* Cromm Cruaich, Irish, An ancient deity
* Crone, Irish, Third aspect of the Triple goddess
* Cronos, Celtic, Minor harvest and Sun god with Greek roots
* Cronus/Kronos/Kronus/Chronos/Chronus, Greek, A god of and agriculture who became king of the Titans for a while
* Cu Chulain /Sentanta/Cuchulainn/The Watchdog of, Chulain, A goddess of eight and white
* Cuba, Roman, A goddess children's sleep and infants
* Cueravaperi, Mexican, A goddess of rain and drought
* Cum Hau, Maya, A god of death
* Cumhau, Maya, A god of death
* Cunda, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess considered a deification of literature
* Cunina, Roman, A goddess of infants who are in the cradle
* Cupid, Roman, A god of love
* Cura, Roman, A goddess of healing
* Cutzi, The Americas, A moon goddess
* Cuvto ava, Russia, A tree goddess
* Cybele, Phrygian, A goddess of forests, mountains, and fertility
* Cyhiraeth, Wales, A goddess of streams
* Cymidei//Cymeinfoll, Wales, A war goddess
* Cynosura, Greek, A goddess of midwives
* Da-Shi-Zhi Buddhism, China, A female Bodhisattva
* Dabaiba, Panama, A goddess of lightning and thunder
* Dabog, Balkans/S. Russia, Before Christians he was a sun god, alas, now he's reduced to a diabolic personality
* Dadimunda, Buddhist/Sri Lanka, He was the treasurer for another God
* Daeira, Greek, A goddess of knowledge
* Daemones, Greek, A family of elemental that and have it fields, forests, mountains, oceans, streams, lakes, valleys, desert,  some towns and they are immortal
* Daena, Persia, The goddess who meets the souls of the dead
* Dagan, Babylon/Akkadia/Canaan, A fertility and grain god who in the Ugatitic creation myth was the father of Baal
* Dagan, Kafir/Afghanistan, A local supreme god that it bears no relation to be Semitic god Dagan
* Dagda, Celtic, A god of the earth
* Dagda/Daghdha/Eochaidh/Ollathair, Irish, The god of death, rebirth and long life
* Dagon, Mesopotamia, The god of vegetation
* Dagon/Dagan, Phoenicia, A god of wheat and grain
* Daho, Pyrenean, A deity that may be a god of war
* Dahud Ahes/Dahut, Britain, A goddess of debauchery
* Daikoku, Japan, A god of wealth and happiness
* Daiomon, Greek, A member of the  Daemones family
* Daityas, India, The demonic enemies of the gods
* Daji, China, A goddess of justice
* Dakini, Buddhism, These are supernatural beings
* Dakini Guru, Tibetan, A goddess of teaching
* Daksa, Hindu/Vedic/Puranic, A sun god
* Daktyloi, Greek, These are the demonic beings discovered the art of working in metal
* Dala Kadavara, Shinghalese, This is likely an elephant goddess
* Dali, Russian/Georgia, A goddess of the hunt
* Dama, Huli, Invisible deities which control the weather, attack people and cause illness, sterility or death
* Damara, Britain, A fertility goddess associated with Beltane
* Damballah, Haiti, A goddess of sweet waters
* Damgalnuna, Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, The mother goddess who whelped Marduk
* Damkina, Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, The earth mother goddess
* Damona, Celtic, A cow goddess, little known
* Damu, Sumeria, A god of exorcism
* Dan, Fon, A god of unity
* Dan, Mahi/Benin, A goddess of order and the rainbow
* Dana/Donu/Don/Ana, Welsh/Irish, The mortal Celtic race are her descendants, she is a goddess
* Danaids, Greek, The goddesses of fountains and water
* Danaparamita, Buddhist, A philosophical deity
* Danavas , India,  they are half divine/half demonic beings
* Danu, Greek, The Aegean mother goddess
* Danu, Hindu/Vedic, The primordial goddess
* Danu//Danann/Dana, Irish, The major mother goddess
* Danus, Greek, The father of the Danaids, 50 beautiful women
* Daphne, Greek, An oracular goddess and mountain nymph
* Darago, Philippine, A goddess of fire and volcanos
* Daramulum , Aus.,  A lunar being and mediator between the creator and humans
* Daronwy, Wales, This god appears only in the songs/book of Taleisin
* Darzamat, Latvia, A goddess of the gardens
* Dashizhi, China, A goddess of knowledge
* Datin, N. Arabia, A god mentioned in inscriptions but what he did no one knows
* Davas/Daevas/Devas/Devs, Persia, Rather malevolent spirits
* Daya, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess who oddly enough is considered a minor aspect of the god of Visnu
* Dayang Raca, Borneo, A goddess of fire
* Dazhbog/Dabog/Dazbog, Slavic, A god of the sky, wealth and war  
* Dazimus, Sumeria, The goddess of healing
* Deae Matres, Britain, The mother goddesses, a triune of earth goddesses
* Debata Toba-Batak, Sumatra, A word used to denote an individual god/divine power
* Debena, Czechoslovakia, A goddess of the forests
* Debena, Slavic, A goddess of hunting
* Dechtere/Dechtire, Irish, A trinity unto herself
* Decima, Roman, A goddess of birth that watches over the pregnancy
* Dedun/Dewden, Egypt, A god that was the lord and giver of incense
* Dedwin , Nubian , a god of riches and incense that was nailed by the Egyptians
* Deimos, Greek, The god of terror and panic
* Deive, Lithuania, Before Christians it was an appellation of divinity, as in certain stones that were the object of veneration
* Dekla, Latvian, A goddess of midwives
* Demeter, Greek, A goddess of agriculture, grain, autumn, the earth , and fertility
* Demogorgon, Greek, A mysterious spirit/creator god
* Dena, Iran, A goddess
* Dendritus, Greek, A goddess of the tree
* Deng Dinka/Neur, Sudan, A god of rain
* Deohako, Seneca, Collective name of the three daughters of the Earth Mother
* Dercetius, Roman/Iberia, A mountain god
* Derceto, Greek, A goddess of fertility
* Derceto, Mysia, A mother goddess
* Derketo, Chaldea, A moon goddess associated with fertility
* Despina, Greek, A nymph

* Deva, Hindu/Vedic/Puranic, A generic name of a god
* Devaki, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Devana, Czechoslovakia/Slavic, A goddess of the hunt
* Devananda, Jain/India, A mother goddess of happiness and joy
* Devaputra, Buddhism, A designation for the lower ranked gods
* Devas, India, Some gods at perpetual war with the demons
* Devasena, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess
* Devel/Del, Gypsy, The highest being/god
* Deverra , Roman ,  A goddess of verse and guardian of newborn children
* Devi, Hindu, A twelve armed warrior goddess
* Devi, India, These are female deities
* Deving Iching, Latvia, A god of horses
* Devona, Briton, A goddess of the rivers of Devon
* Dewi Ratih, Bali, A moon goddess
* Dewi Shri, Bali, The rice goddess
* Dewy, Canaan, A goddess rain
* Dhanada, Buddhist/Mahayana, A form of the goddess Tara
* Dhanistha, Hindu/Puranic, A minor goddess of misfortune to and malevolent astral deity
* Dhanvantari, Hindu/Vedic/Puranic/Epic, A sun god that later became an avatar of the god Visnu
* Dhara, Hindu/Puranic, An attendant god
* Dharma, Hindu, A god of justice, righteousness and virtue
* Dharmadhatuvagisvara, Buddhist, A physician god
* Dharmamegha, Buddhist/Vajrayana, A minor goddess
* Dharmapala, Buddhist/Vjrayana, A minor goddess concerned with law
* Dharni Pinnu, India, A goddess of health
* Dharti Mata, Hindu/Puranic, A mother goddess
* Dhat Badan, Yemen, The primary goddess
* Dhatar, Hindu/Puranic, A sun god
* Dhavajagrakeyura, Buddhist/Mahayana, A goddess that sets on a sun throne
* Dhisana, Hindu, A minor goddess of prosperity
* Dhrti, Jain/India, A minor goddess that apparently just hangs around
* Dhruva, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An astral god
* Dhumavati, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Another goddess
* Dhumorna, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Another goddess
* Dhumravati, Hindu/Puranic, A rather terrible goddess, walks around with a skull in the hand
* Dhupa, Buddhist/Mahayana, A minor goddess and a censor
* Dhurjati, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god, a manifestation of Siva
* Dhvajosnisa, Buddhist, A god, apparently a guardian deity
* Dhyanaparmita, Buddhist, A philosophical deity
* Dhyani, Buddhas, The five meditating Buddhas that came from the primeval Buddha
* Dhyanibuddha, Buddhist, A generic name for a spiritual or meditation Buddha
* Dhyanibuddhasakti, Buddhist, A collective name for a specific group of goddesses
* Di Jun, China, A god of the eastern sky
* Dia Griene, Scottish, A goddess of war
* Diablesse, Haitian, A goddesses of justice
* Dian Cecht, Irish, A god of crafts and healing
* Dian-Cecht, Irish, Physician magician of the Tuatha Dian Cecht
* Diana, Greek/Roman, A goddess of childbirth, chastity, virginity, fertility, hunting, the moon and the sky
* Diancecht, Irish, Physician magician of the Tuatha Dian Cecht
* Diang Shilluk, Sudan, A cow goddess
* Dice/Dike, Greek, A goddess of justice
* Dictynna, Crete, A mother goddess
* Didi, Thakrun, Hindu a plague goddess associated with cholera
* Dieva-deli, Latvia, Heavenly beings, 2 sometimes 3
* Dievini, Lativa, A group of minor gods
* Dievs, Latvia, A pre-Christian sky god
* Digambara, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess
* Dii Mauri Moor, N. Africa, They were redeemers, immortals, and exalted deities that were almost never named
* Diiwica/Dilwica, Serbia, Another goddess of the hunt
* Dikkumara, Jain/India, A god associated with rain and thunder
* Diksa, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Dil, Irish, A goddess
* Dilmun, Sumeria, The god of fresh water
* Dilwica, Slavic, A goddess of hunting
* Dimme, Sumeria, A female demon of fever and and diseases of infants
* Dinawagan, Philippines, A goddess of health and healing
* Dinditane, Huli, A fertility god of gardening
* Dionysus, Greek, A god of altered states, wine, ecstasy, revelry and nature
* Dioskouroi, Greek, Twin gods see Castor and Pollux
* Dipa, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of light
* Dipa Tara, Buddhist/Mahayana, A minor goddess
* Dipamkara, Buddhist, He proceeded the Buddha in east Asia
* Dipankara, Buddhist/Tibet, A deity that is one of the minor group of Buddhas
* Dipti, Hindu/Puranic, A minor goddess
* Dirghadevi, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Dis, Scandinavia, A goddess of drinking
* Dis Pater, Roman, A god of war
* Disa , Hindu/Puranic/Epic,  in minor goddess and the momma of the minor creation god Sarga
* Disani, Afghanistan, The supreme fertility and mother goddess
* Disciplina, Roman, A goddess of discipline
* Discordia, Roman, A goddess of discord and war
* Disir, Nordic/German, A collective name for guardian goddesses
* Dispater/Dis Pater , Gaul, A god whose name means the father
* Diti, Hindu, A goddess of the earth
* Diviriks, Lithuania, The deity of the rainbow
* Divonia, Celtic/Gaelic, A fertility goddess associated with water
* Diwali, Bhil/India, A goddess of happiness and merriment
* Djanggawuls , Aus.,  The goddesses of fertility that messed up and created humanity and of vegetation
* Djigonasee, Huron, A goddess of justice, fairness and peace
* Djila'qons , Haida/PNW, A sea goddess
* dMu-bDub Kam-Po Sa-Zen , Tibet/Bon,  a sky god and the head of the ancient pantheon
* Doda/Dodola, Serbia, A goddess of rain
* Dogumrik, Kafir/Afghanistan, A local warrior and guardian god
* Doh Yenisi, Siberia, a rather good magician that could fly over the waves, become weary, then create islands to rest on, almost god like
* Dohit, Mosetene, The god that created the first human from clay
* Dola/Dolya, Russia/Serbia, A goddess of fate
* Domfe Kurumba, Africa, The god of rain and wind
* Domnu, Irish, A goddess of the Formorians
* Don/Donn/Dhonn, Irish/Wales, A goddess that is called a god of death 
* Donar, Germanic, A god of the sky and thunder
* Dongo, Songhoi, A god of thunder
* Donn, Irish, An underworld god responsible for the passage of the dead to the underworld
* Dorina, Nigeria, A goddess of hunting
* Doris, Greek, An ocean goddess
* Dorje Naljorma, Tibet, A goddess of happiness
* Dornoll, Celtic, A goddess of physical prowess
* Dou Mou, China, A goddess North Star, health and diseases and justice
* Doudoun, Nubia, The god of the Nile cataracts
* Doushen, China, A goddess of justice
* Dragoni, Albania, A god of thunder and lightning
* Druantia, Celtic, A goddess
* Dryads, Greek, Nymphs of the trees and woods
* Dryope, Greek, A goddess of water
* Dsahadoldza, Navaho, A fiery god of earth and water
* Du'uzu Dunatis, Celtic, A god of fortifications
* du-l Halasa, SW Arabia, A god that was demoted to the rank of an idle
* Dua, Egypt, A lion headed god of the future and protector of the stomach of the deceased
* Duan Luteh, Irish, A moon goddess
* Dubh Lacha, Irish, An early goddess of the sea
* Dugnai, Lithuanian, A goddess of baking and kneading and liquor
* Duha Deo, Hindu, A minor god the bridegroom
* Duillae, Roman/Iberian, A fertility and vegetation goddess
* Dumuzi, Babylon, A god of fertility
* Dumuzi, Sumeria, A shepherd god and the Jewish Tammuz
* Dunatis, Celtic, A god of fortifications
* Dunawali, Huli, An evil goddess
* Dunne, Enin/Siberian/Tungus, A goddess of the sky, fire and that ruled over the clan territory
* Dur Kassite, Iran, An underworld god
* Durangama , Buddhist /Vajrayana,  A minor goddess
* Durga, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess of fire and a vengeful warrior
* Durjata, Buddhist/Mahayana, The minor goddess that waits on the god Buddhakapala
* Dusara, W. Semitic, A local god associated with vegetation and fertility survived until about 500 C. E.
* Duttur, Sumeria, The goddess of ewes
* Duzi, Kafir/Afghanistan, a local god known only from of an altar stone, but he did like male goats as a sacrifice
* Dwyn Kazoba Baziba, Africa, He is in the god of the sun and as well as the moon
* Dwyn/Dwynwen, Celtic, A god of love
* Dyaus, Hindu/Vedic, A god of the rain
* Dyaus Pitar, Hindu/Vedic/India, The creator god
* Dyaush, India, The first supreme god
* Dylan, Wales/Britain, A guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway
* Dzalarhons, Haida, A goddess of fire and volcanoes
* Dziva, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Dzivaguru, Korekore, The great earth goddess
* Dziwozony, Polish, A goddesses of healing, herbs and love
* E Alom, Maya, A primeval creator goddess
* E Quhalom, Maya/Quiche, A primeval creator god
* Ea/Enki, Babylon/Mesopotamia, The god of wisdom, spells, incantations, and the seas
* Eacus, Roman/Iberia, A weather god
* Eadon, Irish, A goddess of poetry
* Easal, Irish/Manx, A god of abundance and prosperity
* Eastre, German, A goddess of healing
* Eate/Egata, Basque, A god of fire and storms
* Ebech, Canaan, A mountain god that lost a fight, fatally so
* Ebhlinne, Irish, A goddess of Munster and midsummer
* Ebisu, Japan, A god of fishermen
* Eblis, Islam, The chief of the evil spirits
* Ebore, Africa, A sky god
* Ec Yenisei, Siberia, The high god
* Ececheira, Greek, A goddess of armistices and peace
* Echidna, Greek, Half woman, half snake, a demonic monster
* Echtghe, Irish, Believed to be another form of Dana Aughty
* Edeke Teso, Uganda, A god of disasters
* Edinkira, Africa, A tree goddess
* Edusa, Roman, A goddess of infants who are weaning
* Ee loolth, Duwamish, A mountain goddess
* Ee-A-o/Yao, Gnostic Christian, A primordial being
* Egeria, Roman, A goddess of childbirth of midwives, fountains and justice
* Egres/Akras Karelian, Finland, A fertility god in charge of the the turnip crop
* Egungun oya, Africa, Another form of the Yoruba goddess of divination
* Ehacatl/Quetzalcoatl, Aztec, A god of education and the wind 
* Eibhir, Irish/Manx, She is most likely a forgotten sun goddess
* Eileithyia, Greek, A goddess of childbirth
* Eir, Norse, A goddess of healing
* Eir, Scandinavia, A goddess of mercy and teaching
* Eirene, Greek, A goddess of peace and one of the Horae
* Eithne, Irish, An old goddess Ethleen Ethlinn Ethniu
* Eji Ogbe , Yoruba/Nigeria/W.Africa, A god that is king of the pantheon
* Ek Chuah, Maya, A god of war and commerce
* Ek Maya, , A Babob
* Eka Abassi, Africa, Creator of life
* Ekadasaruda, Hindu, The collective name for the group of gods[ 11 ] the are forms of the god Rudra
* Ekahau, Aztec, A god of commerce
* Ekahau, Maya, He is the god of travelers and merchants
* Ekajata, Buddhist, A goddess of happiness
* Ekarudra, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor deity, another aspect of Siva
* Ekastaka, India, A goddess of healthy children
* Ekchuah, Maya, A god of traveling merchants
* Ekhi/Eguzk, Basque, The personification of the sun
* Ekineba, Africa, A goddess of teaching
* Ekkekko, Quecha, The god of good fortune
* El, Canaan/Hebrew/Phoenicia, A supreme god started life as a storm god Ymvh, God
* El, Syria, A storm god, also found in the mythologies of Canaan and the early Jewish invaders Ymvh Jehova God
* El'eb, Canaan, A primordial god
* Elagabul, Greek, The God of Emesa[Syria]
* Elaine, Wales/Britain, Maiden aspect of the goddess
* Elais, Greek, One of the Oenotropae
* Elasii, Greek, The goddesses of healing and epilepsy
* Elben, Germanic, Nature spirits
* Electryone, Greek, A moon goddess
* Eleithyia, Greek, A goddess of childbirth and midwives
* Elel Puelche, Argentina, A malevolent demonic being
* Elena, Russian, A goddess of fire
* Eleos, Greek, A goddess of peace and mercy
* Elgabal, Syria, A local mountain god with solar links
* Elihino, Cherokee, The earth goddess
* Elim, Judaic, A collective term for god's the lower order of the gods from the great deities, the Elohim
* Eljon, Syria, A god
* Elkunisra, Canaan/Hittite, A creator god
* Ellaman, Hindu/Dravidian/Tamil, A goddess of passage, an astral deity
* Ellel/Ellilus, Hittite, A god
* Elli, Scandinavia, A goddess of wrestling
* Ellil, Babylon/Akkadia, A creator and air god
* Eloai, Gnostic Christian, primordial been
* Elohim, Semitic Gods, plural (various)
* Elphame/Elphlane/Elphane/Queen of Elphame, Scotland, A goddess of death and disease
* Elpis, Greek, A goddess of happiness
* Emanjah, Trinidad, A river goddess and teacher of children
* Eme'mqut, Koryak/Siberia, An animistic spirit
* Emeli Hin Tuareg, Sudan, A creator god and generic term meaning Lord
* Emer, Celtic, A goddess of wisdom
* Emes, Sumeria, A vegetation god
* Emma O, Japan/Buddhist, A god of death and lord of hell
* Empung Luminuut, N. Celebes Is./Sulawesi, A goddess that gave birth to the sun god
* En, Iltyrain, A god who was demoted a demon by the Christians
* Enbilulu, Sumeria, A god of agriculture and the underworld
* Endouellicus, Roman/Iberia, A healing god
* Endukugga, Sumeria, The god of the Underworld
* Endursaga, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A herald god
* Enekpe, Africa, A goddess of the family and guardian of destiny
* Enki/Ea, Sumeria/Mesopotamia, A creator god, water, cunning and fertility
* Enkimdu, Sumeria, The farmer god of canals and ditches
* Enlil, Sumeria, The god of air and weather
* Enmesarra, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, The god of law
* Ennead, Egypt, The Heliopolis pantheon as a group
* Ennugi, Mesopotamia, The attendant and throne bearer god
* Enodia, Greek, A goddess of crossroads and gates
* Enten, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A fertility god that doubled as a guardian deity of farmers
* Enudu Gisha, Uganda, A god of plague, specifically smallpox
* Enyo, Greek, A goddess of war and waster of cities
* Enzu, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, A god who was named appears to be a corrupted form of Suen
* Eos, Greek, A goddess of warriors and of the dawn
* Eostre, Celtic, A goddess for whom the Ostara Sabbat is named for aka Easter
* Epaphos, Greek, The progenitor of the Egyptians
* Epet, Egypt, A goddess of healing, childbirth, children
* Epimetheus, Greek/Roman, A minor creator god
* Epona, Celtic, A goddess of horses, mules, and oxen
* Epos/Olloatir, Britain, A god often seen as a male form of Epona
* Eranoranhan, Hierro Is./Canary Is., The protector of men only
* Erato, Greek, The Muse of lyric poetry and mime
* Erce, Celtic, The earth mother and harvest goddess

* Erda, German, A very old and wise earth goddess
* Erebos, Greek/Roman, A primordial deity, different
* Ereshkigal, Akkadia/Hittite, This goddess is the mother of the storm god as well as an underworld goddess
* Ereshkigal, Sumeria, A goddess of death
* Erge, Basque, A spirit that takes men's lives
* Erh Lang, China, A god that with his dog saved Beijing from flooding
* Eri of the Golden Hair, Irish, A virgin goddess of the Tuatha De Danann
* Erinys, Greek, A goddess of wrath
* Eris, Greek, A goddess of discord and strife
* Erishkigal, Sumeria, A goddess of the underworld
* Eriskegal, Allatu/Babylon, She is one of the divinities who ruled the netherworld
* Eriu/Erin/Eire , Irish, One of the three queens of the Tuatha De Danann and a fertility goddess
* Erkilek , Inuit,  malevolent hunting god
* Erlik Samoyed, Finland?, A god of the netherworld
* Ermutu, Egypt, A goddess of childbirth and midwives
* Eros, Greek, A god of erotic love, passion and of sex
* Erra, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, A war god
* Erzuli Mapiangueh, Haiti, A goddess of justice
* Erzulie, Haiti, A goddess of health, clothes, flowers, jewelry, of fertility, love, virginity, beauty and sex
* Es Ket, Siberia, A creator god that fashioned humans from clay
* Esceheman, Arapaho, Grandmother earth
* Eschetewuaraha, Chamacoco, The goddess of rain
* Eschu/Legba , Yoruba/Africa, These deities are messengers between gods and mortals, not very nice either
* Eseasar, Africa, An earth goddess
* Esenchebis, Greek, A reference to the goddess Isis
* Eshara, Chaldea, The goddess of war and of productive fields
* Eshmun, Canaan, The god of healing
* Eshu, Fon/Yoruba, Divine messenger
* Essus/Esus, Britain/Gaul, A harvest/woodcutter god
* Estsanatlehi, Navaho, A goddess of change, fertility and the sky
* Esu Edo, Benin/Yoruba,  A god of passage that stands at the gates of home of the gods
* Esus, Celtic, The war god that may have been a tree god
* Etain/Echraidhe, Irish, A goddess of war
* Etugen, Mongol, A virgin earth goddess
* Eueucoyotl, Aztec, A god of fertility, sex, pleasure, sorrow and spontaneity
* Eumenides/Erinyes, Greek, A goddesses of justice
* Eunomia, Greek, One of the Horae and goddess of order
* Eunostos, Greek, The goddess of flour mills
* Euphrosyne, Greek, A goddess of happiness and one of the graces
* Euros, Greek/Roman, The god of the east winds
* Eurybia, Greek, A sea goddess
* Eurydice, Greek, A mountain valley nymph with a sad love story[ aren't they all?]
* Eurynome, Greek, A goddess of the sea and in one account she is the goddess of all creation
* Euterpe, Greek, The Muse of lyric poetry and music
* Eutychia, Greek, A goddess of happiness
* Evaki, Amazon/S.A., A goddess of the night
* Evan, Etruscan, Considered female a being that is one of the Las
* Ewauna , Coquille/PNW, Creator goddess
* Ezili Fon, Haiti/Vodun/West Indies, A goddess who represents wisdom and beauty and love
* Fa, Africa, A god of divination
* Fabulinus, Roman, A minor God
* Fachea, Irish, A goddess of poetry and patron of bards
* Fagus, Gaul/Pyrenean, The god of beech trees
* Faivarongo Tikopia, Polynesia, A god of sailors
* Fama, Roman, A goddess of fame and rumors
* Fan K'uei, China, A god of butchers
* Fand, Celtic, A goddess of happiness and pleasure
* Fand, Irish, A goddess of healing and the ocean
* Faragvoul, Puerto Rico/Haiti, A votive god
* Faro Bambara, W. Africa, A river god that brought order to the world when it was created
* Fate, Roman, A goddess of fate
* Fatit/Merin, Albania, Female entities that are in charge of the individuals destiny
* Faumea, Polynesian, A goddess of fertility
* Fauna, Roman, A goddess of agriculture and winter
* Faunus, Roman, A god of agriculture, fertility, nature and prophecy
* Fe Gai, Ivory Coast, A tutelary god
* Fe'e, Polynesia, The god of the dead
* Fea, Irish, A war goddess
* Febris, Roman, A goddess of healing and fevers
* Februus, Roman, A god of purity
* Fei Lien/Fewi Lian/Feng Bo, China, A god of the wind
* Felicitas, Roman, A goddess of happiness
* Fene, Henry, Either a demon or a place where demonic beings hang out, or both
* Feng Pho Pho, China, A goddess of the winds
* Feng Po, China, A sky god of the wind
* Feng Po Po, China, A goddess of the wind
* Fengbo, China, Another god of the wind
* Fengbo, China, Another god of the wind
* Fenja, Scandinavia, A goddess of physical prowess
* Feronia, Etruscan, A goddess of the autumn, fire and volcanoes
* Feronia, Roman, A goddess of orchards and protects freedmen
* Fideal, Scottish, A goddess of water
* Fides, Roman, A goddess of fidelity, honesty, oaths and public trust
* Fidi Mukullu Bena Lulua, Zaire, A creator god 
* Finncaev, Irish, Thought to be a goddess of love and beauty
* Finvarra, Irish, A strong god Fionnbharr
* Finweigh, Bilan, The god who made man.
* Fionn Mac Cumhal, Irish/Manx/Scotland, An ancient giant god/warrior
* Fjorgynn, Nordic,  A god mentioned in Snorri's Edda
* Flidais, Irish, Ruler of wild beasts of the forests\woodlands
* Flora, Roman, A goddess of gardens, plants, flowers, love, prostitution,spring and youth
* Fo, China, The name for Buddha
* Fomore, Irish, They are the adversaries of the Tuatha De Danann, and called it demons
* Fons, Roman, A goddess of fountains
* Fornax, Roman, A goddess baking and grain
* Forseti, Norse/Germanic, A god of justice for men and gods
* Fortuna, Roman, A goddess chance, fate, luck and happiness
* Foto-Tama, Japan/Shinto, An ancestral god
* Frau Holle, Germanic, A goddess of winter
* Fravasi/Fravartin, Iran, Interesting - The concept denotes the spirit of the pre-existence of the believer that watches over him as a protective spirit
* Frey, Norse, A god of rain, weather, seafaring and war
* Frey, Norse, A god of rain, weather, seafaring and war
* Frey, Scandinavia, A god of fertility and prosperity
* Freya, Germanic, A goddess of fertility, love, beauty, sex and youth
* Freya, Germanic, A goddess of fertility, love, beauty, sex and youth
* Freya, Norse, A goddess of rainbows and war
* Freya, Scandinavia, A goddess of spring and magic
* Freyja, Norse, A goddess of fertility and vegetation
* Freyr, Norse, A god of fruits, thriving crops and peaceful prosperity
* Frigg, Norse/Germanic, A goddess of fertility and marriage
* Frjorgyn, Norse/Germanic, A goddess with no known cult, the name suggests that she is either a mountain/forest goddess and possibly revered as a goddess of fertility
* Fu Hsi, China, A god of fishing nets,vegetation, of happiness and the inventor of writing
* Fu Hsing, China, He was considered a spirit of happiness
* Fu Shen, China, A god of happiness
* Fudo, Japan, A god of wisdom
* Fudo Myoo, Buddhism, The god who protects against catastrophes
* Fufluns, Etruscan, A god of wine and of the harvest
* Fuji, Ainu/Japan, A goddess of fire and volcano and chief goddess
* Fujin, Japan/Shinto, A god of winds
* Fukurokuju, Japanese, A god of luck and the star god
* Fulgora, Roman, A goddess of lightning
* Fulla/Folla, Germanic, A goddess of healing 
* Furiae/Furies, Roman, The goddesses of justice and robbers 
* Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A god of war
* Fuwch Frech, Welsh, A goddess of happiness
* Ga, Fon, A god of metal
* Ga Oh, Iroquois, Master of the winds
* Gabija, Lithuania, A goddess of the hearth fire
* Gabjauja, Lithuania, A goddess of grain that was demoted to an evil spirit by Christianity
* Gabriel, Hebrew/Christian, An archangel that was rather busy as a messenger from the God of Abraham, he also toots the trumpet that signifies the end of the universe
* Gad, Canaan, A god of fortune
* Gad, Punic, A god of unknown qualities, but likely concerned with chance and/or fortune
* Gaea/Gaia/Ge, Greek, The earth goddess and first born of chaos
* Gagananja, Buddhist, A god
* Gajavahana, Hindu/Davidian/Tamil, A god, a form of the god Skanda
* Gal Bapsi, Hindu/Davidian/Tamil, A local god  that can expiate sins, but it is rough
* Galatea, Greek, One of the Neriedes
* Galla, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, Minor underworld gods
* Gamab/Ganna/Gawa/Gaunab Damaras, Africa, The supreme god and creator of the world who lives beyond the stars
* Ganapati/Ganesa/Ganesha, Hindu/Puranic, A god of education, wisdom, luck, prosperity, and prudence
* Ganapatihrdaya, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Ganaskidi , Navaho,  a god of harvest, plenty and mists
* Ganda Tara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Gandha, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess
* Gandhari, Jain/India, A goddess of learning
* Ganga, Hindu, A goddess of healing, rivers and happiness
* Gangir/Hegir-Nuna, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A goddess
* Ganiklis, Lithuania, A god of shepherds
* Gans, Apache/SW USA, Mountain spirits
* Ganymede, Greek, A mortal boy that was given immortality and the job of cup bearer to the gods
* Gao Yao/Ting-jian, China, A god of judgment
* Gaomei, Chinese, An ancient goddess [first mother] later changed into a male divinity
* Gapn, Syria, This god appears as a messenger of Baal and is absent in ritual texts
* Garbh Ogh, Irish, A giantess and goddess of the hunt
* Gardua, Hindu/Vedic, An archaic sun god
* Garmangabis, Britain, A tutelary goddess who came to Britain with the Romans
* Gartiae , Roman , The Roman version of the Greek graces
* Garuda, India, The Prince of birds that lets Visnu ride on his back
* Gasueko, Basque, The lord of darkness as that may prove a friendly and helpful, but he may also appear as a devil
* Gatumdug/Gula, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A fertility goddess as well as the tutelary goddess of Lagas
* Gaunab Kohl, Hottentot/Namibia/S. Africa, A malevolent God of darkness as well as the god of of of the black heaven
* Gauri, Hindu, A form of the mighty Durga and a goddess of spring
* Gauri, Jain, A messenger goddess
* Gauri, Sankar/India, A mountain goddess
* Gavida, Irish, A minor god of the forge
* Ge Gu, China, A goddess of health and medicine
* Geb, Egypt, A god of the Earth
* Gebeleizis/Zalmoxis, Thrace, A god of thunderstorms
* Gebjon, Scandinavia, A goddess of healing
* Geezhigo Quae, Ojibiwa, She was the sky mother
* Gefion, Germanic, A goddess of fertility
* Gekka O, Japan, The god of marriage
* Gendenwitha, Iroquois, A goddess of the dawn and the morning star
* Genetaska, Iroquois, A goddess of justice, fairness and of peace
* Genii, Etruscan/Roman, These are the protective spirits that guide human beings, no one knows why
* Genius, Roman, A god of the men only
* Geofon, British, A goddess of the ocean
* Geras, Greek, The goddess of old age
* Gerra, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, The god of fire who was the Sumeria god Gibil
* Gestin-Ana/Gestianna?, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A minor goddess
* Gestu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A minor God of the intellect whose blood was used in the creation of mankind, after his death the course
* Geus Tasan, Iran, A cattle god accused of creating the cattle
* Geus Urvan, Iran, A god that protected cattle
* Geush, Urvan, He assists the Amesha Spenta, Vohu Manab
* Geyaguga, Cherokee, The moon spirit
* Ghantakarna, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god of healing
* Ghantapani, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god running a round with a bell in his hand
* Ghasmari, Buddhist, A goddess of rather terrifying appearance
* Ghede, Vodun, A god of death, and of fertility and love
* Ghentu, Hindu, A minor God
* Gibil/Girra/Girru,   Mesopotamia/Sumeria,  A Fire God
* Gibini Gishu, Uganda, A plague God associated with of the smallpox god
* Gidja , Aus. , A god of the moon
* Gilgames, Sumeria, An early historical King of Uruk, that later became and deified and was considered a god of the underworld
* Gillian, British, A goddess spring
* Giltine, Lithuania, A goddess of death, her preferred method is either strangulation or suffocation
* Giriputri, Bali, A goddess of mountains and water
* Girru, Sumeria, A busy fellow, he is the god of fire and light and patron of civilization
* Gish, Kafir/Afghanistan, The god of war
* Giszida, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A god
* Gita, Buddhist/Tibet, A mother goddess
* Gitche/Manitou, Algonquin/Lenape,  The Great Spirit, the All Father
* Glaucus, Greek, This sea god went around muttering prophesies
* Glaucus, Roman, A sea god
* Glaukos, Greek, A sea god, a rather bizarre story like many other god claims
* Gleti, Benin, The moon goddess
* Glispa, Navaho, The spirit that gave the healing chant to the people
* Gluskap/Glooscap, Algonquin, The creator force
* Glykon , Gnostic-Mitharic,  The reincarnation of Asklepios, a demon with a human head and body of a snake
* Gnomes , Pan-European , Demonic beings that inhabit woods, mountains and water
* Gnowee , Aus.,  A goddess of war
* gNyan, Tibet, the spirits that are a thing but nice
* Gobannon, Celtic, He is a blacksmith type god
* Gobnu, Irish, A god of skills to include Ale brewing
* God/Deus/Gott,  Christian/Anglo-Saxon/Germanic/Roman,  Claimed to be the creator god around 325 C.E., still in vouge by the Christian sect
* Goewin/Goewyn, Wales, A goddess of sovereignty
* Gog, Gallic, Consort of Magog
* Goga, Melanesian, A goddess of fire
* Gohone, Iroquois, The spirit of winter
* Goibbiu, Irish, He is the god of the blacksmiths craft
* Goibnui/Govannon, Celtic, He is the god of the forge who's beer was so good, that the drinker gained immortality
* Goleuddydd, Wales, A goddess
* Gomaj , N.Amer.?,  A moon spirit
* Gon-Po Nag-Po, Tibet, A god of many names
* Gonaqade't Chilat , US PNW, A sea god
* Gong Gong, China, This is the devil that lets loose the great flood and is the opponent of the ruling god
* Gor, Africa, The god of thunder
* Goraknath, Hindu, A guardian God that is an avatar of Siva
* Gou Mang and Ru Shu, China, These are the messengers of the sky god
* Govannon, Welsh, A god that was invoked to help clean the plowshare
* Graces/Gratiae, Roman, These are the Roman version of the Greek Charities
* Graeae/Graii, Greek, The three old women or gray ones
* Grahamatrka, Buddhist, A goddess whose name means demon mother
* Grahamatrka, Nepal, A goddess and stellar deity
* Grainne, Irish/Manx/Scotland, Master herbalist and sun goddess
* Gramadevata, India, A generic term for the local tutelary gods
* Grannos, Celtic, A god of healing and springs
* Grannus, Roman, A god of healing affiliated with hot springs and mineral waters
* Grdhrasya, Buddhist, A minor goddess whose name translates to face of a vulture
* Great Father, Celtic, The Horned god,the Lord
* Great Mother, Celtic, The Lady represents the female principle of creation
* Grhadevi, India, A god of the household
* Grian, Irish, Faery goddess from County Tipperary and a goddess of war
* Grid, Scandinavia, A goddess of strength
* Grismadevi, Buddhist/Tibet, A seasonal goddess
* Groa, Scandinavia, A goddess of healing
* gSan Sgrub Bon, Tibet, A god that was absorbed into a variety of Yama in Lamaism
* gShen-Lha-Odkhar , Bon/Tibet,  he is the god of light
* gShen-Rab, Bon/Tibet, The supreme god
* Gua , W.Africa,  A god of agriculture, blacksmiths, and thunder

* Guabancex, Caribbean/Taino, A goddess of the winds and rain
* Guabonito, Haiti, The sea goddess who teaches people about medicines and health
* Guaire/Boinne Guary, Irish, Guardian god/spirit of Bruigh
* Guamaonocon , Antilles , Mother Earth
* Guan Di, China, A god of war
* Guan Yin/Guanyin, Chinese, The goddess of mercy
* Gucumatz, Quiche (?), A creator god
* Guede l'Oraille, Haiti, A goddess of violent storms
* Gugulanna, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A minor underworld god
* Guhyasamaja, Buddhist, A protective deity
* Gui Xian/Gui, China, These demonic beings are descended from people that had either drowned and/or committed suicide and could not be reincarnated
* Gujeswari, India, A mother goddess
* Gujo, Kafir/Afghanistan, A tutelary god
* Gukumatz, Maya/Quiche, A sky god
* Gul-Ses, Hittite, A collective name for all the goddesses of fate
* Gul-ses/Gul-ases, Hittite, These goddesses apparently are the scribes of the gods that dispense good, evil, life and death
* Gula/Gula Bau, Babylon/Sumeria, A mother goddess of creativity, fire and with the power to inflict/cure disease
* Gulissa Mata, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess who became a goddess of evil intent, inflecting sickness
* Gulliveig, Norse, A goddess/sorceress of the Vanir race of gods
* Gulu, Dinka, The creator god
* Gum Lin, China, A river goddess
* Gunab, Hottentot, A god of evil
* Gungu , , A moon deity
* Gunura, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A god whom nothing is known about, duty wise
* Gur-Gyi Mgon-Po, Buddhist/Tibet, A god of tents
* Gurzil, Tripolitania, A god in the shape of a bull
* Gusilim, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A god
* Guta, Hungary, A demonic being that represents the seamy side of life
* Gwen, Celtic, A goddess of happiness and smiles
* Gwendion/Gwydyon, Welsh, A god of war
* Gwethyr, Wales, King of the Upperworld Gwyrthur Ap Gwreidawl
* Gwyddno, Wales, At one time he was a sea god
* Gwynn Ap Nudd, Wales, King of the fairies and the underworld
* Gyhldeptis, Tlingit/Haida, A kindly forest goddess
* Ha, Egypt, A guardian God of the West
* Ha Wen Neyu, Iroquois, The great spirit.
* Habetrot, Britain, A goddess of healing and spinning
* Habetrot, Celtic, A goddess of spell casting on the wheel of the year
* Habiesso, Africa, A god of thunder
* Habondia/Abondia/Abunciada/Habonde, Britain, A goddess of abundance and prosperity
* Hacauitz, Maya, A mountains god
* Hacha'kyum, Maya/Lacandon, The god of the real people
* Hachacyum/Nohochacyum, Maya, The creator the world who was helped by three other gods
* Hachiman, Japan, A god of war that was based on an actual emperor, his sacred animal is the dove
* Hachiman/Hime-Gami/Hime-O-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A god of war and peace
* Hadad/El, Canaan/Semite, The god of lightning, thunder and storms 
* Hadakai, India, A goddess of health and Rabies
* Hades/Pluto, Greek, A god of death and one of the Olympian gods 
* Hae Soon, Korea, A goddess of war
* Hafoza, Jate, The god of thunder and lightning
* Hah, Egypt, This is the god that was the bearer of heaven, a personification of infinity and eternity
* Hahana Ku, Maya, A messenger god
* Hahgwehdiyu, Iroquois, The god of goodness
* Haili'la , Haida/PNW, A plague god associated with small pox.  Interesting history.  Cool
* Hala, Kassite, A goddess of healing
* Halahala, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god of poison
* Haldi Urart, Armenia, A tutelary god
* Halki, Hittite, A god barley and grain
* Halsodyne, Greek, A sea goddess
* Haltia, Finno/Ugric, A goddess of healing
* Ham vareti, Persia, A goddess of mist
* Hamadryades, Greek/Roman, Tree spirits whose existence is restricted to the tree that the guard when it dies they die
* Hamavehae, Roman/Rhineland, A trinity of mother goddesses
* Hamedicu, Huron, The High god
* Hami-Yasu-Hime, Shinto/Japan, The goddess of potters
* Hammon, Libya, A god of the dead son
* Han Xiang-Zhi, China/Taoist, An immortal being,  there were eight
* Hana, Norse, A god of silence
* Hananim, Korea, The god of the sky, a supreme god, he moves stars, rewards good and punishes evil
* Hanghepi Wi, Dakota, The Moon god
* Hani-Yasu-Hiko, Japan/Shinto, The god of potters
* Hani[s], Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, A minor god
* Hannahanna, Hittite, A god of agriculture and the sky
* Hannahannas , Hittite/Hurrian,  the mother goddess
* Hano, Bella Coola, A goddess of teaching
* Hansa, Hindu/Puranic, A god, a minor avatar of visible
* Hanuman/Hanumat , Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Chief minister and general of the monkey people as well as a patron saint of learning
* Hanwasuit, Hittite, The tutelary goddess of of the throne, kings received their mandate from her
* Hanwi, Ogalala, A goddess of the dawn and twilight
* Hao Ch'iu, China, A god of the heart
* Hao Janjero, Ethiopia, A god that resided in the river Gibe
* Haoma, Iran, A plant that suffered the indignity of being deified, its sap was an intoxicating drink used in a sacrificial ceremonies
* Hapantalli/Hapi/Hapy, Egypt, A god of the Nile, fish, barley, grain, herbs, water, dew, and fertility
* Hapantalliyas/Hapantalli, Hittite, He took his place at the moon god's side
* Hapi, Egypt, A god that protected the the lungs of the dead
* Hapi, Egypt, This god was the personification of the Nile
* Hara, Hindu/Puranic, An avatar of Siva
* Hara-Yama-Tsu-Mi, Japan/Shinto, A mountain god concerned with the wooded mountain slopes
* Harachte, Egypt, The god of the morning sun
* Harakhti, Egypt, A form of the god Horus
* Hardaul, Hindu, A plague god, he protected against cholera
* Harendotes, Greek, A form of the Egyptian god Horus that guards and protects his father
* Hari, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor incarnation of the god Visnu
* Harihara, India, The twin divinity composed of Visnu and Siva
* Harimella/Viradechthis, Scotland, A goddess of Tungrain origin
* Hariti, Buddhist, A plague goddess associated with smallpox
* Hariti, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Harmachis, Greek, Another form of the Egyptian god Horus
* Harmeti, Egypt, The tutelary god of Seden, a form of Horus
* Harmonia, Greek, A goddess of justice
* Haroeris, Greek, Another form of the Egyptian god Horus, but this time as an adult
* Harpocrates, Greek, The god of silence and secrecy
* Harpokrates, Greek, Another form of the Egyptian god Horus, as a child sitting on his mother's knee
* Harpre, Egypt, This god's job was to protect the king from illness and misfortune
* Harsa, Hindu, A goddess
* Harsaphes, Egypt/Hellenized, A ram headed god of fertility and water
* Harsiese[s], Egypt, A form of the god Horus, especially as the child of Isis and Osiris
* Harsomtus, Egypt/Hellenized, A form of the god Horus
* Harti, China/Japan, A demoness that Buddha converted to a goddess that protects children instead of eating them
* Hasam[m]eli, Hittite, He is the god of blacksmiths and of the craft of wrought-iron
* Hasamelis, Hittite/Hurrian, He is a god who can protect travelers
* Hasta, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor benevolent goddess of fortune
* Hastbaka, Navaho, The oldest male of the spirits
* Hastebaad, Navaho, The chief of the female spirits
* Hastehogan, Navaho, The chief male spirit of the house
* Hastseltsi, Navaho, The male spirit of racing.
* Hastseoltoi, Navaho, The female spirit of hunting
* Hastsezini, Navaho, The male spirit of fire
* Hatasa, Buddhist, A horse goddess
* Hatdastsisi, Navaho, The benevolent male spirit that helps cure disease
* Hathor, Egypt, A goddess of procreation, sexuality, romance, trees, poetry, music, alcohol, childbirth, infants, death, fertility, love, marriage, beauty, joy and the sky
* Hatmehyt/Hatmehit, Egypt, The fertility and guardian goddess of fish and fisherman
* Hatshepsut, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Hatti, Hindu, A plague goddess associated with cholera
* Hatti, Hittite, The throne goddess
* Hatuibwari, San Cristoval Is./Melanesia, A rather strange sort, half divine/half demonic snake and female at that
* Haubas , S. Arabia,  a local god known only from inscriptions
* Haubas/Hobas,  S.Arabia,  A god that may be a particular form of Attar
* Hauhet, Egypt, A primordial goddess, one of the Ogboad
* Haukim , S.Arabia,  A local god thought to be concerned with arbitration and the law
* Haumea, Hawaii, A goddess of childbirth, midwives and of fertility
* Haumia, Maori, A god of wild plants
* Haumiatiketike/Haumia , Polynesia/Maori, A vegetation God
* Haurun, Canaan, A fiery earth god
* Haurvatat, Zoroaster, One of the spirits, it is associated with life after death
* Havea Lolo Fonua, Polynesia, A goddess of intercourse
* Haya-Ji, Japan/Shinto, The God of the winds
* Hayagriva, Buddhist/Tibet, The patron god of horses
* Hayagriva, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, The most important incarnation of Vishnu
* Hayasa, Hindu, A horse god, could be Hayangriva in disguise
* Hayasum, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A minor god of uncertain function
* Hazzi, Hittite/Hurrian, A god invoked in a Hittite treaties who was a mountain and weather god
* He Bo/Bing  Yi, China, He is the divine ruler of all rivers
* He Xian-Ku, China/Taoist, One of the eight immortals, she achieved immortality through her exemplary life
* He Zur, Egypt, A baboon god accepted as a manifestation of Thot
* Hea, Mesopotamia/Ugarit, The goddess of wisdom
* Heammawihio, Cheyenne, The great spirit
* Hebat, Hittite, A goddess of the sky, her title was "Queen of heaven"
* Hebe, Greek, A goddess of beauty, wine spring and youth as well as the cup bearer of the gods
* Hecaerge, Greek, A goddess of archery
* Hecate, Greek, A goddess of agriculture, black magic, witchcraft, crossroads, fertility, the moon, night, and wisdom
* Hedammu, Hurrian, He is a snake demon that resides in the sea and he is constantly hungry
* Hedetet, Egypt, She is the scorpion goddess found in the Book of the dead
* Hedrun, Scandinavia, A goddess of intoxicating mead
* Hegemone, Greek, A goddess of plants; responsible for their fruition
* Heh, Egypt, A primordial god of infinity
* Heha, Egypt, A god of magical words
* Hehet, Egypt, A primordial goddess of the immeasurable
* Heimdal, Germanic, A god of warriors
* Heimdall, Norse, A god of fire and light
* Heitsi, Hottentot/Africa, This dying god is the god of the hunt
* Hekate, Greek, The chthonic goddess of the moon and pathways as well as nocturnal evil
* Heket, Egypt, A goddess midwives
* Hekoolas, Miwok, A goddess of war
* Hekt, Egypt, A goddess midwives
* Hel[i], Germanic, A goddess of death
* Helena , Greek,  A Moon goddess and healer
* Helene, Greek, A vegetation goddess, she is the one the Trojan War was fought over
* Helia, Greek, A sun goddess
* Helios, Greek, A god of war and the sun
* Helle, Greek, A sea goddess
* Heloha, Choctaw, A spirit[female] of thunder
* Hemantadevi, Buddhist/Tibet, The goddess of winter
* Hemen, Egypt, A falcon god
* Hemsut/Hemuset, Egypt, A goddess of fate and newborn babies
* Hendursaga, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Sumeria/Akkadia, The god of law
* Heng, Huron, The spirit of thunder
* Heng E, China, A goddess of the moon
* Heng o, China, A goddess of the moon
* Henkhesesui, Egypt, A ram headed, winged, beetle god of the east wind
* Heno/Hinu/Hino, Iroquois, The sky god and the spirit of thunder
* Henwen, Wales, A goddess
* Hephaestos, Greek, A god of volcanoes, fire and metal working
* Heqt, Egypt, A frog headed goddess of life, childbirth
* Hera/Here, Greek, A goddess of childbirth, marriage, motherhood, of the sky, and storms
* Herabe, Huli, A god who causes insanity.
* Here Ketit, Egypt, A lion headed goddess who breathes fire on the evil deceased
* Herensugue, Basque, A snake shaped devilish spirit
* Heret-Kau, Egypt, An underworld goddess of the old kingdom
* Hermanubis, Egypt, A god of the dead in the cult of Isis
* Hermes, Greek, A god of athletes, sport, gambling, commerce, communications, eloquence, luck, medicine, oratory, roads, and wind
* Hermes, Greek, A god of travelers, messenger to the gods, "The Good Shepherd", god of herds and flocks, a rather busy fellow
* Hermod, Nordic, The messenger god
* Hermraphroditos, Greek, A god that it became one with a goddess and is now of uncertain status
* Hermus, Roman, A river god
* Herne , British/Anglo-Saxon , An underworld god and leader phantom hunt
* Heron, Egypt, A god appearing on the monuments of the Greek and Roman eras, thought to be a horseman god
* Heros, Thrace, An underworld god who is also a horseman
* Herovet/Jarovit, Slavic, The god of the army
* Herse, Greek, The goddess of the dew
* Heruka, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god, one of the more popular in the pantheon
* Herysaf, Egypt, A primeval god
* Hesat, Egypt, The goddess of birth and a minor guardian of pregnant and nursing mothers
* Hesperos, Greek, The goddess of evening
* Hestia, Greek, She was the virgin goddess of the hearth, family, and peace prosperity, stability and community
* Hetep, Egypt, A god of peace and happiness
* Hetepes-Sekhus, Egypt, An underworld goddess
* Hettsui No Kami, Japan, The goddess who protected and provided for the family
* Hevajira, Buddhist/Mahayana, A god equivalent to the Hindu Siva
* Hexchuchan, Maya/Itza, A god of war
* Hexe, German, A goddesses of curing illness
* Hez-ur, Egypt, The baboon god, considered to be a form of Thot
* Hi'lina , Haida/PNW, The tribal god that represents the Thunderbird
* Hi-Hiya-Hi, Japan/Shinto, The sun god
* Hi-No-Kagu-Tsuchi, Japan/Shinto, A fire god whose birth caused the death of the primordial goddess Izanami
* Hihankara, Lakota, A goddess of the Milky Way
* Hiisi, Finland, Demon, originally meaning a sacred grove, later a mean goblin.
* Hiisi Karelin, Finland, A pre-Christian tree god that of course was demoted to mean devil, but in the eight minor sense
* Hike/Heka, Egypt, This god had his shrines in/around of Memphis
* Hikoboshi, Japan/Shinto, An astral god
* Hila, Inuit, A god of weather
* Hilaeira, Greek, The goddess of brightness
* Hilal, Arabic, A god of the new moon
* Himalia , , A goddess invoked to bless the harvest
* Himavan/Himivat, Hindu, A mountain god, the apotheosis of the Himalayan Mountains
* Himerus, Greek, A god of sexual desire
* Hina, Hawaii, A goddess of the moon, fertility and healing herbs
* Hine titama, Maori, A goddess of the dawn
* Hine-Ahu-One, Polynesia/Maori, A chthonic goddess
* Hine-Ata-Uira, Polynesia/Maori, The goddess of light
* Hine-Nui-Te-Po, Polynesia/Maori, A chthonic goddess of night and of the underworld
* Hinglaj[-Mata], Hindu, A mother goddess
* Hinkon, Tungus/Siberia, A hunting god as the controller of all animals
* Hino, Iroquois, A god of the sky
* Hinokagutsuchi , Japan/Shinto?,  this is the fire god whose birth killed the goddess Izanami
* Hintubuet, , A moon goddess
* Hintubuhet, New Ireland Is./Melanesia, This goddess is a supreme being, however she is androgynous
* Hippona, Roman, A goddess of horses
* Hiranyagarbha, Hindu/Vedic, A creator god identified in the Rig Veda, the demon King that proclaimed himself king of the universe
* Hiranyakasipu, India, A demon that held the earth prisoner, under flood waters
* Hiribi, Canaan, The goddess of summer
* Hiro , Easter Is.,  The god of rain and fertility
* Hisakitaimisi, Creek, The controller of life
* Hittavainen Karelian, Finnish, A hunting god and the guardian of hare hunters
* Hlin, Norse, A goddess of consolation
* Hlin, Scandinavia, A goddess of summer
* Hlothyn/Holdyn/Fjorgyn, Nordic, A goddess from the poetic edda
* Hnossa, Scandinavia, A goddess of infatuation
* Ho Masubi, Japan, A god of fire
* Ho Po Ping I, China, A god of the Yellow River

* Ho-Musubi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A fire god
* Ho-Po, China/Taoist, A god that controls all rivers but in particular, the Yellow River
* Hoa Tapu, Tahiti, A god of war
* Hoatziqui, Mexico, A goddess of justice
* Hod, Norse, A god of winter
* Hoder/Hodur, Nordic, The blind god
* Hoenir, German, This god gave all mortals the five senses
* Hoenir, Nordic, A god identified in the poetic edda
* Hokewingla, Dakota, A turtle spirit
* Hokushin-O-Kami, Japan/Shinto, An astral deity, Ursa Minor
* Holda, German, She is the goddess of beauty and love
* Holi, India, A goddess of happiness and merriment
* Holle, Germanic, This goddess of last the newborn emerge from the underworld where she also accepts the souls of the dead
* Holly King and Oak King, Celtic, Two sacrificial gods
* Honabe, Huli, The primeval goddess
* Honir,  Norse , this is the god they gave humans and their understanding and feelings
* Honus/Honos, Roman, The god of military honors
* Hor-Hekenu,  Egypt , in this form, Horus is the lord of protection
* Hora, Roman, A goddess of beauty
* Horae/Horai, Greek, The goddesses of order and the seasons, all three of them
* Horagalles, Lapland, A weather god, a local version of Thor
* Horkos, Greek, The god of oaths
* Horus, Egypt, A god of prophecy, healing, music, art, war, victory, light, the north and the sky
* Hosia, Greek, A goddess of holy rituals
* Hotei, Japan/Shinto, Another of the Seven gods of Luck
* Hotogov Mailgan, Buriat/Siberia, A goddess of heaven at night
* Hotoru, Pawnee, The wind spirit
* Hotr[a], Hindu/Vedic, A minor goddess of sacrifices
* Hou Chi, China, Lord of abundant harvests
* Hou T'u, China, A god of the earth
* Hours, Egypt, Underworld goddesses, the 12 daughters of Re
* Hov Ava, Russia, The moon goddess
* How, Chu, China the is the goddess of the air
* Hoy Kong, China, A goddess of Ursa Minor
* Hrsikesa, Hindu, A god, a minor avatar of Visnu
* Hsi Ling su, China, The god of silk
* Hsi shen, China, A god of joy
* Hsi Shih, China, A goddess of face cream
* Hsi Wang Mu, China, Mother goddess of the Western Paradise and female energy
* Hsiao Wu, China, The god of prisons
* Hsieh T'ien chun, China, A god personification of the planet Saturn
* Hsien Nung, China, A god of agriculture
* Hsien Se, China, A god of agriculture
* Hsu Ch'ang, China, A god of archery
* Hsuan Wen hua, China, The god of hair
* Hu, Egypt, A god that personified royal authority
* Hu Shen, China, A god of hail
* Hu Tu, China, A goddess of the Summer solstice
* Huaca, Peru, A spirit being
* Huacas, Peru/Bolivia, Any natural object that has an obvious supernatural manifestation
* Huan Yang ch'ang, China, A god of the heart
* Huanacari, Inca, A guardian spirit
* Huang Fei-hu , China,  at the chthonic god that became the judge of the dead because their souls call at the sacred mountain
* Huang T'ing, China, A god of the spleen
* Huang Ti, China, A god of architecture and an astral god, a deified emperor and he invented the compass
* Huang-di, China, The mythical yellow emperor
* Hubal, Arabic, A local tutelary and oracular god
* Huban Elamite, Iran, A tutelary god
* Hubris, Greek, A god personifying lack of restraint
* Huehuecototl, Aztec, A minor god, one of sexual lust
* Huehuecototl-Coyotlinahual, Aztec, A minor god of feather workers
* Huehueteotl, Aztec, The god of fire
* Huiracocha/Viracocho, Inca, The supreme deity accused of a virgin birth and creator of of the world
* Huitaca, Chibcha, A goddess of intoxication and the moon
* Huitzilopochtli, Aztec, He is a god of war and the sun as well as the patron god of the Aztec nation
* Huitznahua , Aztec,  Collectively, the remaining brothers of the war god that were defeated
* Huixtocihuatl, Aztec, A goddess of the ocean and salt
* Hulka Devi, Hindu, A goddess of cholera
* Humban, Mesopotamia, The supreme deity
* Hun Hau, Maya, A god of death
* Hun Hunapu, Maya, A creator god
* Hun Nal, Maya, A god of maize
* Hunab Ku/Itzamn, Maya, The most important creator god and the greatest deity in the pantheon
* Hunahpa Utiu, Maya, Yet another god that helped create humans
* Hunahpu Gutch, Maya, He is one of the 13 gods that mistakenly created humans
* Hunahpu Vuch, Maya, A goddess of hunting
* Hunapu, Maya, Another creator god
* Hung Sing, China, A guardian God of of fishing boats and their crews
* Hunhau, Maya, 1 of several gods of death that ruled the underworld
* Hunthaca , , A moon goddess?
* Huo Pu, China, A god of fire
* Hur ki , , A moon goddess?
* Hurabtil Elamite, Iran, A god known only from being mentioned in Akkadia texts
* Huracan/Hurucan/Hurakan/Hurukan, Quiche, A creator god that fashioned the first humans
* Hurakan, Nicaragua, A god of storms, thunder and hurricanes
* Huvi, Bushmen/Africa, The supreme god
* Huvi Ovimbundu, W.Africa, A god of hunting
* Huzayui, Egypt, A serpent headed, winged god of the west wind
* Hvar, Iran, The sun god
* Hyaninthos, ,  A god of vegetation
* Hygeia, Greek/Roman, A goddess of health and medicine
* Hymen, Greek/Roman, A god of marriage and first love
* Hymenaeus, Greek, This poor god is the goddess of marriage
* Hymenaios, Greek/Roman, A god of marriage
* Hyperion, Greek, The Titan god of primordial light
* Hypermnestra, Greek, A goddess of water
* Hypnos, Greek, The god of rest and/or sleep
* Hypsistos, Greek/Roman, A local god of the Bosporus area
* I'lena, Koryak/Siberia,
* I'lena, Koryak/Siberia, An animistic spirit
* Iae, Brazil, A god of the moon
* Iakchos, Greek, A god that might be demon and/or a demon that might be god
* Ialonus, Celtic, A fertility god
* Iambe, Greek, A goddess of happiness
* Ianagi and Izanami, Japan, The god and goddess that created Japan
* Iapetos , Greek,  A Titan god who now hangs out in Tartarus
* Iarila, Russia, A fertility goddess
* Iaso, Greek/Roman, A goddess of healing and medicine
* Iatiku and Nautsiti Acoma, NA, The sisters who created man
* Ibath , Irish , A Nemed who is believed to be a Tuatha ancestor/father god
* Iblis, Islamic, The Islamic version of the Jewish/Christian Devil
* Icauna, Roman/Celtic, The river goddess of the river Yonne[Brittany]
* Icci, Siberia, Animistic spirits
* Iccovellauna, Celtic, A water goddess
* Ichpuchtli, Aztec, A goddess of lust pleasure
* Ida, Hindu, She is the goddess of prayer and devotion that was a man that turned into a woman, really
* Ida Ten, Japan, This young god protects monasteries and is rather quick
* Idem Huva Finno, Ugric, A goddess of autumn
* Idliragijenget, Inuit, A sea goddess
* Idlirvirisong, Inuit, The demonic cousin of the sun
* Idothea, Greek, A goddess of the sea
* Idunn, Nordic, The keeper of the apples of immortality
* Iegad , Pelew Is. , this is the god that is guilty of bringing light to earth
* Iemaparu , Pueblo/Kachina? , Corn mother
* Ifa, Yoruba, The god of wisdom, knowledge and divining
* Ifru, Roman/N. Africa, A god known from an inscription at Crita
* Igaehinvdo, Cherokee, The sun goddess
* Igalilik, Inuit, A very tough hunting spirit
* Igaluk, Inuit, The god of the moon
* Igigi, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, The collective name for the group of younger sky gods
* Ignerssauk, Inuit, A sea god, generally benevolent
* Ignirtoq, Inuit, The goddess of lightning
* Ih P'en, Maya, A chthonioc fertility god, concerned with the growth of plants as well as family, property and other wealth
* Ihi, Tahiti, A goddess of learning, of wisdom
* Ihi/Ehi, Egypt, He is the lord of the sistrum
* Ihoiho , Society Is.,  The creator god that created everything including the primeval waters
* Ihy, Egypt, A minor god of music
* Ikal Ahau, Maya, A chthonic death god, that strangely enough, is considered to inhabit Christian church towers in Mexico
* Ikas , Algonquin,  Mother Earth
* Ikenga Ibo, Nigeria, A god of fortune, a benevolent deity
* Iku, Nigeria, A god of death
* Iku-Ikasuchi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The most significant of the eight thunder deities, A god of thunder
* Iku-Turso, Finland, A malevolent sea monster; probably same as Tursas.
* Ikvaku, Hindu/Vedic, An ancestral sun god, that creator god
* Il, Canaan/Lebanon/Syria, The creator god
* Ila, Hindu/Vedic, A minor goddess of sacrifices
* Ilaalge, W. Semitic, A local god in
* Ilabrat, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, A minor god, heavy into politics
* Ilamatecuhtli, Aztec, Old mother goddess
* Ilankaka, Nkundo, A sun goddess
* Ilankaka, Zaire, A goddess of war
* Ilat, Pokot/Suk, The rain god
* Ilazki, Basque, The apotheosis of the moon in a feminine form
* Ilithyia, Greek, A goddess of childbirth Eileithyia, Eilethyia, Eleuto
* Illapa/Illyapa/Katoyalla, Inca, He is the god of lightning, thunder and rain storms
* Illargui, Basque, A moon goddess
* Ilmarinen, Finnish, A god of good weather and the wind, he is also a protective deity of travelers and for a lark he forged the sun
* Ilmarinen, Finland, The great smith, maker of heaven. Originally a male spirit of air.
* Ilmatar, Finland, He is the god of the earth
* Ilmatar, Finland, Female spirit of air; the daughter of primeval substance of creative spirit. Mother of Väinämöinen in Kalevala.
* Ilyapa, Inca, A god of storms and weather
* Im, Mesopotamia, A storm god
* Imana, Banyarwanda/Burundi/E. Africa, The chief god
* Imazuma, Japan/Shinto, The goddess of lightning
* Imhotep, Egypt, A god of healing, embalming, medicine, learning, sleep etc
* Imiut, Egypt, A minor chthonic protective god
* Immap Ukua, Inuit/E. Greenland, A sea goddess, moma to all of the sea creatures
* Immat, Kafir/Afghanistan, A demonic god that liked virgins
* Imo, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Improcitor, Roman, A minor god of agriculture that worried over harrowing of the fields
* Imra, Hindu/Kush, A god
* Imra, Kafir/Afghanistan, A creator god that is still worshipped today
* Imset/Amset, Egypt, This god is a funerary god charged with the care of the liver of the deceased
* Ina, Brazil, A dolphin goddess
* Ina'hitelan, Koryak/Siberia, A guardian spirit that supervises the skies
* Inana, Mesopotamian/Sumeria, A goddess of fertility, of love and war
* Inanna, Mesopotamian, A goddess of fertility, of love
* Inanna, Sumeria, A goddess of heaven, light, long life, the moon, and war
* Inanupdikile, Panama, A goddess of rain
* Inara, Hittite/Hurrian, A minor goddess
* Inaras, Anatolia, A goddess of liquor
* Inaras, Hittite, The goddess of the wild animals of the steppe
* Inari, Japan/Shinto, A god/dess of food and rice
* Indr, Kafir/Afghanistan, A tutelary and weather god
* Indra, Hindu, A god of rain, storms, thunder and clouds
* Indra, Vedic, A god of fertility and war
* Indrani, Hindu/Puranic/Vedic, A goddess of wealth
* Indukari, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Inemes, Micronesia, A goddess of love and of sexuality
* Ing , Anglo-Saxon,  An ancestral god
* Inghean/Crobh/Dearg  Bhuidhe, Irish, One of the isters who made up a triple goddess and goddess of summer
* Inguma, Basque, A spirit of death that enters people's homes by night and strangles them
* Ini, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Ini Heret, Egypt, She is the goddess of mediators, diplomats, statesman's and other professional liars
* Inkanyamba, Zulu/S. Africa, A storm god, deals directly with tornadoes
* Inkosazana, Zulu/S. Africa, A goddess of education, rain, the rainbow and mist
* Inmar Votyak, Finnish/Ugric, A sky goddess that was taken over by the Christians and called of the Mother of God
* Inmutef/Inummutef, Egypt, A minor canopic god
* Inna, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Innana, Sumeria, The goddess of love, procreation, and war
* Insitor, Roman, A god concerned with the sowing of crops
* Inta, Aztec, A god of fire who is associated with paternalism
* Intercidona, Roman, A goddess of midwives
* Inti, Inca/Quechua, A god of war and the sun
* Inuat, Inuit, These are the spirit beings that reside with all living creatures and maintain the lamp of life
* Inuus, Roman, A god that protected herds
* Io/Khio, New Zealand, The chief god who appears to be known only to the nobility and the priests
* Ioskeha, Iroquois, Creator of the first man and woman
* Ipalnemohuani, Aztec, The supreme deity
* Ipet/Ipi, Egypt, She started life as a hippopotamus goddess
* Ipy, Egypt, A mother goddess that occasionally will wet nurse the king
* Irene, Greek, A goddess of peace
* Iris, Greek, A goddess of the rainbow
* Irmin, Germanic, A war god
* Irmiongot, Germanic, This possibly Irmin, found in The Hildebrandslied, strangely the poem shows Christian influence
* Irsirra, Hurrite, She is the goddess of fate
* Iruwa, Kenya, A sun and war god
* Irvun , Congo/Tanzania/Cameroon , a sun god
* Isa, Buddhist, A guardian deity
* Isa, Hindu/Puranic, An aspect of Siva
* Isakakate, Crow, The supreme being
* Isamba, Africa, A moon goddess
* Isara, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia/W. Semitic, A goddess of marriage and childbirth who dealt with the enforcement of oaths
* Isdes, Egypt, A chthonic god of death
* Isdustaya , Proto-Hattic,  A goddess of of fate
* Ises, Africa, A goddess of bow and arrow
* Ishi-Kori-Dome, Japan/Shinto, A god/goddess of stonecutters
* Ishkur, Mesopotamia, The god of rain
* Ishtar/Inanna, Babylonia, She was the goddess of sexuality and of love and war
* Isi, India, A goddess
* Isinu , Akkadia/Mesopotamia,  this god, a messenger, was a dual faced god
* Isis, Egypt, A goddess of childbirth, death, the earth, fertility, marital devotion, motherhood, healing, home, magic, the moon and the mother goddess
* Iskur, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Iraq, The chief rain and thunder god
* Island of Flame, Egypt, Though not a god, without yet it eight gods would never have came into being
* Ismud, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A dual faced messenger god
* Israfil, Islam, The angel that blows of the trumpet of doom at the last call for of the universe
* Issaki, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess walking around with a headless child
* Issitoq, Inuit, This god looks for those that break the rules
* Istadevata, Buddhist/Tibet, A tutelary god
* Istadevata, Hindu, A generic title for a personal God or a house icon
* Istanu, Hittite, A god of judgment who was also a sun god
* Istar/Estar, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, A goddess of fertility and war known as the star of heaven
* Istaran, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A tutelary god of the city of Der
* Isten, Hungary, The chief deity
* Isten/Isden , , A god known from the the Middle Kingdom and later
* Istustaya, Hittite, One of the deities who awaited the return of Telipinus
* Isum, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, A minor god, possibly a god of fire
* Isvara, Hindu, An epitaph of Siva
* Itaba, Haiti, Ancestor goddess
* Itchita, Yakut/Siberia, This goddess of the earth prevents illness

* Ithm, Canaan, The god of herds, usually sheep
* Itonde Mongo/Nkuando , Zaire, the god of death and hunters
* Ituana, Brazil, A goddess of the afterworld
* Itzam Cab, Mayan, A chthonic earth god as well as a god of fire
* Itzam Na/Hun Itzamna/Yaxcocahmut, Maya, Another creator god, water, agriculture, drawing, healing, medicine and the moon
* Itzcoliuhqui, Aztec, A god of volcanoes, destruction and of the night
* Itzcutintli , Aztec,  a guardian goddess of the home
* Itzli,  Aztec , a God of justice
* Itzpapalotl, Aztec, She is a goddess of agriculture
* Itzpapalotl-Itzcyeye,  Aztech,  A minor mother goddess who was found only in the Valley of Mexico
* Iubdan of the Faylinn , Irish, An Ulster god
* Iunones, Greek/Roman, The goddesses of femininity
* Iusaas, Egypt, A creator goddess
* Iuturna, Roman, A goddess of springs and who was real handy in times of drought
* Ix Ahau, Maya, A moon goddess
* Ix Ch'up, Maya, A goddess of the moon
* Ix Chebel Yax, Maya, A goddess of teaching, childbirth, the moon, sexual relations, storms and water
* Ix Kanan, Maya, The vegetation goddess that takes care of bean plant
* Ix Ku, Maya, A goddess of rain
* Ix Zacal Nok, Mayan, The inventor of weaving as well as a creator goddess
* Ixbalanque/Hunapu , , this god of the moon is also be twin of Hunahpu
* Ixchel/Ix Chel, Maya, She is the goddess of the moon
* Ixcozauhqui, Aztec, Associated with paternalism and A god of fire
* Ixmucane, Maya, Yet another of the 13 gods that created humans
* Ixnetli, Aztec, A goddess of weavers
* Ixpiyacoc, Maya, This god is also guilty of creating humans
* Ixpuztec, Aztec, A minor underworld god
* Ixquimilli-Itzlacoliuhqui, Aztec/Mexico, A god of justice
* Ixtab, Maya, She is the goddess of the hanged and suicides
* Ixtab, Mexican, A goddess of justice
* Ixtlilton, Aztec, He is the god of healing, feasting and games
* Iya, Lakota, The the spirit of all that is evil
* Iyatiku , Navaho/Pueblo,  sheet is the mother of maize and humans
* Izanagi/Izanagi No Kami, Japan/Shinto, One of the 17 creator gods and the male primeval god
* Izanami-No-Kami/Izamnami, Japan/Shinto, A creator goddess who died and giving birth to the fire god as well as the primeval female goddess
* Izquitecatl, Aztec, A fertility god personified by the Maguey plant
* Ja neb'a, Samoyed/Siberia, A benevolent earth goddess
* Jabru, Elamite/Iran, A sky god, a rather minor one
* Jagannath, Hindu, An epitaph for Krisna
* Jagaubis, Hindu, A fire God
* Jagganath/Juggernaut, Hindu, The god whose name means Lord of the World 
* Jakomba Bangala, Zaire, A god of morality that controls human thought
* Jamaina, Brazil, An ocean goddess
* Jambhala, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god of riches that may stand upon a man or a conch
* Jamma, Phonecia/Canaan, A god of of water, to be primarily a sea god
* Jana, Roman, A moon goddess
* Janavasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess affiliated with knowledge or the control of knowledge
* Jandira, Brazil, A sea goddess
* Janguli, Buddhist, A goddess of healing and snakebites
* Janus, Roman, The two faced god of beginnings, arches, doors, entrances and gates
* Jar Sub, Turkey, This is the god of the universe
* Jarih/Erah , Canaan,  A Moon god
* Jarina, Belem/Brazil, A goddess of happiness, joy and a tree goddess
* Jarovit, W. Slavic, He is considered a war god
* Jarri, Hittite, This god of plague and pestilence was also a god that helped the king in battle
* Jaso, Greek, A goddess of health and recovery Iaso
* Jata, Borneo, A goddess of the sky
* Jawhe/Jahve/Jehovah, Israel, Thought to be a mountain god prior to becoming the god of Israel, Mount Sinai is his suspected mountain
* Jaya-Vijaya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A twin goddess, possibly forms of Durga
* Jayakara, Buddhist, A god that rides in a cage drawn by Cockatoos
* Jayanta, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god who is one of the 11 forms of the god Rudra
* Jayatara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Jedza, Poland, Equivalent of Baba Yaga
* Jehovah, Christian, A creator god, this form was created by the the Jehovah witnesses and is not considered a true name of this god
* Jen An, China, The god of robbers
* Jetaita Yamama, Tirerra del Fuego, and earth spirits of the fearful type
* Jia Shi, China, A goddess and stellar deity
* Jian Lao, China/Buddhist, A goddess of the earth and permanence
* Jinn, Arabic, A class of demonic beings that started out as a nature spirits
* Jizo Bosatsu, China/Japan, The great protector of suffering humanity
* Jnanadakini, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess associated with, or whose name means, knowledge
* Jnanaparamita, Buddhist, A philosophical deity
* Joda mate, Latvia, Mother of the evil one
* Jogah, Iroquois, Dwarf nature spirits
* Joh, Egypt, The original word for the moon god in Thebes
* Jok, Africa, A creator god
* Jokinam, Lake Albert/E. Africa, A lake god
* Jokwa, Asian, A goddess of justice
* Jord, Icelandic/Germanic, An earth goddess mentioned in the Edda by Snorri
* Jori-Torem, Vogul, She is the goddess of foreman who supervised Num's work
* Jubbu jang sangne, Brazil, The goddess of the Jurema and a sacred tree
* Juck Shilluck, Africa, This is the creator of the world
* Julana, Jumu, The chief god
* Julunggul , Aus.,  A creator god that was the bringer of culture and identified with of the rainbow-snake
* Julunggul , Aus. , A goddess of initiations and waterfalls
* Juma , Mari/Finnish/Ugart,  the sky god whose name is also associated with spirits of earth, water, wind, and the home
* Jumala, Finnish, A god who it is not only a sky god but it is but by air to closely supreme god as well
* Jumala, Russian, A goddess of war
* Jumala, Finland, A generic name for a major deity. Originally the name given by the Finns to the sky, the sky-god, and the supreme god. Later taivas and Ukko were used as the names for the sky and the sky-god. The word means god and was later used for the Christian God. The origin of the word is unknown – some possible explanations are derivation from Jomali, the supreme deity of the Permians and origination from the Estonian word jume.
* Jumis, Latvia, A fertility god
* Jumit, Egypt, A local goddess of El Tod
* Junkgowa , Aus.,  An ancestor goddess who lived during the dreamtime and a goddess of the sea
* Juno, Roman, A goddess of marriage, motherhood and childbirth
* Juno Caelestis, Carthage, The tutelary goddess of Roman Carthage
* Junrojin, Japan/Shinto, A god of luck, one of seven
* Juok and, Bunzi, The creator of all men
* Jupiter, Roman, A god of astronomy, Jupiter, light, lightning, thunder, weather, wisdom
* Juras Mate/Jurasmat, Latvia, A goddess of the sea
* Jurate, Baltic, A goddess of the ocean
* Jurojin, Japanese, A god of longevity and luck
* Juterna/Juturna, Roman, A goddess of healing and springs invoked during drought
* Juventas, Roman, A goddess of youth
* Jvartaharisvara, Hindu, A plague god associated with malaria
* Jw/Ja'u/Jawi, Syria, This god is so ancient it yhad to be deduced from the study of personal names, nothing is known for certain but it may be identical to the harvest god Ao
* Jyeshtha, Hindu, The goddess of bad luck
* Jyotiska, Jain/India, The stellar gods, there are five classes
* K'daai, Yakut/Siberia, A fire demon that originated working in wrought iron
* K'pop'ala , E. Georgia, A protective god
* Ka Ahu Pahay, Hawaiia, A goddess of the ocean
* Ka Ata Killa, Peru, A moon goddess
* Ka Tyeleo Senufo, Ivory Coast, A creator god
* Ka'cak, Asiatic/Inuit, A sea spirit and of rather unpleasant habits
* Kaang/Khu/Kho/Thora, Bushmen/Africa, The supreme god
* Kabandha, India, The chief demon and the epic of the Ramayana
* Kabeiroi, Greek, The blacksmith gods
* Kabirroi , Greek,  bees were of vegetation and deities, commonly thought of as twins and Mail
* Kabrakan, Maya, An earthquake god
* Kabta, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, The god of bricks
* Kades, Canaan, A fertility goddess usually shown sky clad
* Kadi, Assyria, The goddess of justice
* Kadlu, Inuit, The thunder spirit[female]
* Kadru, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess that was the mother of the Nagas[snake demons]
* Kagutsuchi, Japan, A god of fire
* Kahdir/Al Kahdir, N. Africa, A vegetation god of the got his immortality by drinking from the well of life
* Kahilan, Arabic, A tutelary god known only from inscriptions
* Kahindo, Zaire, A goddess of fire
* Kai Yum, Maya, A god of music
* Kaiamunu, Papua/New Guinea, A demon that plays a large part in initiation ceremony for boys
* Kaikara Bunyoro, Uganda, A harvest goddess
* Kaka, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, Another minor god with political pull
* Kakaku, Japan/Shinto, A river god invoked to protect houses against fire
* Kakia, Greek, A goddess of vice
* Kakupacat, Maya, A war god with a shield of fire
* Kala, Hindu/Puranic/Vedic, A god of death
* Kalacakra, Buddhist/Mayhayana/Tibet, A tutelary god that is personally selected
* Kaladuti, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess whose name means messenger of death
* Kalavikarnika,  Hindu/Puranic,  a fever goddess
* Kaldas, Russia, A goddess of cattle
* Kalevanpoika (son/man of Kaleva), Finland, A giant hero who can cut down forests and mow down huge meadows, identical with Estonian national epic hero Kalevipoeg.
* Kali, Hindu/Puranic/India, A goddess of cemeteries, destruction and death that helped dance the universe into existence
* Kali, Jain, A goddess of learning
* Kalika, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess common often seen standing upon a corpse
* Kalisia , Pygmy/Zaire/Congo, A creator god that is the guardian of hunters and the jungle forests
* Kaliya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor serpent god, a Naga
* Kalki[n], Hindu/Vedic/Puranic/Epic, This god will be the 10th avatar of Visnu that rewards good and punishes people
* Kallingenia, Greek, A rather obscure goddess of birth found only in the ritual texts of Athens
* Kalma, Finnish, A goddess of death
* Kaltes, Vogul/Siberia, A goddess of birth
* Kaltesh Ugric, W. Siberia, A goddess concerned with the birth and destiny of the child
* Kalunga Ndonga, S. Africa, The creator of all things
* Kam,enae/Camenae, Italy, Goddesses unbowed of springs and wells with a shrine in Rome where of the of vestal virgins got their water
* Kama, Hindu, A god of love and desire
* Kama-Gami, Japan/Shinto, The god of potters
* Kama/Kama[Deva], Hindu/Puranic/Indian, A god of love and carnal desire
* Kamado No Kami, Japan/Shinto, The god of kitchen stoves
* Kamaksi, Dravidian/Tamil, A goddess
* Kamala, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Kami, Japan, A god identifier in Shintoism
* Kami-Musubi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A third creator being in the primordial a list of deities, this being was born alone in the cosmos and its presence remains hidden from humans
* Kamini, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Kamo-Wake-Ikazuchi, Japan/Shinto, One of the many rain gods
* Kamrusepa[s]/Katahziwuri , Hittite, She is the goddess of magic and healing
* Kamrusepas/Katahziwuri, Hittite, She is the goddess of magic and healing
* Kamui/Tuntu, Ainu/Japan, the sky god
* Kamulla , Kassite , a proper guidance in
* Kan u Uayeyab, Maya, He is the god who guarded cities.
* Kana-Yama-Hime-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A goddess of miners with a very sad birth story
* Kanaloa, Hawaiian, A god of the ocean
* Kane, Hawaiia, A god of fertility and fresh water
* Kangalogba , Pokot/Suk / Uganda, A primordial female spirit personified in the dragonfly
* Kanikanihia, Hawaiia, A goddess of love
* Kankar Mata, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess that became a mother of evil intent
* Kantatman, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A rather obscure god, of the medicine it is thought
* Kanti, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess whose name means desire
* Kao Kuo-Jiu, Chinese/Taoist, An immortal being, the tutelary god of actors
* Kapali, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god, one of the forms of the Rudra
* Kapo, Hawaiia, A goddess of abortions, fertility, childbirth and midwives
* Kappa, Japan, These water spirits are strange, their food is blood and cucumbers, they are mischevious but extremely knowing and prove helpful to humans
* Karai-Shin, Buddhist/Japan, A god of lightning
* Karalkal Ammaiyar, Hindu/S. India, A local mother goddess
* Karei , Andaman Is.,  de goddess of Thunder and storm
* Kari Semang, Malya, The supreme God who lets you know he is mad when it thunders
* Karini , Buddhist/Mayhayana,  and fear goddess room
* Karkota, Hindu, A snake god
* Karmavasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess that personifies the discipline of spiritual regeneration
* Karora, Arandan, The creator
* Karta, Latvia, A goddess of destiny, only known from oral/folk tradition
* Karttikeya, Buddhist, A god and that equates with the Hindu god Skanda
* Karttikeya/Skanda/Scanda, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god of war and a form of Skanda
* Karttiki, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Karuilers siunes, Syria, The deities that were taken over by the Hittites in as gods of all oaths
* Kasku, Hittite/Hurrian, A moon god known from inscriptions
* Kasyapa , Hindu/Puranic/Vedic,  primordial god and divine messenger
* Katargama, Tamil/Sri Lanka, A tutelary gody
* Katavi Ntamwezi, Tanzania, and in a demonic being who is chief of the water-spirits
* Katavul Tamil, S. India/Sri Lanka, Such a supreme god that he was the ultimate creator all that exists in the world and able to judge humanity and to reward or punish at well
* Katayana, Hindu/Puranic, A form the goddess Durga or Parvati
* Kathar , Ugart,  this god not only built the Palace of Baal, but is responsible for architects, artisans and weapons makers
* Kathirat, Canaan, The wise goddesses
* Katsinas, Acoma, The children of Iatiku who could bring rain and food
* Kattakju, Inuit, A goddess of healing
* Katyayani , Hindu/Puranic,  a form of the goddess of Durga or Parvati
* Kaukas, Lithuania, A spirit being, some type of goblin that brings good luck who is also bound to the notion of a dragon guarding treasure
* Kauket, Egypt, A primordial goddess, one of the eight that represent chaos
* Kaumauri, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Another goddess that later became considered a goddess of evil intent
* Kaumudi, Hindu, The goddess of the light of the moon
* Kave, Finland, Ancient god of sky, later the deity of the lunar cycle. Father of Väinämöinen. Also Kaleva.
* Kavra'nna, Chukchee/E. Siberia, A sun spirit, female type
* Kawa No Kami, Japan, A god of rivers
* Kaya Nu Hima, Japan, The goddess of herbs
* Kazyoba Nyamwezi, Tanzania, A sun god-held to be the creator and tutelary deity of the tribe
* Ke'lets, Chukchee/Siberia, The demon of death
* Kebechet, Egypt, A chthonic snake goddess
* Kebechsenef, Egypt, A funerary god responsible for at the lower portion of the body
* Keca Aba, Russian, A goddess of war
* Kefa, Egypt, A goddess of the Great Bear
* Kek, Egypt, A primordial god, one of the eight representing chaos
* Kek t Ken, Egypt, A goddess of love
* Keket, Egypt, A goddess of darkness associated with the the island of flame
* Kele De/Ceile De , Irish, A very old goddess
* Kelpie , Scotland , a very bad tempered water spirit with only one eye and that likes to kill humans
* Kematef, Egypt, An epitaph for the primeval god Amun
* Kemos Moab, Jordan, A tutelary god
* Kemwer/Kemur, Egypt, The Black Bull the venerated at Athribis
* Keneun, Iroquois, Chief of the Thunderbirds an invisible spirit
* Keng Li Ssu, China, A god robbers
* Keng Yen cheng, China, Another god of robbers and thieves
* Kenos, Tierra del Fuego, This god and was sent to earth by the supreme god, supposedly to bring order into the world.  He goofed up and created humans
* Ker, Greek, A goddess of violent death
* Keres, Greek, These were rather evil demon
* Keret'kun/Keretkun, Chukchee/Siberia, A god of the sea
* Keri and Kame Bacairi, 1st nations, These brothers are the accused of creating the human race
* Kerridwen , Celtic ?, She stands accused of being a goddess of inspiration and knowledge
* Kesava, Hindu, This God is a minor avatar of Visnu
* Kesini, Buddhist, A goddess
* Ketchimanet , Iowa/Fox,  The Great Spirit
* Ketq Skwaye, Huron, The creator
* Ketua Ngbandi, Zaire, A god of fortune invoked at daybreak
* Keyeme Taulipsang, S. America, The god and lord of the animals
* Khadau, Amur/Siberia, The creator god,  neat story
* Khadoma, Tibet, A goddess of knowledge
* Khandoba, Hindu, A form of the god Siva
* Khasa , Hindu/Vedic,  a minor goddess that controls the spirits of forests
* Khasaparna, Buddhist, A god
* Khem, Egypt, A god of life and growth in nature, vegetation, animals, fertility
* Khen-Ma, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess that is the controller of the earth's demons
* Khen-Pa, Buddhist/Tibet, A god that controls the demons of heaven
* Khentimentiu, Egypt, This is the god that rules the destinies of all of the dead
* Khepera, Egypt, A blue haired scarab god of transformation, water, creation and warriors
* Kherty, Egypt, A chthonicearth god, was around from 2500 BCE

* Khesef, Egypt, A lion god who repels feelings of lust
* Khipa, Hittite/Hurrian, A tutelary deity
* Khnum/Kneph/Khnemu , Egypt, A smith god who forms humans on his potter's wheel
* Khons[u]/Khons Hor, Egypt, A god of healing and the moon
* Khonsu, Egypt, He protects those who travel at night, and expels demons
* Khonuum, Pygmies/Africa, The chief god
* Khoromozitel/Domovi/Dovomik, Slavic, These are domestic spirits, sadly not be sipping kind
* Khosaadam Yenisei, Siberia, She was driven out of heaven to become an eater of souls
* Khovaki/Savaki, Tungus/Siberia, This entity is guilty of being in the creator of the world
* Khusor, Semite, A god of navigation and incantations
* Khwarenah, Persia, A bit of a strange definition, possessed by all morals yet it is of fire which dwells in water
* Khyung-Gai mGo-Can, Buddhist/Tibet/Bon, A local god
* Ki/Kiki, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A chthonic principal, feminine in nature
* Kianda Kimbundu, Angola, The god of the sea and fish
* Kianto Lacandon, Maya, This is the god of foreigners and all diseases
* Kibuka Buganda, Uganda, the god of war
* Kichijo Ten, Japan, She is a goddess of good fortune and beauty
* Kigatilik, Inuit, A delightful fanged demon that has no love of priests
* Kihe Wahine, Hawaii, A kindly goddess of demons, who from the the goodness of her heart is also a goddess of lizards
* Kilya, Inca, A goddess of marriage
* King Wan, China, A god of luck
* Kingu, Akkadia, A demon mentioned in the creation epic
* Kingu, Babylon, He is in the husband/son of Tiamat
* Kini'je/Ki'njen, Yukaghir/E. Siberia, This sky spirit that is in charge of keeping an accounting of the time
* Kinich Ahau, Maya, A god of war and the sun
* Kinich Kakmo, Maya, He is the sun god and is symbolized by the Macaw
* Kinnar , W. Semitic , and musician god
* Kinnara, Indian, A group of spirit beings that it looked like birds with a human heads
* Kinyras, Cyprus by way of Syria, A local god of metalworking
* Kiri Amma , Sri Lanka, A goddess of healing, childhood diseases
* Kirti, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Kis, Egypt, This god was venerated in Kusae
* Kisar, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A primordial god/dess
* Kishi Mojin/Kishimo Jin, Japan/Buddhism, The goddess of motherhood
* Kishijoten, Japan, A goddess of good luck
* Kishimo-jin , Japan?,  A goddess that changed her mind, maybe
* Kisin, Maya, He is the evil earthquake spirit
* Kiskil-lilla, Sumeria, A night demones
* Kitanitowit, Algonquin/E. Canada, A being who is present everywhere in the universe, he is invisible, like most gods
* Kitchki , N.A, . A Manitou
* Kiya'marak, Inuit, A supreme being from he remains out of touch, and distinct and remote as regards ordinary mortals
* Kiyo Hime, Japanese, A goddess of justice
* Kloanthes Hellenized/Roman, Egypt, A youthful god of Panoplois
* Klotes, Greek, A goddess of spinning
* Klotho, Greek, The goddess of spinning
* Kn Sgni, India, A goddess of war
* Ko Hsien Weng, China, A god of jugglers
* Kodamata, India, A goddess of health
* Kokomikeis Blackfoot, NA, ? The moon goddess mother of the Morning Star
* Kokopell' Mana, Hopi/SW USA, A goddess of fertility
* Kokyan, Hopi/SW USA, The creator goddess; she created humans, plants, and animals
* Kolias, Greek, A goddess of foothills
* Kollapura-Mahalaksmi, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess
* Kolpia, Phoenicia, The creator god
* Kombu, Bantu/Africa, This is the god of creation
* Komodia, Greek, A goddess of happiness and amusement
* Kon , Peru,  he is the god of all the desert
* Kondos, Finnish, A god of cereal crops that was renamed by the Christians to St. urban
* Kongde, China, A goddess of justice
* Kongsim, Korean, A goddess of healing
* Kono Hana Sakuya, Japanese, A goddess of spring
* Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A mountain goddess
* Korawini Paiute, W. USA, A goddess of intercourse
* Kore/Core, Greek, A goddess of springtime 
* Kornjunfer, Germanic, A goddess of grain
* Korobona, Carib, A goddess of lakes
* Koros, Greek, A goddess of extravagant joy and exuberance
* Korravai, Davidian/Tamil/S. India/Sri Lanka, though sweet to the to for (?) A war goddess
* Korrawi Tamil, India/ Sri Lanka, the goddess of battle and victory
* Korrigan, French, A goddess of underground springs
* Korybantes, Asia Minor/Greece, Demonic companions of Kybele
* Kostrubonko, Russia, A god of spring
* Kotar/Kautar/Kusor, Syria, A god Blacksmiths
* Kothar, Canaan, A god Blacksmiths
* Kothar u Khasis, Canaan, The god of crafts
* Kotisri, Buddhist, A mother goddess that is called the mother of 7000 Buddhas, busy girl
* Kotitonttu, Finland, Tutelary of the home.
* Koto-Shiro-Nushi, Japan/Shinto, A god of love
* Kottavei, India, A goddess of war
* Kotys, Thrace, A goddess whose worship spread throughout Greece and Italy
* Kou Njami, Siberian, A goddess of war
* Kouretes, Greek, Forest deities
* Kourothropis, Greek, A really obscure goddess, who wet nursed, this goddess is known only from ritual texts
* Kovas, Lithuania, A god of war
* Kratesis, Greek, A goddess of victory
* Kratos, Greek, A god of strength
* Krishna, Hindu, An incarnation of Vishnu a bit of a ladies man
* Krittika, India, A goddesses of the  Pleiades
* Krodhadevatas, Buddhist, These are the gods of terror
* Kronos, Greek, A god of agriculture, seeds
* Kronos , Pre-Greek,  A fertility god celebrated by of harvest festival of Kronia
* Krosdari, Hindu, A goddess, a rather emancipated goddess
* KRSNA/Kannan, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/Tamil, An incarnation of Vishnu known as the dark one
* Krttika[s], Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Minor malevolent goddess/es
* Krtya, Hindu, A goddess of witchcraft
* Krumine, Lithuania, A god of grain
* Ksama , Hindu/Puranic/Epic,  in minor goddess
* Ksantiparmata, Buddhist, A philosophical deity
* Kshumai, Kafir/Afghanistan, A beneficent fertility goddess
* Ksitigarbha, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess whose name is womb of the earth
* Ku, Hawaii, A god of power, war and warriors
* Ku Uasa, Finland, He is a god of water
* Ku'nkunxuliga Ma'maelegae, BC Canada, A tribal god and personification of the Thunderbird
* Ku'urkil, Chukchee/Siberia, Not only god, but a powerful Shannon and the first man
* Kuan Ti, China, A god of literature and fortune telling
* Kuan Yin, Chinese/Taoist, A benign guardian goddess, probably of Indian origin
* Kuanja, Angola, A goddess of hunting
* Kuat, Brazil, A god of the sun and war
* Kubaba, Anatolia/Syria, The chief goddess of the Neo Hittites
* Kubaba, Kish, This goddess, a former barmaid, reigned as queen of the third dynasty for 100 years
* Kubera, Hindu/Puranic/Vedic/Epic, He is the guardian of the north as well as a god of riches
* Kubjika, Hindu, A goddess of writing
* Kubuddhi, Hindu, A minor goddess whose name means stupid, she ran around with Gansea
* Kucumatz, Maya/Quiche, A god that created all things from itself
* Kud , Korea, The Caca and in embodiment of the evil principal that abound in the world
* Kudia , Siberian,  he is a sky god
* Kuei ku Tzu, China, Another god of fortune telling
* Kuei Shing, Chinese, A god of literature presides in Ursa Major
* Kujaku Myoo, Buddhism, He in gives protection against drought and protects against all evil in the Shingo sect of Japan
* Kuju, Yukaghir, A benevolent sky spirit that supplies with food
* Kuk, Egypt, A primeval god, one of a pair, a member of the Ogdoad, that represent the darkness that reigned prior to the creation of any heavenly body
* Kuklikimoku, Polynesian, A god of war
* Kuku-Ki-Waka-Murpo-Tsuna-Ne-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The god that guards the home and its environs
* Kuku-Toshi-No-Kami, Japan, The god responsible for a harvest of full grown rice, his shrines are often served by Buddhist priests
* Kukulcan, Maya, A god of storms,and wind and creation
* Kukulcan, Maya, He is the wind god that started life as a god of the Toltec
* Kukuth/Kukudhi, Albania, This is a female demon of sickness had an unhappy life at as a human
* Kul, Vogul/Ostiak, These are nasty water spirits that are not only selfish, for a lark they inflict sickness on humans
* Kuladevi, Hindu, A goddess
* Kulika , Hindu,  A Naga
* Kulisankusa, Jain/India, A goddess of learning
* Kulisevari, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess often shown with a corpse
* Kulla, Babylon/Akkadian, A god of builders and responsible for the creation of bricks
* Kullervo, Finland, Tragic antihero. Model for Túrin Turambar in Tolkien's Silmarillion.
* Kulshedra, Albania, A female demonic individual in that may be either an enormous hag with pendulous breasts and/or a dragon like monster that spits fire
* Kumarbi[s], Hittite/Hurrian, The creator/father of the gods
* Kumari, Hindu, A goddess, an epitaph of Durga
* Kumokums Modoc, S. Oregon USA, The creator god
* Kun Aymara, Bolivia, A snow god and main deity
* Kun Lun, China, While on earth he is the lord of the sky's capital or something like
* Kun tu bzan po, Tibet, The head of god in the Bon pantheon
* Kun-Rig, Buddhist/Tibet, A god associated associated with the prayer wheel
* Kunado-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A guardian deity of roads and crossroads
* Kunapipi Alawa, Aus., A type of magna mater, rather unpleasant who is still a part of the rite of passage for males
* Kundalini, Aztec, A mother goddess responsible for provision of all food from the soil
* Kunitokotatchi, Japan/Shinto, The chief deity
* Kuntu bXan Po, Tibet/Bon, This god was the head of the pantheon
* Kuo Tzu i, China, Another god of happiness
* Kupala, Slavic, A goddess of herbal lore, long life,water, witchcraft and sorcery and sex
* Kupalo, Russia, A midsummer goddess
* Kupalo, Slavic, A goddess of fertility, sex and fire
* Kura-Okami-No-Kami , and/Shinto , A rain god that may also cause snow falls
* Kurdalaegon/Kurdaligon Ossetian, Caucus mtns., and in The god of all blacksmiths with a strange job
* Kuretes, Crete, Demons associated with vegetation that are of pre-Greek times
* Kurke/Curche, Prussia, he is a god of grain
* Kurma[vatara], Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An avatar of Visnu
* Kurukalla, Buddhist, A goddess, usually of terrifying appearance
* Kurukalla, Hindu, A goddess, one of the Tantric deities
* Kurukalla, Tibet, A goddess of riches
* Kurunta?, Hittite, He is a god of rural areas
* Kus, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, The god of herdsmen
* Kusag, Babylon, Not only is he this patron god of priest, he is the high priest of the gods
* Kushi-Dama-Nigi-Haya-Hi, Japan/Shinto, A sun god, the apotheosis of the morning sun
* Kushi-Iwa-Mado-no-Mikoto, Japan/Shinto, This guardian God protects entrance gates
* Kusuh, Hittite/Hurrian/Anatolia, The moon god
* Kutkhu, Kamchadal/SE Siberia, A male and guardian spirit
* Kutkinnaku, Koryak/Siberia, This is the spirit that taught mankind to haunt it and catch fish in addition to giving them the fire stick and the shamans drum
* Kuu, Finland, God of Moon.
* Kvasir, Nordic/Icelandic, A minor god of wisdom
* Kwan Yin, China, A goddess of childbirth, compassion and mercy
* Kwanonn, Buddhist/Japan, A form of Avalokitesvara
* Kwoth, Nuer/Sudan, The creator god not
* Kyanwa, Nigerian, A goddess of hunting
* Kybele/Kybebe/Cybele , Phrygian/NW Turkey, A rather important Asian mother goddess who likely started as a mountain goddess
* Kyumbe Zaramo, Tanzania, He created all living things on the earth
* L'etsa'aplelana, Bella Coola/PNW Canada, The goddess who initiates the shamans
* Lachesis, Greek, One of the fates
* Lactanus/Lactans, Roman, A minor god of agriculture
* Lactura, Greek, A grain goddess
* Lada, Slavic, A goddess of happiness and love
* Lahama, Sumeria, The water condition demons that it belonged to Enki
* Lahamu, Mesopotamia/Babylonian/Akkadia, A primordial deity
* Lahar, Babylon/Sumeria, The god of cattle
* Lahe, Basque, A goddess of health
* Lahmu, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, Another primordial deity
* Lahurati Elamite, Iran, Yet another god
* Lai Cho, China, A god of agriculture
* Laima, Latvia, A goddess of childbirth
* Laima, Lithuanian, A goddess trio of life and good fortune, the fates
* Laka, Hawaii, A goddess of virgin land, song and dance
* Lakshimi, Indian, She is the goddess of beauty and wealth, but very fickle and claims no god can sustain her for very long
* Laksmana, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god, the younger brother of Rama
* Laksmi, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/India, A goddess of agriculture, love, beauty, prosperity, Lotus flowers, wealth, and pleasure
* Lalaia'il, Bella Coola, The Manitou that initiated the shaman
* Lalbai, India, A goddess of healing, and cholera
* Lalita, India, A goddess of happiness, playfulness
* Lalita Tripurasundai Tantric, India, She is the symbol of cosmic energy and of the secret ruler of the world
* Lalli, Finland, Finn who slew Bishop Henry on the ice of Lake Köyliö, according to a legend.
* Lama, Acadia, A feminine benevolent protective demon that later became the half man and half bull guardian of palace entrances
* Lama, Hittite, A protective god whose epitaph was Innara
* Lamaria Svan, Caucasus, A tutelary goddess, it is suspected that her name as been christianized
* Lamatsu, Akkadian, A demones of fever and disease among infants
* Lamia, Greece, She is a vampire type spirit who stole small children and sucked people's blood, currently accepted in modern Greece
* Lan Cai-he, China, One of the eight immortals, sometimes a boy, sometimes a girl
* Lan Kai-He, China/Taoist, An immortal being
* Lao Lang, China, A god of actors
* Lao-Tze, China, A moral who was shamed with being made into a god with a rather bizarre birth, out of his mother's arm pit
* Laran, Etruscan, A god of war
* Lares, Roman, Hearth deities, they are unique to the Romans
* Lars Familiarus, Roman, An ancestral spirit
* Larunda, Sabine, A chthonic and earth mother goddess
* Lasas, Etruscan, These are female god like beings of the pantheon, they may be winged or unwinged and some names are known
* Lasghusyamala, Hindu/Puranic, A minor goddess
* Laskowice, Slavic, These are satyr type forest spirits with a close relationship with the Wolf
* Lassair, Irish, A goddess of midsummer
* Lasya , Buddhist/Bolom,  must/Tibet A mother goddess
* Latiaran, Irish, The youngest of the three sisters who made up a triune goddess and a goddess of autumn and fire
* Latipan, Canaan, A creator god, see Il for particulars
* Latis, Britain, A lake goddess who later became a goddess of ale and meade
* Latmikaik , Pelew Is.,  This goddess of the sea is the co-creator co-ruler of the world
* Latur Dano, Nias Is./Indonesia, This is the counterpart of their supreme god which causes sickness, death and bad weather
* Lau , Andaman Is.,  these are spirit beings that are created when an islander dies
* Lauka Mate/Laukamat, Lativa, A goddess of agriculture
* Laukika-Devatas , Hindu,  the generic name for gods known from local folklore
* Laukosargas, Prussia, He is a god of grain and the fields
* Laume, Lithuania/Prussia, This entity is usually naked, enjoyshelping people and protects orphans, she became demonized
* Laverna, Italy, A chthonic underworld goddess
* Le Fay, Wales, A goddess of the sea and of the Isle of Avalon
* Le Tkakawash, Klamath, A bird goddess
* Lebien-Poghl, Yukaghir/Siberia, Animistic owner god and chief protector of the earth
* Legba, Haiti, A god of the sun and war
* Legba Fon, Benin, A god of fate
* Lei Kung, China, A god of thunder
* Lei Tsu, China, A god of innkeepers
* Lei-zi, China, A goddess of thunder who also originated silk worm Stbreeding
* Lelwani, Hittite/Hurrian, A chthonic underworld goddess
* Lemminkäinen (Ahti Saarelainen, Kaukomieli), Finland, A brash hero.
* Lempo, Finnish, A god of frenzied of love
* Lempo, Finland, Originally a fertility spirit, became synonymous with demon in the Christian era.
* Lemures/Larve, Roman, These are evil spirits of the dead with two festivals one on nine November and 1 on 13 May
* Lendix-Teux Chilcotin, BC Canada, A tutelary god that educates the human race
* Lennaxidaq, Kwakiutl, A goddess of wealth and luck
* Lenus, Celtic, A god of healing
* Lesa SE, Africa, A creator god
* Lethe, Greek, She is the goddess of oblivion
* Leto, Greek, A goddess of healing
* Leucetios, Celtic, Thunder and storm god
* Leucothea/Leukothea, Greek/Roman, A sea goddess who protects her worshippers from being shipwrecked
* Levarcham, Irish, A goddess of physical prowess
* Leviathan/Livjatan, Phoenicia, A monster also claimed that in the xian O. T.

* Leza, Bantu/Zimbabwe, A creator god
* Lha, Buddhist/Tibet, A generic term for the deity
* Lhamo/Lha Mo, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of the Bon pantheon
* Li, China, A divine lord of fire
* Li Lao chun, China, A god of farriers and of leather workers
* Li Thieh-Kuai, China/Taoist, An immortal being
* Lia Fail, Celtic, This is the stone of destiny placed on the hill of Tara and tells on the kings
* Lianja Nkundo, Zaire, A god
* Liban, Irish, A goddess of lakes
* Libanza Upotos/Bangala, Zaire, a creator god
* Liber, Italy, A chthonic god of fertility with a festival, the Liberalia, on March 17th
* Libera, Italy, A goddess of spring
* Liberalitas, Roman, A goddess of generosity
* Libertas, Roman, A goddess of freedom and constitutional government
* Libitina, Roman, A goddess of death and funerals
* Lietna'irgin, Chukchee/E. Siberia, The spirit of the dawn
* Lilith, Jewish, A rather startling young lady started out as a wife and became a demoness
* Lilith, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A goddess of storms
* Lilitu, Babylon, A nocturnal demones who lingers on as the Jewish Lilith
* Liluri, Syria, Mountain goddesses who accepted a bull for a sacrifice
* Limnades, Greek, A goddesses of lakes, marshes, swamps
* Lina, Greek, A goddess of weaving
* Linga, Hindu, A phallic form of Siva
* Lipse, Greek, A wind goddess
* Lir, Irish, A god of the ocean
* Lisa Fon/Dahomey, Africa, A sun god
* Litae, Greek, A goddesses of justice
* Litavis, Britain, A god of the forge
* Liu Meng, China, A god of agriculture
* Liu Pei, China, A god of basket makers
* Ljubi, Albania, A demoness that could cause drought on less a virgin was sacrificed to her
* Llasar/Llaesgyfnewid, Wales, A battle god
* Llew Llaw Gyffes, Welsh, A god
* Llorna , Spain,  this female spirit Lehrer's people to their, normally, drowning in bogs, swamps, etc.
* Llyr/Lear Lir , Irish/Wales, A god of the sea and water
* Lo Shen, China, A goddess of rivers
* Lo Tsu Ta Hsien, China, A god of barbers and beggars
* Lo Yu, China, The god of tea
* Lo'cin-coro'mo/Lo'cil/Yegl'ie, Yukaghir/Siberia, A hearth spirit
* Loa, Puerto Rico/Haiti, Spirit beings that were imported by Africa slaves
* Loba Duala, Cameroon/W. Africa, the sun god
* Locana, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Loco, Haiti/Vodun, A god of healing
* Lodur[r], Germanic, A creator god mentioned in the creation myth
* Lofn, Norse, A goddess of illicit unions
* Lofn, Scandinavia, A goddess of love
* Logia, Irish, A goddess of the Lagan River
* Logos, Christian, The principle embodied in the flesh by Jesus the Christ
* Logos, Gnosticn Christian, The word coming from the mind of their god
* Logos, Greek, The primordial spirit of reason
* Loha, Klamath, A beneficent goddess portrayed as a beautiful woman
* Lohasur Devi, India, A goddess of the forging of iron
* Lokapala , Hindu,  Gods
* Lokesvara, Buddhist, A generic name for a group of deities such as Siva and Visnu
* Loki, Norse, A god of evil
* Loki, Scandinavia, A god of fire
* Loko Fon, Benin, A god of trees
* Lomo Ngbandi, Zaire, the goddess of peace, invoked at sunrise every day
* Lono, Hawaii, A primordial god of agriculture, peace, rain, clouds and the sky
* Loo Wit , Klickitat/PNW, A goddess of fire, volcanoes
* Lopemat, Latavia, This is the goddess that created cattle
* Lot, Irish, A hideous Formorian war goddess and goddess of physical prowess and strength
* Lothur, Nordic/Icelandic, The god of physical senses
* Louhi, Finnish, A goddess of the ocean and winter
* Louhi, Finland, The matriarch of Pohjola, hostess of the Underworld.
* Loviatar, Finland, The blind daughter of Tuoni and the mother of Nine diseases.
* Lowalangi, Nais Is./Indonesia, A god of the world above and source of anything good
* Lu Hsing, China, A god of employees, justice and salaries and another of the three gods who were known as Fu Shou Lu
* Lu pan, China, A god of carpenters
* Lu Tong-Pin, China/Taoist, An immortal being, he is the tutelary god of barbers
* Luamerava, Africa, A goddess of sexual desire
* Luandinha, Brazil, A water goddess pictured as a snake
* Luaths Lurgann, Celtic, A warrior goddess
* Luaths Lurgann, Irish, A goddess of midwives
* Lubanga Buynyopro, Uganda, The god of health
* Lubangala Bakongo, Zaire, The rainbow god
* Luchtain//Luchtar,  Irish, A Minor war and death god
* Luchtar Lud, Irish/Wales, Chief god
* Lucifer, Gnostic/Christian,  depending upon who you believe, he is either of the firstborn son of God or the Devil
* Lucina, Roman, A minor goddess of birth, one of three
* Lud, Irish/Wales, Chief god
* Lud/Nudd/Nuada, ,  This god is London's namesake
* Ludd, British/Celtic, A god of the ocean, war and light
* Lug, Irish, A god of commerce, magic and war
* Lugal-Irra, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A chthonic underworld god
* Lugeilan/Luk , Caroline Is.,  He is a god of knowledge, strange but knowledge
* Lugh, Irish/Wales, A hero god
* Lulal, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A god whose job is not known
* Lulong , Borneo,   The goddess of love
* Luna, Roman, The goddess of the moon
* Lunang, Kafir/Afghanistan, The patron goddess of the Prasun river
* Lung Yen, China, A god of the liver
* Luonnotar, Finnish, A goddess of the ocean
* Luonnotar, Finland, Spirit of nature, feminine creator.
* Luot Hozjit, Saami/Lapland, A goddess of summer
* Luperca, Roman, A goddess of pregnancy
* Lupercus , Roman , the God of wolves, whose festival the Lupercalia is on February 15th
* Lupi, Aymara, The sun god
* Lur, Basque, The earth goddess and mother of the sun as well as at the moon
* Lutinus, Roman, A god of fertility
* Lykurgos, Greek, The name of a god of N.Arabia, that was supposed to promote fruit bearing trees
* Lympha, Roman, A goddess of healing waters
* Lyssa, Greek, A goddess of intoxication
* Ma, Cappadocia/Anatolia/Turkey, A fertility and vegetation goddess
* Ma, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Ma Emma, Baltic, A goddess of Midsummer
* Ma Kiela Bakongo, Zaire, The deified head of a band of mortal women
* Ma Ku, China, The goddess of springtime
* Ma Shi, China, A goddess and stellar deity
* Ma-zu, China, A sea goddess that is a benevolent guardian of fisherman
* Maahes/Maa/Myhs/Mihos , Egypt , He's the god of sight, sun god of the Nile Delta, and the midsummer
* Maat, Egypt, A goddess of justice, truth and stability
* Mab , Celtic,  she is the goddess of grains a fairy queen of Connaught
* Mabb, Wales, Warrioress believed to be a Welsh version of Irish's Queen Maeve and a goddess of midwives
* Mabon, Celtic, Minor sun god who also ironically represses. and of freedom, harmony and unity
* MacCecht, Irish, The god of the plough for the Tuatha De Danann
* MacCuill, Irish, A minor sea god of the Tuatha De Danann
* MacGreine, Irish, A minor sun god of the Tuatha De Danann
* Macha[s], Irish, One of the aspects of the triple Morrigu, also a goddess of fertility, festival and, sports and war
* Macuilxochitl, Aztec, A god of sport of gambling, music and dance
* Madalait, Oceania, A creator goddess
* Madhukara, Buddhist, A god whose name means honey maker
* Maenads, Greek, A goddesses of intoxication
* Maeve, Irish, A mother goddess who is the apotheosis of the land
* Mafdet, Egypt, A minor goddess who is a guardian against snakes and scorpions
* Magh Mor Irish A, Fir, Bolg princess/goddess
* Magha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A benevolent minor goddess of fortune
* Magni, German, This is a god of the future who has not yet arrived and a son of Thor
* Magog, Celtic, A mountain deity
* Mah, Persia, A god, the progenitor of the cow who also presides over tides and time as well as a moon god
* Maha-Ganapati, Hindu/Puranic, The elephant god, this time with 10 arms
* Maha-Sarasvati, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess, an emanation of Laksmi
* Mahabala, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god, a rather fearsome emanation of Amitabha
* Mahabja, Hindu/Puranic, A snake god, a Naga
* Mahadeva, Hindu/Puranic, A god, a rather important that a of Siva
* Mahakala, Buddhist, The guardian god of science and tents
* Mahakala, Hindu/Puranic, A god, its a violent aspect of Siva
* Mahakali, Hindu, A form of the goddess Kali
* Mahakali, Jain/India, The goddess learning
* Mahakapi, Buddhist, A god and epitaph of the Buddha in a previous incarnation when he was an ape
* Mahal Mata, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Mahalbiya Hausa, Africa, A goddess of healing, fevers, ulcers
* Mahamanasika, Jain, A goddess of learning
* Mahamantranusarni, Buddhist, A guardian goddess
* Mahamataras, Hindu, A group of goddesses
* Mahamayuri, Buddhist/Mayhayana/Hindu, A snake god
* Mahapadma, Hindu, A snake god
* Mahapararinirvanamurti, Buddhist, A god
* Mahaprabhu, India, A tutelary god
* Mahapratisara, Buddhist, A guardian goddess
* Mahapratyangira, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Maharaksa, Buddhist, A group of guardian goddesses
* Maharatri, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess associated with Kali and Kamala
* Mahasahasprramardani, Buddhist, A goddess whose name means the thousandfold destroyer
* Mahasitavati, Buddhist, A guardian goddess
* Mahaskti/Mahesvari/Mahakali/Mahalkakshmi/Mahasarasavati, India, She is not only in the divine mother, goddess of war, passion, and wisdom but she is the Supreme creator of the universe
* Mahasri-Tara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Mahasthamparata, India, A god of knowledge
* Mahatala, Borneo, A god
* Mahavidya , Buddhist/May,  of the collective name of a group of goddesses
* Mahayasa, Buddhist/Marriott, A minor goddess
* Mahcinatra, Buddhist/Mayhayana/Tibet, A goddess
* Maheo, Cheyenne/USA, The creator manitou that lived in the void and created the primordial water of life
* Mahes, Egypt, A sun god normally worshipped in the region of the Nile delta
* Mahesvari, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess that ended up being regarded as a spirit of evil intent
* Mahi, Hindu/Vedic, A minor goddess of sacrifice
* Mahisa, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A demonic god
* Mahisasruramardini, Hindu/Puranic, A form of the goddess Devi
* Mahiuikez, Polynesia, A fire God
* Maho Peneta , Mandan/USA plains, The great spirit
* Mahodadhi, Buddhist/Meola, A minor goddess
* Mahr, Slavic/Germanic, A demonic being similar to an Alp
* Mahrem Auxmite, Ethiopia, The head of the pantheon responsible for war
* Mahu Fon, Africa, She is the supreme goddess of the earth as well as a goddess of the moon and fertility
* Mahui Iki, Polynesia, A goddess of fire and the underworld
* Mahuika, Polynesia, A goddess of earthquakes who rules the edges of the underworld
* Maia, Greek, A goddess of midwives, the night sky, spring, fertility and fire
* Maia, Roman, A goddess of growth whose cult was associated with that of Vulcanus
* Maitreya , Buddhist/India,  designate
* Maja, Sioux, Earth mother
* Majas Gars, Lativa, A household god
* Majestas, Roman, A goddess of honor and reverence
* Maju, Basque, A god that is the consort of the mother goddess and a divine spirit
* Make Make , Easter Is./Polynesia, A god of birds
* Makunaimma, Caribbean/C. America, He is the creator of the heavens, humans, and animals in no particular order
* Mal, Dravidian/Tamil, He is a pastoral god whose name means either the the great one or the dark one
* Mal, Irish, She was the goddess who ruled the hag's headland
* Mala, Buddhist/Tibet, A mother goddess
* Malakbel, N. Arabia, A vegetation god
* Malamanganga'e, Polynesia, A creator being that was a personification of light
* Malamangangaifo, Polynesia, The other creator being that was a personification of light
* Malik , N. Arabia,  A tutelary god, this name is found among other Semitic people and used as a designator for a god
* Mallina, Inuit, The sun goddess
* Malsum, Algonquin, A destructive brother of Gluskap
* Mam, Maya, A god of evil
* Mam, Mopan, The rain god
* Mama, Korea, A goddess of healing
* Mama Allpa, Peru, The goddess of the harvest
* Mama Cocha, Inca/Peru, A goddess rain, wind and the ocean
* Mama Kilya, Inca, A moon goddess
* Mama Pacha, Inca, A goddess of autumn
* Mama Qoca, Inca, A goddess of the ocean
* Mama Quilla, Inca, The goddess of the moon
* Mamaki, Buddhist, A goddess
* Mamaldi, Amur/Siberia, She is the co-creator of earth but she was killed by her husband for creating Asia, for spite she created souls for at the magicians he built
* Mami, Babylon, This mother goddess created humankind
* Mami/Mama, Sumeria, A goddess of drunkenness and midwives
* Mamitu, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, The goddess of treaties and oaths, as well as a judge in the underworld
* Mamlambo, Zulu/S. Africa, The goddess of rivers
* Manabozo/Nena bu shu Menonemi, US/Canada, A redeemer and a trickster who a rabbit on earth under a bowl
* Manang Jaban, Borneo, A goddess of health
* Manannan, Celtic, A god of fertility and the ocean
* Manannan Mac Lir[Llyr], Irish/Wales, He was a shape shifter and chief Irish sea god
* Manasa, Hindu, The goddess of snakes who grants fertility to sterile moral females
* Manasi, Jain, A goddess of learning
* Manat, Arabic, A goddess, a daughter of Allah
* Manavi, Jain, A goddess of learning
* Manawat , W. Semitic,  the goddess of destiny
* Manawyddan, Welsh, A sea god
* Manco Capac, Inca/Quechua, A god of war and the sun
* Manda d-Hiia Mandaean, Christian (early), this god is concerned with teaching of life, redemption and a savior/redeemer
* Manda/Sani,  India,  he is the divine and regent of the planet Saturn
* Mandah/Mundih, Arabic, A collective name of gods, guardian deities that took care of irrigation
* Mandanu, Babylonia/Akkadia, The god of divine judgment
* Mandulis/Merulis, Greek/Nubian,  a sun god
* Manes, Roman, Hearth deities who is just happen to be the spirits of the dead
* Mang Chin i, China, The goddess of the womb
* Mang Shen, China, A god of agriculture
* Mangala, Hindu, A goddess, a form of Parvati
* Mangala, Hindu, An astral god
* Mangalla, India, A stellar deity that rules the planet Mars
* Mangalubulan, Batak, The god of thieves.
* Mani, German/Nordic/Icelandic, A moon god
* Mania, Roman, A goddess of death
* Manibozho, Algonquin, He is the god created the earth and humans as an after thought
* Manidhara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor god
* Manito/Manitou/Manitu, Lapiti/Algonquin/Lakota/Ojibiwa and other tribes, The Great Spirit
* Manjughosa, Buddhist, A god, a Bodhisattva
* Manjusri, Buddhist, A god of wisdom
* Manmatha, Dravidian/Tamil, A form of god of carnal love
* Manohel-Tohel, Maya, The creator god
* Mantchu Muchangu, Africa, Strange but by teaching humans how to make clothes and covering their bodies he ended up being the god of dressmakers
* Manu, Hindu/Vedic, The primordial creator god
* Manungal, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A chthonic underworld god
* Manuzi/Liluri, Syria, A mountain goddess, part of the pair with the weather god
* Manzasiri Kalmyk, W.Mongolia, The primeval god from whose body at the world of was formed
* Mao Meng, China, A god of astronomy, Jupiter, Mercury
* Maponos, British, A about tribal god
* Mara, Buddhist, A goddess of death/ the evil principle
* Mara, Norse, Definitely a goblin to fear, he seizes males while in their beds and removes all speech and motion

* Marama , Polynesian/Maori,  the moon goddess
* Marawa, Melanesia, This god made human beings mortal, supposedly only because he did not know how they were made
* Marchocias Medieval, Europe, He is a prince of the hellish realmy, supposedly one of the angels that followed Satan
* Marcia Proba, Britain, A warrior queen goddess
* Marcia Proba, Celtic, A goddess of justice
* Marduk, Babylon/Mesopotamia, The fertility god , the lord of all the gods
* Maret Jikky, Botcudo, The supreme goddess
* Maretkhmakniam, Botocudo, The supreme god
* Margawse, Wales/Britain, Mother - an aspect of the goddess
* Mari, Buddhist, The deification of literature
* Mari, Davidian/Tamil, A rain goddess and the goddess of smallpox
* Mari , Basque,  the supreme mother goddess
* Mari Mai, Hindu, A plague goddess associated with cholera
* Mari/Marian, Middle East, A mother and sea goddess
* Mariana, Belem, A goddess of healing and protector of sailors
* Mariana, Brazil, A goddess of love
* Marici, China/Buddhist, A solar goddess
* Marie aim'e, Martinique, A goddess of disease
* Marina, Slavic, A goddess of the moon
* Marinette, Haiti, An earth goddess
* Marishi Ten, Japan, The goddess of dawn and warriors
* Mariyamman, Dravidian/Tamil, A plague goddess with a bizarre form of penance
* Marmalik, Kafir/Afghanistan, A chthonic underworld god
* Marnas, N. Arabia, A local tutelary god
* Marruni, Melanesian, A god of earthquakes
* Mars, Roman, A god of springtime and war
* Marsyas, Asia Minor, A woodland satire that was flayed to death by Apollo
* Martu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A tutelary god of Ninab
* Marunogere Kiwi-Papua, New Guinea, A very popular fellow, he taught people to make their houses but most importantly he created the sexual parts of women, but not claimed to be a god
* Marutgana/Maruts, Hindu/Vedic, Storm gods
* Maruts, India, This is a group of storm spirits
* Marzana, Poland, A goddess of winter
* Masauwu, Hopi, A god of fire, war, death, and the night
* Masaya, Nicaragua, A goddess of fire volcanoes and earthquakes
* Massassi, Zimbabwe, A goddess of the morning star
* Master of Winds, Iroquois, A god of the winds
* Mat/Zemlya Syra, Slavonic, The earth goddess
* Mata, Hindu, The primeval mother goddess
* Matara, Hindu, The mother goddess applied to the divine mothers
* Mataras/Ambikas,  India,  A Group of goddesses
* Matarisvan, Hindu/Epic, A minor messenger god
* Mater Matula, Italy, A sky goddess
* Mater Matuta, Roman, A goddess of the dawn and seafaring
* Matergabiae, Lithuania, A goddess of fire, and the home
* Mathit, Egypt, A tree goddess who helps the dead climb to heaven
* Mathonwy, Wales, Father god
* Mati syra zemlya, Slavic, A goddess of justice
* Matlalcueye, Aztec, A minor fertility goddess
* Matres , Roman/Pan-Celtic,  Triads of mother goddesses
* Matrona, Celtic, A goddess of the Marne River
* Matronae, Celtic, These are the three mother goddesses that oversee fertility, they prefer peace, tranquillity and kids
* Matronit, Spanish, A goddess of chastity, promiscuity,and motherhood
* Matsuo , Japan/Shinto,  the God of sake brewers
* Matsya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An incarnation of the god Visnu
* Maturaiviran, Hindu, A locally worshipped god with an interesting story
* Maui, Polynesian/Maori, A tutelary god
* Mawu, Fon/Benin, A goddess of peace, joy, motherhood. happiness, and the sky
* Mawu Ewe, Tongo, A sky god
* Mawu Fon, Benin, The moon goddess
* Maya, Hindu, A goddess of illusion
* Maya[devi], Buddhist, A mother goddess
* Mayahuel, Aztec, A minor fertility goddess associated with the maguey plant
* Mayahuel, Mexican, A goddess of the night sky and of drunkenness
* Mayajalakrama-Kurukulla, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Mayavel, India, Another goddess of children
* Mayin, Tungus/Siberia, A benevolent, remote, supreme God
* Mayon, Dravidian/Tamil, A creator god
* Mazzikin the, Jewish, These are rather evil spirits that like to make things rough for humans
* Mbitumbo  Baule, Ivory Coast, A creator and guardian god
* Mbomba Mongo/Nkundo, Zaire, The creator god
* Mbombe Nkundo, Zaire, The mother goddess
* Mbongo Ngbandi, Zaire, A river god
* Me Na/Ninmenta, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, Unknown god
* Me'mdeye-Ecl'e, Yukaghir/Siberia, Known as father fire, a fire spirit
* Medb, Celtic, A goddess of sexuality, intoxication and war
* Medeine/Mejdejn, Lithuania, A goddess of the forests
* Medha, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Medici , Manichaean,  the goddess of light
* Meditirina, Roman, A goddess of healing
* Meditrina, Roman, A goddess of healing, of medicine
* Medr, Ethiopia, An ancient earth spirit, gender unknown
* Mefitis, Roman, This goddess was associated with sulfur springs
* Megaera of Eumenides, Greek, A goddess of justice
* Meghanda, Hindu, A minor god
* Mehen, Egypt, A minor chthonic underworld god
* Meher, Armenia, A sun god that was closely linked with Mithra
* Mehet-uret, Egypt, This goddess was the embodiment of all primeval waters
* Mehet-Weret, Egypt, A minor goddess of the creation accounts
* Mehit/Mechit, Egypt, A lion goddess
* Mehturt, Egypt, A goddess of the sky
* Meiboia, Greek, The bee goddess
* Meiden, Lithuania, He is the god of forest and animals, figures doesn't it
* Meilichia, Greek, An underworld goddess
* Melinoe, Greek, An underworld goddess
* Melkart/Melqart, Phonecia, A rather busy god in charge of travelers, sailors, colonies and the city of Tyre who, like the Phoenix, is regenerated by fire
* Mella, Zimbabwe, A goddess of healing
* Mellonia, Roman, A goddess of bees and honey
* Melobosis, Greek, A goddess of beneficence
* Melpomene, Greek, One of the Muses , to be exact, the Muse of tragedy
* Melqart, Phonecia/Turkey, A heroic tutelary god
* Melusine, Britain/Scotland, A serpent goddess
* Melwas, Cornwall, The god of the summerland [the otherworld] Meleagant
* Mem Loimis, Wintun, A goddess of water
* Meme, Zaire, A goddess of healing
* Men, Turkey, A moon god that ruled the upper and lower world
* Men Ascaenus, Antioch/Asia Minor, A local tutelary god
* Men Phygia, Asia Minor, A moon god that ruled over in the heavens, but the underworld as well
* Men Shen, China, The two guardians of doorways
* Mena, Hindu, A mountain goddess
* Menahka, Mandan, The sun god
* Menechen/Pillan/Gueu-Pillan Aruucania, Chile, The supreme God
* Meness, Lativa, A moon god as well as the guardian of travelers and military expeditions
* Meng Po, China, A goddess of justice
* Menhit/Menchit, Egypt, A lion goddess
* Meni, Phoenicia, The god of luck, both good and bad
* Menninkäinen, Finland, A fairy spirit, gnome.
* Menrva/Menerva, Etruscan, A spiting image of the Greek goddess Athena in all aspects
* Mens, Roman, A goddess of menstruation
* Menthu, Egypt, A god of war
* Menu/Menulis, Lithuania, The moon god
* Menzabac, Maya, A weather god that causes the rain by sprinkling black dye on the clouds, he has a side line as a fever god and the keeper of good souls
* Mephistopheles/Mephisto, Christian, The devil as found in the literature for magic and necromancy from the middle ages
* Mephitis, Roman, A goddess of healing and poisonous gases
* Mercury/Mecurius, Roman, A god of astronomy, commerce, messengers, eloquence and sidelines as the messenger of the gods
* Mere Ama, Finnish, A goddess of the ocean, streams and brooks
* Meret/Mer, Egypt, A goddess of song and rejoicing as well as the treasury
* Meretseger/Meresger, Egypt, A chthonic underworld goddess who brings illness and death to the disrespectful
* Merodach, Babylon, A sun god
* Merope, Greek, A goddess of the Pleiades
* Mes An Du , Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia,  God
* Mes Lam Taea, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, The god of war but thought to be an aggressive aspect of the chthonic underworld god Nergal
* Mesenet, Egypt, The goddess of the birth tile
* Meskhenet, Egypt, A goddess of prophecy, childbirth, reincarnation, fate and justice
* Meskhoni, Egypt, A goddess birth and midwives
* Meslamtaea, Sumeria, A god, possibly of war
* Messor, Roman, A minor goddess concerned with the growth and harvesting of crops
* Metatron, Jewish, The demon/angel of countenance and custodian of strength, OK
* Meter, Greek, The mother goddess
* Metis, Greek, One of the of the oceanides, a goddess of justice and wisdom
* Metsaka Huichol, Mexico, A moon goddess
* Metztli, Aztec, He is the moon god.
* Mexitli/Huitzlilpochtli, Mexico, Head god of the ancient Mexicans
* Mezamat/Mezamate, Latvia, She is the goddess of all forests
* Mezavirs/Mezadeva, Latvia, He is the god of all forests
* Mhaya, Tanzania, A goddess of deserted lovers
* Mhsala, Hindu, A minor goddess considered to be a form of Parvati
* Mi lo Fo, China, The coming Buddha
* Mi-kura-Tana-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A domestic guardian God that looks after storehouses
* Mi-Lo-Fo, China/Buddhist, A god
* Mi-Toshi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The harvest god of rice
* Mi-Wi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The God of wells [1 of 3]
* Miao Hu, China, A god of agriculture
* Micapetlacoli, Aztec, A minor chthonic underworld goddess
* Michabon, Ottawa/Canada, This god is guilty of creating humans from animals
* Michael, Hebrew/Christian, This is the Prince of angels that fought for Israel , according to christians, he is an archangel
* Michi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The gods of passage associated with road and crossroads
* Mictecachiuatl, Aztec, The chthonic underworld god, one of two
* Mictlantecuhtli, Aztec, A chthonic underworld god that created the underworld
* Mictlantecuhtli, Aztec, He is the god of Mictlan and the dead
* Mida, Greek, A goddess of oaths
* Midewiwin Algonquin, NE US E. Canada, This is the great medicine dance which requires the epitome of reverence is performed or the tribe will suffer
* Midir/Midher, Irish, A chthonic god that appears in polymorphic form
* Mielikki, Finland, Wife of Tapio, the goddess of the forest.
* Mihos/Miysis, Egypt, A lion god of Lower Egypt
* Mika-Hiya-Hi, Japan/Shinto, A sun god, subservient to the sun goddess
* Mikal, Phonecia, A local goddess with a cult in Cyprus
* Milk, Gilyaks/Siberia, These are devils of exactly what I am not sure but you best not irritate them
* Milkastart, W. Semitic, A local tutelary god of the from Umm el-Ammend
* Milkom, Ammonite (E.Jordan), He is the chief god, and may have of been worshipped by King Solomon under a different name
* Milom/Milcom Amorite, W. Semitic, The god mentioned in 1 King 11:5 worshipped by King Solomon
* Mimir, Norse, A god/demon of knowledge and wisdom
* Min, Egypt, A god potency, fertility, thunder, reproduction, roads and the sky
* Min Jok, Uganda, A goddess rain
* Minabozho Algonquin, NE US E. Canada, this clumsy god fell into the seat and make it over low
* Minaski/Minaci, Hindu, A local fish goddess
* Minato-No-Kami , Japan/Shinto,  the God of river mouths and estuaries
* Minepa, Macoua, A god of evil
* Minerva, Roman, A goddess of astronomy, science, inventing, medicine, painting, thinking, wisdom, war and sculpture
* Ming Shang, China, The god of the eyes
* Minga Bengale Shongon, Africa, This god of hunters also taught humans how to make nets
* Minona, Fon, A goddess of teaching
* Minos, Greek/Roman, A minor underworld god in in
* Mir, Egypt, A god of sex
* Mir Susne Khum, Siberia, The sun god
* Mirabichi, Ottawa/Canada, he is the god of water
* Mirahuato, Peruvian, A goddess of health
* Miritatsiec, Crow, A goddess of healing
* Mirsa Georgia/Mingrelan, Caucasus, A god of light and responsible for fire
* Mirume, Japanese, A goddess of justice
* Misor, Semite, This is the god that created salt
* Mithra, Persia, A god of war and light that had all the trappings of Christianity from 400BCE-200CE
* Mithras, Greek/Roman, A god of soldiers and war, thought to be an adoption of the Persian Mithra
* Miti, Koryak/SW Siberia, A maternal spirit
* Mitnal, Maya, The underworld hell where the wicked were tortured
* Mitra, Hindu/Puranic/Vedic, A minor sun god of light and wisdom 
* Mixcoatl, Aztec, A god of astronomy, stars, hunting and of the underworld
* Mixcoatl-Camaxtli, Aztec, A god of war, hunting and fire
* Miyatanzipa, Hittite, One of the deities who awaited the return of Telipinu
* Mizu-Ha-No-Me, Japan/Shinto, The senior water goddess who came about from the urine of the primordial creator goddess
* Mkulumncandi Swazi, Swaziland, The creator god known as the great first one
* Mlentengamunye Swazi, Swaziland, The messenger god
* Mlk-Amuklos, Syria/Palestine/Cyprus, A heroic god known from about 1100 B.C.E.
* Mneme, Greek, She is the Muse of memory
* Mnemosyne, Greek, She is the goddess of memory
* Mo Hi Hai, China, He is a god of water
* Modi, German/Norse, This son of Thor is a god that has yet to arrive
* Modimo Twana, Botswana, A universal god, possibly monotheistic
* Modron, Wales, Great Mother she is one of the most powerful of the Celtic mother goddesses
* Moerae, Greek, A goddess of reason
* Mog Ruith, Irish, A god, possibly a solar god
* Mogounos, Roman/Gallic, A local tribal deity he was assimilated with Apollo
* Mohini, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor incarnation of Visnu
* Moira/Moirai/Moerae/Mories/Fates, Greek, They are supreme even over the gods of Olympus
* Mokos , E.Slavic , A goddess of healing and sheep
* Molek/Moloch, Amorite, A god of fire that children were sacrificed to IAW 1 Kings11:7 and 2 Kings 23:10 only
* Moloch, Canaan, The sun god and a god of war
* Moma Uitoto, SA, A god that originally was the creator of mankind and the apotheosis of the moon
* Mombo Wa Ndhlopfu Ronga, Mozambique, A tutelary god that lives in and controls the forest
* Momu, Scotland, A goddess of wells and hillsides
* Momus, Greek, A god of censure and mockery
* Mon, Kafir/Afghanistan/Hindukush, A warrior god and hero from prehistoric origins and around today
* Moneta, Roman, A minor goddess of prosperity, the spirits of the mint
* Monje, Yoruba, A goddess of rivers
* Monju Bosatsu, Japanese, A god of education
* Monos, Greek, The god of  pain and sarcasm
* Month/Montu, Egypt, The war god of Thebes that quit during the 11th dynasty, royal politics you see
* Moombi, Kikuyu, A creator goddess
* Mor, Irish, A sun goddess and dam of the kings of Munster
* Morganes, Celtic, These are female water spirit
* Morgay, Scotland/Britain, A harvest goddess
* Morongo, Zimbabwe, A goddess of the evening star, love and sexuality
* Moros, Greek, A god of fate
* Morpheus, Greek, A god of dreams by humans
* Morrigan, Celtic/Irish, The goddesses of war of death and destruction from prehistoric origins
* Morrigu/Morrigan/Morrighan/Morgan/Badb/Nemain, Irish/Wales/Britain, The Crone aspect of the goddesses who were a trinity responsible for war and ghosts
* Mors, Roman, A minor god of death
* Morta, Roman, A goddess of death who became one of the Parcae
* Moruadh, Irish, A goddess of the sea
* Morva, Andaman Is./Indian Ocean, They are invisible sky spirits
* Moschel, Latvia, He is the god of cows
* Mot, Canaan/Ugarit, A god of death, fertility and sterility
* Mot, Phoenicia, The god of the dead and of all the powers that opposed life
* Motsesa, Mozambique, A goddess of water
* Moyocoyani, Aztec, A minor god of universal power
* Mrantna'irgin, Chukchee/E. Siberia, The spirit of the dawn, one of four
* Mrgasiras, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune
* Mu Gong, China/Taoist, The god of immortality
* Mu King, China, A god of fire
* Muati, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A rather obscure local god associated with the island paradise of Dilmun
* Mucalinda, Buddhist, A tutelary god of the lake near Bodh Gaya

* Mugasa/Mugu, Pygmy(C. Africa), A sky god whose story is close to that of the God of Abraham Genesis one
* Mugasha Baziba, Africa, He is the god of water
* Mugizi Bunyoro, Uganda, The guardian deity of Lake Albert
* Muhingo Bunyoro, Uganda, The god of war
* Muireartach, Irish, A goddess of the ocean
* Muireartach, Irish/Scotland, A battle goddess
* Mujaji/Modjajji Lovedu, Africa, A goddess of rain immortalized in the book, She by Rider Haggard
* Mukasa Buganda, Uganda, A beneficent god for he demanded no sacrifices
* Mula, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A malevolent Naksarta
* Mula Djadi Tobak/Batak, Sumatra, the creator god that created everything and lives in the highest of all seven heavens
* Mulhalmoni, Korea, A goddess of healing, eye diseases and water
* Mulindwa Bunyoro , Uganda, The tutelary goddess of the tribal chiefs
* Mulliltu, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A goddess
* Mullo, Britain/Roman, Patron deity of teamsters and associated with Mars
* Muluku , Macoua,  supreme being
* Mummu, Mesopotamia, This god advised the primeval god Apsu
* Mungu/Mulungu, Swahali/E.Africa, The creator god
* Munisvara, Hindu/Dravidian, A demigod that started out being a deified saint
* Munjen Malik, Kafir/Afghanistan, A chthonic earth god
* Munkata-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The sea gods [3] that protected seafarers
* Munume Bunyoro, Uganda, The god Weather
* Muraja, Buddhist, A goddess of music
* Murigen, Irish/Scotland/Manx, A lake goddess associated with the deluge legends
* Murukan/Ceyon, Dravidian/Tamil, A hunting and war god
* Musdamma, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A god of buildings, including houses
* Muses, Greek, Some mountain goddesses
* Mushdama, Mesopotamia, The god of architecture
* Musisi Ndonga, Angola, A messenger god
* Muso Koroni Bambarra, W. Africa, A chthonic fertility goddess of disorder
* Mut, Egypt, A vulture goddess shown crowned and holding a papyrus scepter, goddess of fertility, healing and sound bodies
* Muta, Roman, A goddess of silence
* Mutinus, Roman, A minor fertility god of, strongly ityphallic and invoked by women wanting to bear children
* Muttalamman/Mutyalamma, Davidian/Tamil, A plague goddess identified with smallpox
* Mutu, Assyria, He is the personification of death and the god of the underworld
* Myesyats, Slavonic, The moon deity
* Mylitta/Mu'Allidtu, Phoenician/Babylon, A goddess of fire, childbirth and fertility
* Myoken-Bohdisattiva, Chinese/Buddhist, An astral god, the apotheosis of the pole star
* Myrrah, Phonecia, The fertility goddess that whelped Kinnur
* Mystis, Greek, A goddess of teaching
* Na Cha/Li No Cha, Chinese/Taoist, The guardian god that was born as a god of from human parents
* Na Ngutu, W. Africa, The guardian deity of warriors slain in battle
* Na Pe'/Na Pe'/Old Man , Blackfoot/W. USA/Canada, The creator who was not a very nice entity, rather human in his actions
* Na'ininen, Koryak/Siberia, A benevolent creator being
* Naamah, Canaan, A goddess of fertility, sex
* Naas, Irish, A goddess who died in county Kildere
* Nabu, Babylon/Mesopotamia/Akkadian, A god of speech and the scribe and herald of the gods
* Nabudi, Oceania, The goddesses of illness
* Nachunde, Elamite, A sun god
* Nacon, Maya, He is the god of war
* Naenia, Roman, A goddess of funerals
* Nagadya, Uganda, A goddess of drought and rain
* Nagakumara, Jain, One of the group the gods with the title of bhvanavasi that were associated with rain and thunder
* Nagaraja, Hindu, A snake god in in one of the deities that were worshipped prior to 1700 BCE
* Nagawonyi, Uganda, A goddess of drought
* Nagini, Jain/India, A goddess
* Nahi, N. Arabia, A guardian God of benevolent nature
* Nahual, Aztec, A generic name for a personal God
* Nahuti Ehecatl, Aztec, A minor water god
* Nahuti Ollin/Ollin/Ollintonatiuh, Aztec, A creator god
* Nai Gan, Ghanna, A god of the ocean
* Nai No Kami, Japan, The god of earthquakes
* Naiad[s], Greek, Any nymph who presided over brooks , springs or fountains
* Naigameya, Hindu, A god usually shown with the head of a goat
* Naionuema Uitoto, SA, This god created the earth from its own imagination
* Nair, Irish, A goddess best known for escorting High King Crebhan to the Otherworld
* Nairamata, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Nairyosangha, Iran, A god of fire
* Najade, Slavic, These are water nymphs
* Nakawe, Huchol, The earth goddess
* Nakiwulo, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Naksatara[s], Hindu, A group of astral goddesses
* Namasangiti, Buddhist, A god
* Nambi, Masai, A goddess of love and of sexuality
* Nambi, Ugandan, A goddess of the sky
* Nammu, Sumeria, The goddess who gave birth to the heavens and the earth
* Namtaru, Assyria, A god of plagues
* Nan chi Hsien weng, China, The god of longevity
* Nan-Sgrub, Buddhist/Tibet, A god, a form of Yama
* Nana, Armenia, A mother goddess
* Nana, Babylon, A goddess spring
* Nana Buluku Fon, Africa, The supreme god
* Nana Buruku, Cuba, An earth and water goddess
* Nanabohozo , Ojibwa/USA/Canada, A god that influences the success or failure of hunters
* Nanabush/Manabozho/Wisaaka/Glooscap , Algonquin, The creator and good spirit
* Nanahuatl, Aztec, A creator god
* Nanai, Sumeria, A stellar deity
* Nanaja, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia, A war and fertility goddess
* Nanan Bouclou, Ewe, A god of herbs and medicine
* Nanautzin, Aztec, A god of disease
* Nandi, India, A goddess of happiness and joy
* Nandi[n], Hindu, A bull god
* Nang Lha, Tibet, A personal family guardian type of house god
* Nanna, Germanic, A goddess of plants and flowers
* Nanna, Norse, A goddess of the moon
* Nanna/As-im-babbar, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Iraq, A moon god
* Nanook/Nanuq, Inuit, The bear god
* Nanse, Babylon, A goddess of justice, water and canals
* Nantosuelta, Gallic, The goddess of water
* Napaeae, Greek/Roman, These are animistic spirits of the valleys feminine in nature
* Napir Elamite, Iran, The moon god
* Nappatecuhtli, Aztec, The minor god of mat makers
* Nappinnai, Hindu/Dravidian/Tamil, A local goddess
* Nara, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Minor incarnation of the god of Visnu
* Narada, Hindu/Epic/Vedic/Puranic, A minor but popular god
* Naradatta, Jain, A goddess of learning
* Narasinha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An incarnation of the god Visnu
* Narasinhi/Chandika, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Narayana, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A creator god thought to be synonymous with business
* Nareau, Melanesia, A creator god
* Narkissos/Narcissus, Greek, A minor god that was rather enamored of himself
* Nascio, Roman, A goddess of childbirth
* Nastasija, Russia, A goddess of sleep
* Nat, Scandinavia, A goddess of happiness
* Nataraja , Hindu/Puranic,  a form of Siva
* Nath, Irish, A goddess of wisdom
* Natha, Buddhist/Sri Lanka, A tutelary god
* Nathum, Etruscan, A goddess of justice
* Naunet, Egypt, A primordial goddess one of the eight Ogdoad
* Navadura[s], Hindu, A generic title for the nine forms of the god of Durga
* Navky, Slavic, A goddesses of water
* Nawandyo, Uganda, A goddess of healing
* Nayakaya Shilluk, Sudan, the crocodile goddess that reside in the Nile, Shillukscontinue to sacrifice to her
* Nayenezgani, Navaho, The most powerful war god
* Nazambi/Nyambi/Nzambe/Yambe/Zambi Bakongo, Zaire, The creator god
* Nazapa Ngbandi, Zaire, The creator god that is invoked at the sunrise
* Ndara , Sulawesi Is.,  The god of the underworld.
* Ndaula Bunyoro , Uganda, A plague god associated with smallpox
* Ndauthina, Fiji, A god of adultery, fire, fishing and seafaring
* Ndjambi Hereo, SW Africa, A sky god who is name is generally forbidden to be spoken
* Ne'nenk'nenkicex , Kamichadal,  The Christian God
* Nebethepet, Egypt, A local primordial goddess
* Nebo, Assyria, The god of teaching, writing and wisdom and in
* Nebo, Mesopotamia, A god of speech
* Necessitas, Roman, A goddess of fate
* Nechmetawaj, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Nediyon, Davidian/Tamil, A creator god
* Nefertem, Egypt, A god of sunrise, perfumes, ointments, virility, pleasure and Lotus flowers
* Nefertum, Egypt, A minor primordial God of creation from lower Egypt
* Negafok, Inuit, The cold weather spirit
* Negun, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A minor goddess this week
* Nehalennia, Britain, A goddess who was the patron deity of sea traders
* Nehalennia, Germanic, A goddess of fertility and the ocean
* Nehebka, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Nehebu-Kau, Egypt, A minor snake god
* Neit, Egypt, A goddess of war and wisdom
* Neit Irish A Tuatha, De, Danann war god
* Neith, Egypt, A goddess of the east, women, sorcery, the home, healing, war, hunting and weaving
* Nejma, Morocco, A goddess of healing
* Nekhebt, Egypt, The vulture goddess of Upper Egypt
* Nekmet Awai, Egypt, A goddess of justice and in
* Nelaima, Latvia, A goddess of destiny
* Nemain, Celtic, A goddess of war
* Nemain, Irish, She is one of the triune crone goddesses of battle
* Nemausis, Roman/Gallic, A god of water who has a sacred spring at Nimes in France
* Nemesis, Greek, A goddess of anger, fate and justice
* Nemetona, Britain/Roman, A guardian goddess of all sacred places, especially groves
* Nemglan, Irish, A bird god who fathered Conaire Mor
* Nenaunic, Masai, A god of storms
* Nenaunir, Masai, A god of storms
* Neoga, Iroquois, A goddess of the winds
* Neper, Egypt, A god of grain and barley
* Nephthys, Egypt, A goddess of death, war, of warriors
* Nepit, Egypt, A goddess of grain
* Nepthys, Egypt, The goddess of the dead
* Neptune/Neptunus, Italy/Roman, A god of irrigation
* Nereid, Greek, Any one of the of the fifty sea nymphs
* Neret, Egypt, A vulture goddess of strength, fear, and theft
* Nereus , Greek,  A Minor sea God
* Nergal, Assyrian/Babylonian, One of the divinities who ruled the netherworld, a goddess of war and death
* Nergal, Mesopotamia, A god of plague and a chthonic underworld god
* Nerrivik/Sedena, Inuit, The sea goddess
* Nerthus, Denmark, A fertility goddess who, bless her heart, was associated with a piece
* Nesaru,  Arikara,  The Power Above
* Nesu  Fon, Benin, The tutelary god of royalty
* Net, Irish, A god of war
* Net/Neith, Egypt, A goddess of the east, women, sorcery, the home, war, hunting, weaving
* Netcheh Netcheh, Egypt, A god of twofold vengeance
* Nethuns, Etruscan, A god of fresh water
* Neti, Babylon/Akkadian, A chthonic underworld god
* Nevinbimbaau, Melanesia, A goddess of initiations
* Nextepehua, Aztec, A minor chthonic underworld god
* Ng ai, Masai, Creator of the universe
* NgaiKikuyu/ Masai , E. Africa, The creator god
* Ngendi, Fiji, A fertility god
* Ngewo , Western Tropics,  Creator/supreme god
* Ngunuwo , Ewe/Togo, The fates
* Ni, Huli, This god is the sole cause of leprosy.
* Ni Chimu, Peru, A sea god of significant status
* Ni O, Buddhism, The protector of the Buddhist faith
* Niamh, Irish, An aspect of Badb who helps heroes at death
* Niamye, Ivory Coast/Africa, A creator god
* Niangniang, China, A goddess of justice
* Nicevenn, Scotland, A goddess associated with Samhain
* Nidaba, Sumeria, The goddess of writing
* Niha-Tu-Hi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A fire God in that was responsible for household fires that were in the yard
* Nike , Roman,  A goddess of victory
* Nikkal, Canaan, The goddess of the fruits of the earth
* Niladanda, Buddhist, A guardian God of the southwestern quarter
* Niladevi, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess who is a consort of Visnu the
* Nilalohita, Hindu, A god, one of the forms of Rudra
* Nin, Babylonia, A goddess of wisdom
* Nin Ezan [La]/Gula, Sumeria, A goddess of healing
* Nin Mar Ki/Ninmah, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A goddess goddess
* Nin Ur/Ninur, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A god
* Nin'insinna, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A fertility goddess
* Nin-Ildu, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, The god of carpenters who is a minor tutelary deity
* Nin-Imma, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, The fertility goddess who is the deification of the female sex organs
* Nin-sar, Sumeriai, A minor goddess of plants
* Ninazu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A chthonic god that is generally benevolent
* Nindara, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A god
* Nindub, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A local god of of Lagas
* Ninegal, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A god of smiths, a rather minor deity
* Ningikuga, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A goddess of reeds and marshes
* Ningilin/Ninkilum, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A rather obscure god
* Ningirama, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A minor god of magic that protected against snakes
* Ningirsu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A tutelary god
* Ningis Zi Da, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, The god of light coming from harassing and tutelary god ofGudea[Lagas]
* Ninhursagaa/Nintu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/ Babylon/Akkadian/Iraq, The goddess of the earth and creator of humans, fertility and productivity 
* Ninigi, Japan/Shinto, This god is the heir apparent to the sun goddess and was sent to the earth to rule it
* Ninkaranunna , Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian,  A Barber god
* Ninkarrak, Assyrian, A goddess of healing
* Ninkasi, Sumeria, A goddess of happiness, Pleasure
* Ninkigal, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A chthonic god worshiped at Ur
* Ninkurra, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A minor mother goddess
* Ninlil, Babylon/Sumeria, A goddess of the winds and grain
* Ninmah, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A mother goddess
* Ninmena, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A another mother goddess
* Ninsikil, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, The patron goddess of Dilmun[ a mythical paradise]
* Ninsubar, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A messenger god/goddess
* Ninsun[a], Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A cow goddess that was the tutelary goddess of Gudea
* Ninsusinak Elamite, Iran, The National god
* Nintinugga/Gula, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A goddess
* Nintu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A mother goddess of the womb
* Nintur, Babylon, The goddess of the womb
* Nintura, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, A god of thunderstorms and the plow
* Ninurta, Babylon, A god of agriculture, war and thunder
* Ninurta, Sumeria, The deity in charge of the violent and destructive south wind
* Nirmali/Shuwi, Kafir/Afghanistan, A goddess of childbirth
* Nirriti, Buddhist, A guardian, that strangely enough, who stands upon a corpse
* Nirriti, Hindu/Vedic, A goddess of corruption, decay, disease, healing and of destruction of evil
* Nishanu, Arikara, The great sky spirit
* Nispannattara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Nissaba, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, The goddess of writing and wisdom that started life as a vegetation goddess
* Nit, Egypt, A goddess of hunting
* Niu She, China, A goddess of literacy
* Niu Wang, China, A god of oxen
* Nixies, Germanic, The goddesses of rivers
* Njord, Germanic, A god of the ocean
* Njord, Norse, A god of fertility, war, wind
* Njord, Scandinavia, A god of fishing, prosperity and ships

* No Il Ja Dae, Japan, A goddess of the toilet
* Noctiluca, Gaul, A goddess of Magic from Celtic Gaul
* Nodotus, Roman/Celtic, A minor goddess crops
* Nohochacym, Maya, A god
* Nohuichana, Mexican, A goddess of hunting
* Nok, China, A goddess of Aquarius
* Nomi-No-Sukune, Japan/Shinto, The god of sumo wrestlers
* Nommo Dogon, W. Africa, The primordial spirits that are associated of rain and fertility
* Nona, Roman, A minor goddess of birth
* Nong/Zuzum, Kafir/Afghanistan, The god of winter and cold weather that lives in a glacier, he does not like women
* Norn, Norse, A goddess of the past, one of the fates
* Norov, Russia, A god of grain
* Nortia, Etruscan, A goddess of
* Norwan, Wintun, A goddess of warriors
* Nosenga Kotrkore/Shona, Zimbabwe, A tribal god that requires an oracle
* Notos, Greek, A god of the wind
* Notus/Auster, Roman, A god of the southwest wind
* Nrtya, Buddhist/Tibet, A mother goddess
* Nsongo Bangala, Zaire, A moon goddess
* Ntoa, Ghanian, A goddess
* Nu gua, China, A god/goddess
* Nu Kua, China, A primordial goddess and inventor of the flute
* Nu Mus Da, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A tutelary god of a lost city of Kazullu
* Nu Wa, China, The goddess of those who arrange marriages
* Nu'tenut, Chukchee/E. Siberia, An earth spirit that is the owner of the world
* Nuadu, Irish, A tribal god of healing and water
* Nudimmud, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A creator god that was rapidly syncretized with the Akkadian god Ea
* Nuli'rahak/Arna'kuagsak, Inuit/E. Siberia, The Sea Spirit, she lives in the ocean depths, owns all sea creatures, and feeds off the bodies of drowned a fisherman
* Nuliayoq, Inuit, A goddess of rivers, Inlets
* Numbakulla, Aus, A god
* Numeria, Roman, A goddess of childbirth
* Numi Tarem, Siberia, The sky god
* Numma Moiyuk, Aus, A goddess of the ocean
* Nun, Egypt, A god of primordial chaos
* Nunbarsegunu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A rather obscure mother goddess mentioned in the creation taxed as the old woman of Nippur
* Nunda, Cherokee, A goddess of healing, headaches, and blisters
* Nusku, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, The god of light and fire
* Nut, Egypt, A creator goddess of the heavens
* Nyambe, Zambia, A god of war
* Nyame Akan, Ghana, a creator god/goddess and androgynous being
* Nyamwezi, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Nyankopon, Ashanti, Sun god
* Nyasaye, Margoli, Chief god
* Nyavirezi, Rwanda/C. Africa, The lion goddess that was originally a mortal daughter of the tribal chief
* Nyx, Greek, A primordial goddess of the night
* Nyyrikki, Finland, The god of hunting, son of Tapio.
* Nzambi, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Nzame/Nzame Nkwa , Bantu, The creator, who was really three in one
* Nze Ngbandi, Zasire, The moon god who is closely linked with women and fertility
* Näkki, Finland, The fearsome spirit of pools, wells and bridges. Same as Nix.
* O Kuni Nushi, Japanese, A god of medicine and witchcraft
* O'Meal Na'kwaxdax, BC Canada, A tribal spirit, the chief of the anciects who's siblings are the myth people
* O-Iwa-Dai-Myojin, Japan/Shinto/Buddhist, A god of stone workers
* O-Kuni-Nushi-No-Mikito, Japan/Shinto, The sky was a great organizer and consolidator of the earth
* O-Toshi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, He heads the pantheon of agricultural gods but generally is the guardian of rice fields
* O-Yama-Tsu-Mi , Japan/Shinto,  he is the most senior at apotheosis of the mountains
* Oanuava, Britain, Very old Earth goddess
* Oba, Africa, A river goddess
* Oba, Puerto Rico, A water goddess
* Oba, Yoruba, A goddess and protector of prostitutes
* Obarator, Roman, A god responsible for overseeing the fertilizing of crops
* Obatala/Obosom, Yoruba, A fertility god, he makes barren women fertile and shapes the fetus in the womb
* Oboto, Africa, A goddesses of serenity
* Obtala, West Indies, A sky goddess
* Obumo, Africa, A god
* Occator, Roman, This god oversees the growth and harvesting of crops
* Ocelotl, Aztec, the sun god but then a first of the five world ages - they last for 2028 heavenly years and each heavenly year = 52 Earth years
* Ocelus, Roman/British, A god of healing that became syncretized with the god Mars
* Ochu, West Indies, A moon goddess
* Ochumare, Puerto Rico, A goddess of happiness and the rainbow
* Ockabewis, Chippewa, Messenger of the gods and teacher of mankind
* Ocrisia, Roman, A goddess of fire
* Oculata, Roman, A goddess of healing and the eyes
* Odin/Othin/Oden/Wotan, Norse, A god of war, death, wisdom and divination. Chief of the gods
* Odras, Irish, A goddess of pools
* Oduduwa, Yoruba, A creator goddess of fertility and love
* Oenghus, Irish, A god of love
* Ogdoad, Egypt, The eight primordial elements of chaos, they exist prior to the creation of the sun god and known in Middle Egypt
* Ogetsu no hime, Shinto, A goddess of food
* Ogiuwu Edo, Benin, The god of death that owns the blood all living things
* Ogma/Ogmius/Ogmios, Celtic, A god of education, genius, eloquence, language and magic
* Ogoun/Ogun, Haiti/Vodun, A god of war and fire 
* Ogun , Nago/Edo/Yoruba/W. Africa, A god of iron, hunting and war
* Ogun Edo, Benin, A god of war that was sent to cut up the land to allow crops to the planted
* Ohoromoxtotil , Maya,  this god was the creator the sun that made the world in habitable by destroying the jaguars that once infesterd it
* Oi Suk, Kenya, A god more long the lines of personal illness rather than plague
* Okeanides, Greek/Roman, Minor sea goddesses There were assigned to guard ship motions by the larger gods and invoked by seafarers, others say that they are river gods
* Okeanos, Greek, The god of the oceans
* Oki-Tsu-Hiko-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The god of kitchens
* Oki-Tsu-Hime-No-Kami, Shinto/Japan, The goddess of kitchens
* Oko , Yoruba/Nigeria, A god of agriculture
* Ola, Bibi, Hindu a local play goddess associated with cholera
* Olla, Cuba, A goddess of fire
* Olodumare/Alaaye/Elemii/Olojo/Oni/Olorun/Orishanla , Yoruba/Nigeria, A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
* Olokum, Carib., A god in Puerto Rico that is a hermaphrodite
* Olokum, W. Indies, A goddess of the ocean depths
* Olokun , Yoruba/Nigeria/Benin, A of fresh waters and oceans
* Olorun , Yoruba , Creator/supreme god
* Olosa, Puerto Rico, A goddess of fishermen
* Olwen, Welsh, A goddess of summer and war
* Omacatl/Acatl, Aztec, A minor god of feasting and revelery
* Ome, Tochtli, Aztec a fertility god that was slaughtered and then resurrected by Tezcatlipoca
* Ometecuhtli/Olin-Tonatiuh, Aztec/Toltec, The god of duality and a supreme deity
* Ometeotl, Aztec, A primordial being that rules in the 13th heaven
* Omichle Phonecia, Hellenic, the primordial principle
* Omoikane, Japanese, A god of wisdom
* Onatha, Iroquois, The spirit of wheat
* Oniata, Iroquois, A spirit of springs
* Onuava, Gallic/Celtic, An earth fertility goddess known only from inscriptions
* Onuris , Egypt/Hellenic, A god of hunting and war
* Ophthalmitis, Greek, A goddess of eyesight
* Opo Akan, Ghana, The god the ocean and inland lakes and rivers
* Opocchtli, Aztec, A minor god of light a fisherman and hunters
* Ops, Roman, A goddess of fertility, prosperity and the harvest
* Oraios, Gnostic Christian, The primordial deity, one of seven androgynous elements born to the prime parent and ruler of the seven heavens of chaos
* Orbona, Roman, A goddess of healing and childhood diseases
* Orcus, Roman, A chthonic underworld god
* Ordog , Hungary,  that after the Christian derived became syncretized with the Christian Devil
* Oreades, Greek/Roman, These ladies are the animistic spirits of the mountains
* Orehu, Guyana, A goddess of healing
* Ori , Yoruba/Nigeria, The god of wisdom
* Orisanla , Yoruba/Nigeria, A sky god that was designated to be the creator of earth and living things
* Orisha Nla, Yoruba, A god ordered by Olorun to create solid ground
* Oro Polynesia/, Tahiti, A god of war
* Orotalt of, Lake, A tutelary god
* Orthia,  Sparta,  a locally worshipped mother goddess of later syncretized with the more widely accepted maternal deities such as Kybele
* Orunmila , Yoruba/Nigeria, A god of mercy and destiny
* Osande Ovimbundu, Angola, A benevolent god that is a guardian deity
* Osandobua Edo, Benin, A benign creator god that controls prosperity, health and happiness
* Osanyin, Africa, A god of medicine
* Oshe, Yoruba, A god of thunder and lightning
* Oshossi, Brazil, A water god
* Oshun, West Indies, A goddess of love and fertility
* Oshun, Yoruba, A goddess of healing, fertility and rivers
* Oshun Ana, Yoruba, A goddess of love
* Osiris, Egypt/Africa, Originally a chthonic grain god of fertility, burial rites and supreme god was worshipped from Ca. 3000 BCE-400 CE
* Ossa, Greek, A goddess of rumors
* Ostara/Easter, Germanic, A goddess of spring and the sun
* Ostaraki, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Osun , Yoruba/Nigeria, A river and healing goddess within a festival of the Ibo-Osun
* Ot, Mongol, A goddess of fire
* Oto Hime, Japanese, A goddess of the sea
* Otso, Finland, The spirit of bear (one of many circumlocutory epithets).
* Ouranos, Greek, The primordial goddess of heaven and created and was the consort of the earth mother Gaia
* Owiot Luiseno, Cal. us, the moon god who is the ancestral deity of this tribe
* Oxlahun Ti Ku, Maya, The generic name for the 13 sky gods who may well be worshipped today
* Oya, West Indies, A goddess of violent rainstorms
* Oya, Yoruba, A warrior goddess of fire, rainstorms, justice and the wind
* P'an Chin lien, China, A goddess of brothels, lasciviousness, prostitution and sex
* P'an Niang, China, A goddess of vaccination
* P'i Chia Ma, China, A god of ribs
* P:erende, Albanian, A storm god that lets you know he is around with thunder and lightning.  It was used by the Christians to identify their god in that region
* Pa, Canaan, The goddess of droughts
* Pa-bil-sag, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, The tutelary god of Isin
* Pacha Mama, Inca, A chthonic goddess of fertility and the earth, now syncretized with the Christian Virgin Mary
* Pachamac, Inca, A god of the earth
* Padma, Hindu, The goddess that is the incarnation of Laksmi
* Padma, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A snake god
* Padmantaka, Buddhist, A god that is the guardian of the Western direction
* Padmapani, Buddhist, A god, a Buddha designate
* Padmatara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Padsmosnisa, Buddhist, A god that is connected with the guardian deities
* Paeon/Paiawon, Greek/Crete, A war god
* Pah, Pawnee, A moon spirit
* Pahtecatl, Aztec, A minor fertility god and concerned with brewing pulque
* Pai Chung, China, A god of agriculture
* Pai Yu, China, A god of the guitar
* Paiowa Yana Piaute, W. USA, A goddess of the Evening star
* Paiowa/Yana Piaute, W. USA, She and her daughter created the first people
* Pairikas, Persia, A goddesses of drought
* Paivatar, Finnish, A goddess of war
* Pajainen, Finnish, A god, the deity that killed the great bull in the legends of Finland
* Pajau Yan, Vietnam, A goddess of health and healing
* Pajonn , Lapland , a god of thunder known as the one who dwells in the heaven
* Pak Tai/Hsuan T'ien/Shang Ti, Chinese/Taoist, An astral god of war
* Paka'a, Hawaiian, A god of the wind
* Pakhet, Egypt, A goddess of hunting worshipped near Beni Hassan, in Middle Egypt
* Palaniyantavan, Hindu/Dravidian/Tamil, A local god
* Palemon, Greek/Roman, A human that suffered apotheosis and became a minor sea god
* Pales, Roman, A goddess of sheep and shepherds
* Pali Kongju, Korean, A goddess of healing
* Pallian, Australia, A god
* Pan/Consentes, Greek/Roman, A god of flocks, herds and of shepherds
* Pana, Inuit, She cares for the souls of the dead
* Panacea, Roman, A goddess of health
* Panao, Kafir/Afghanistan, Not only a creator god but A generic title for deities controlling the natural world, they lived in the mountains
* Pancabrahma , Hindu,  this is the collective name for the five aspects of Siva
* Pancamukha-Patradeva, Buddhist, A god, a beggar
* Pandara, Buddhist, A goddess
* Paneu, Kafir/Afghanistan, The seven divine brother gods
* Pang Che, China, A goddess of justice
* Pansahi, Mata, Hindu one of the seven mother goddesses that later became regarded as evil
* Pantang Mayag, Borneo, A goddess of love
* Pao Kung, China, A god of the magistrates who was a victim of apotheosis as he lived from 999-1062 CE
* Pao Yuan ch'uan, China, A god of the spleen
* Pap-nigin-gara, Mesopotamia/Akkadia, A god of war that was lord of the boundary stone
* Papa, Hawaii/Maori/New Zealand, A goddess of the earth
* Papas Phyrgian, NW Turkey, A local god
* Papatuanuku, Polynesia, A chthonic mother goddess that evolved spontaneously in the cosmic night
* Papaya, Hittite, One of the deities who awaited the return of Telipinus
* Papsukkal , Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia/Hellenistic, A messenger god as well as the gatekeeper for the remainder of the pantheon
* Paramasva, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god
* Paramita, Buddhist, A descriptive name of a philosophical deity
* Parasurama, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An incarnation of the god of Visnu
* Parce, Greek/Roman, A pair birth goddesses became the goddesses of fate
* Pare, Polynesian, A goddess of volcanoes
* Parendi , Hindu/Vedic,  a minor goddess of prosperity associated with accumulating wealth
* Pariacaca, Inca, A weather god response will for rain and thunder
* Pariskaravassita, Buddhist, A minor goddess, one of those personifying the discipline of spiritual regeneration
* Parjanya, Hindu/Vedic, He started out being a god of rain
* Parna-Savari, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Partula, Roman, A goddess of childbirth
* Parvati/Sakti/Ahladini-Sadini/Sati/Uma, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/India, A goddess of the mountains
* Pasiphae , , A goddess of the moon
* Pasowee, Kiowa, A female Manitou of health and medicine
* Pasupati, Hindu, The god of animals
* Patadharni, Buddhist, A goddess of passage that watches over curtains and doorways in line
* Patecatl, Aztec, A god of medicine and surgery
* Patollo, Baltic, The chief and war god
* Patrimpas, Lithuanian, A god of agriculture, joy, peace, springtime
* Pattini/Pattinidevi , Sri Lanka, A goddess of summer and mother goddess
* Paurnamasi, Hindu, A goddess of the full moon
* Pautiwa, Hopi, The sun god
* Pava, Hindu, The god of the winds
* Pax, Roman, A goddess of peace
* Pdry, Canaan, A goddess of mist
* Peitho, Greek, A goddess of persuasion
* Peju'lpe, Yukaghir/Siberia, Aes guardian spirits look at the well being of animals under their care and benevolent to the hunter so long as he observes the rules and kills only when necessary
* Pekko (or Pellon Pekko), Finland, The god of crops, especially barley and brewing.
* Pekko/Pellonpekko, Finnish, A god of barley
* Peko, Estonia, A god of fertility
* Pele, Hawaiian, A goddess of fire, volcanoes and witchcraft
* Pellervo (or Sampsa Pellervoinen), Finland, The god of harvest.
* Pellon Pekko, Finnish, A god responsible for the duration and harvest in the barley, used to make beer. Under Christianity you may find him with the name of St. Peter
* Pemba, West Africa, A god
* Pen Annwen, Welsh, An underworld god almost synonymous with Pwyll and Pryderi
* Penates, Roman, Hearth gods chosen by the head of household
* Penelope, Greek, A goddess of spring
* Perimb, Brazil, A moon goddess and supreme being
* Perit, Albanian, A goddesses of justice
* Perkele, Finland, The Devil. Originally Perkele was not the Devil but a god of thunder and can be seen as an earlier form of Ukko. Related to Baltic Perkunas and Norse Thor.
* Perkons, Latvia , A god of thunder that brings beneficial rain and is a fertility god
* Perkunas , , the god of thunder and yes this is Perkons in a different nation
* Perkuno, Baltic, The thunder god
* Perse , Greek,  underworld goddess
* Persephone, Greek, A goddess of death and spring
* Perun, Russia, The thunder and creator god
* Perun, Slavic, A god of war, justice, lightning and thunder
* Peruwa/Pirwa , Hittite,  a horse god
* Phan Ku, China, A god

* Phanebal  , Semitic,  youthful warrior god
* Phanes, Greek, The primordial sun god and the first one to emerge from the cosmic egg created by Kronos
* Phantasos, Greek, A god of dreams by inanimate objects
* Pharmacides, Greek, A goddesses of health and drugs
* Phebele, Congo, The male god who fathered man
* Pheme, Greek, A goddess of fame
* Phobetus, Greek, A god of dreams by animals
* Phoebe, Greek, A goddess of the moon
* Phoebus, Greek, A god of enlightenment
* Phorkys , Greek,  A Minor sea god noted by Hesiod
* Phosphoros, Greek, This is the god of the morning star
* Phul Mata, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess that became one of the evil ones
* Phyi-Sgrub, Buddhist/Tibet, He is a form of a god Yama
* Pi Hsia Yuan Chin, China, A goddess of birth, midwives and healing
* Pianan , Aztec,  a minor god of war
* Picullus,  Roman/Prussia,  will god that was taken over by the Christians as a their Devil
* Picus, Roman, A god of agriculture
* Picvu'cin, Chukchee/E. Siberia, The god of hunters that rides around on a sled drawn by mice
* Pidray, Canaan/Phonecia, A minor fertility goddess noted in creation texts and treaties
* Pien Ho, China, A god of jewelers
* Pietas, Roman, A minor god
* Pihatonttu, Finland, Tutelary of the yard.
* Pikuolis, Lithuania, A god of death, the underworld and of evil
* Pilnytis, Lithuania, A god of wealth
* Piluitus, Latvia, A fertility god
* Pilumnus, Roman, A minor guardian god that oversees the protection of an infant at birth
* Pinga, Inuit, The goddess that takes souls of the dead to heaven
* Pinikirz Elamite, Iran, A mother goddess
* Piru, Finland, Spirit, demon. Probably later loan word related to "spirit".
* Pistis/Pistis Sophia, Gnostic Christian, The primordial female force
* Pitao Cozobi Zapotec, Mexico, The corn god
* Pitari, Hindu/Puranic, Bo benevolent, she's one of the consorts of Siva
* Piyusaharana, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Though obscure, this is a physician god
* Pleiades, Greek, A goddesses of the Pleiades
* Pluto, Roman, The god of the underworld
* Plutos, Greek, He is a minor god of riches
* Po Yan Dari, Cambodian, A goddess of healing and diseases
* Poena, Greek, The goddess of retaliation and retribution
* Poeninus, Roman/Celtic, Europe a mountain god
* Poleramma Telegu, India, A plague goddess associated with smallpox
* Pollux, Roman, A horse god
* Poloknalai, Kafir/Afghanistan, A goddess of animals
* Polyboulus, Greek, A goddess of wisdom
* Polydamna, Egypt, A goddess of healing and herbs
* Polymnia, Greek/Roman, A goddess of mimes
* Pomona, Roman, A goddess of autumn, fruits, fruit trees, gardens and prosperity
* Pon, Yukaghir/Siberia, The Supreme creator god worshiped from prehistoric times until at least 1900 C. E.
* Pontos, Greek, A god of the sea
* Por, Brazil, A moon god
* Pore/Pura, Guyanan/SA, He created the earth and all living things
* Portunus, Roman, This god of passage was responsible for guarding the entrance of the city and the house with a festival on August 17th.  He sidelines as the guardian of the Tiber estuary
* Poseidon, Greek, A god of earthquakes and the ocean
* Poshjo Akka, Saami/Lappland, A goddess of Winter
* Posis Das, Greek, A sky god
* Postvorta, Roman, A goddess of childbirth, midwives and the past
* Pothos, Greek, A god of anxiety
* Pothos Phonecia, Hellenic, A primordial being
* Potina, Roman, A goddess of children's of beverages and drinking
* Potrimpo, Baltic, A god of fertility
* Poxlom, Maya, A god of disease
* Poza Mama, Siberian, A goddess of the hearth fire
* Ppiz Hiu Tec, Maya, A god of war
* Prabha, India, A goddess of health
* Prabhakari, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Prabhasa, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An attendant god that answered to Indra
* Pracanda, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A distinctive form of the goddess Durga
* Pradipatara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess of light
* Pradyumma, Davidian/Tamil, A god of love
* Prahana, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A rather important mother goddess
* Prajana, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess
* Prajapati, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/Vedic, This god is a primordial being
* Prajnantaka, Buddhist, A god that is a guardian of the southern direction
* Prajnaparamita , Buddhist,  this goddess is a personification of the religious text
* Prakde, Kafir/Afghanistan, A local deity
* Pramudita,  Buddhist/Vajrayana,  in minor goddess
* Pranasakti , Hindu , this goddess appears to be a rather terrifying deity that rules the centers of physical life
* Pranidhasnaparamita, Buddhist, A philosophical deity
* Prasannatara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A rather minor goddess that tramples upon some Hindu gods
* Pratibhanakuta, Buddhist, A god
* Pratibhanaspratisamvit, , A goddess, one of context analysis
* Pratisamvit, Buddhist, A collective name for four goddesses
* Pratyangira , Hindu , goddess of rather terrifying aspect
* Pratyusa, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An attendant god of Indra
* Praxadike, Roman, A goddess of enterprise
* Praxidice, Greek, A goddess of justice
* Prende, Albania, A goddess of love
* Priapos, Greek, A fertility god that also guarded mariners
* Priapus, Roman, A god of the shade
* Prithivi, Hindu, A goddess of the earth
* Priti, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Priyadarsana , Buddhist/Abeona,  in minor goddess
* Prometheus, Greek, A god
* Promitor, Roman, A minor god of agriculture is awful for the growth and harvesting of all crops
* Pronoia, Gnostic Christian, A primordial being, the feminine side of the androgynous parent
* Proserpina, Roman, A goddess of seed germination and spring
* Proteus, Greek, A shape shifter prophet
* Providentia, Roman, The goddess of forethought
* Proxumae, Roman/Celtic, The generic title of a group of goddesses that were personal guardian deities
* Prsni, Hindu/Vedic, The primordial Earth Goddess
* Prthivi, Hindu/Vedic/India, The mother goddess of earth
* Prthu, Hindu/Vedic, The creator god that was the head of the solar pantheon, an avatar of Visnu
* Ptah, Egypt, A god of architecture, masons, metal working and sunrise he built boats to carry the souls of the dead
* Pu , Ma,  phonation the title given to any god of high rank
* Pu Hsing, China, A god of happiness
* Pu'gu, Yukaghir/E. Siberia, the sun god, he is associated with justice and honorable living and will punish those who are evil or pilot
* Pudicitia, Roman, A goddess of modesty and chastity
* Pukkasi, Buddhist/Vajrayana/Tibet, A goddess that is of terrifying appearance, why I do not know
* Pukkeenegak, Inuit, A goddess of childbirth and clothes making
* Punarvasu, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor and benevolent goddess of fortune
* Purandhi, Hindu/Epic, A minor goddess of prosperity and childbirth
* Purusa, Hindu/Vedic, A primeval creator god, the primordial being from whom the cosmos was formed
* Purvabhahadrapada, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A benevolent minor goddess of fortune
* Purvaphalguni, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune
* Purvashadha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune
* Pusan, Hindu/Puranic/Vedic, A god of possessions, physical prowess, strength
* Pusi Tikopia, Polynesia, if this God, the apotheosis of the reef eel
* Puskaitis, Lithuania, A god of fruit
* Puspa, Buddhist/Tibet, A mother goddess
* Puspatara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Pusti, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A fertility goddess of northern India
* Pusya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, Another minor goddess of fortune
* Puta, Roman, A goddess responsible for the proper pruning of trees and shrubs respond
* Pwyll/Pwyll Pen Annwn, Wales, Sometimes the ruler of the underworld
* Päivätär, Finland, The goddess of day.
* Qa'wadliliquala Dza'wadeenox, BC Canada, Not only the Supreme God, but the guardian of the tribe as well as a river deity that insurers the salmon run
* Qadshu, Syria, The goddess of fertility
* Qaitakalnin, Koryak/Siberia, A guardian spirit
* Qamai'ts/Sisnaaxil/Ek Yakimtolsil , Bella Coola/BC Canada, The creator goddess that lives in the upper heavens and controls the earth, she is never prayed to
* Qasynan , S. Arabia,  the god of the of smithies
* Qebui, Egypt, A four headed, winged, ram headed god of the north wind
* Qenqentet, Egypt, A goddess of memory
* Qeskina'qu, Koryak/Siberia, The sky spirit the apotheosis of daylight
* Qetesh, Egypt, The goddess of love and beauty
* Qetesh, Syria, A goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
* Qos, N. Arabia, A local weather/rainbow god
* Quabso, Tanzania, A goddess of health, fertility and rain
* Quades , W. Semitic,  fertility goddess
* Quan Yin, Buddhist, A goddess of knowledge
* Quan Yin, China, A goddess of fertility
* Quat, Banks Is./Melanesia, A creator god that knows how to enjoy life
* Qudsu, W. Sumeria,  the personification of holiness
* Queen Maeve/Medb/Medhbh/Madb, Irish, She was once a powerful goddess
* Quetzalcoatl, Aztec/Toltec, He is the god of the air and presided over commerce, fertility, wind and of wisdom
* Quetzalcoatl/Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Aztec, A manifestation of sun the god, he is a savior of his people as well and there is not enough room here to tell his story
* Quiahuitl, Aztec, The creator god/sun deity of the third of the five world ages
* Quinkini A'qu, Koryak/Siberia, The founder of the world
* Quinoa-Mama, Peru, A minor goddess
* Quirinus, Roman, A god of thunder and of war
* Quirinus, Roman, A god of war and the tutelary god of the Sabines
* Quootis Hooi, Chinook, The creator goddess
* Quzah, N. Arabia, A mountain and weather god
* Ra, Egypt, A god of rebirth and war and the sun
* Ra, Nigeria, A goddess of lightning, Thunder
* Rachmay, Canaan, A goddess of health and nurses
* Radha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/India, A goddess of emotional love
* Rafu Sen, Japanese, A goddess of spring
* Ragno, Hopi, She is associated with the creation of life
* Rahko, Finland, The Karelian god of time; Rahko tars the moon describes the phases of the moon.
* Rahu, Hindu, The primordial cosmic deity, therefore a god
* Raiden, Japanese, A god of thunder
* Raijin, Japan/Shinto, The weather gods, inclusive
* Rainha Barba, Belem/Brazil, A goddess of thunder and lightning
* Raja Indainda, Batak, The thunder god who is the spy and messenger of the other gods
* Rajamatangi, Hindu, She is a goddess
* Raka, Hindu/Vedic, A minor goddess of prosperity
* Raka , Hervey Is./Polynesia, got the winds
* Ran, Scandinavia, A goddess of the sea
* Rana Neida, Saami/Lappland, A goddess spring
* Randeng, China, A goddess of teaching
* Rangda, Balinese, A goddess of fertility and of sexuality, Lust
* Rangi, Maori/New Zealand, A god of the sky
* Ranno, Egypt, A god of gardens
* Ranu Bai, India, A goddess of rivers
* Rapithwin, Persia, The god of the noon day heat
* Rati, Hindu/Balinese, A goddess of fertility, love, passion and of sex
* Rati mbati ndua, Fiji, The god of the underworld who devours the dead
* Ratis, Celtic, A goddess of protective fortifications
* Ratri, Hindu/Vedic, A goddess of the night
* Ratu Mai Mbula, Fijia, A god of fertility
* Ravana, Hindu, The demon King of Lanka who abducted Sita
* Re'are'a, Tahiti, A goddess of happiness, joy
* Renenutet, Egypt, A goddess of fortune, grain, milk, harvest, nursing babies Renenutet
* Renpet, Egypt, A goddess of spring
* Reret, Egypt, A goddess
* Resep[A]Mukal, Canaan/Phonecia, A war and plague god that originated in Syria
* Reseph Mikal, Phoenicia, A god of lightning and thunder
* Resheph, Canaan, A god of plague
* Resheph/Mikal/Mekal, Phoenicia, The god of plague and of the underworld
* Resphu, Syria, A god of war, worshipped in the Nile Delta
* Revanta, Hindu, A god of hunters
* Revati, Hind/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune
* Rhadamanthos, Greek/Roman, A marriage of chthonic underworld god
* Rhea/Rheie, Greek, A primordial goddess of childbirth, earth, fertility, mountains
* Rheda, Germanic, A goddess of spring
* Rhiannon, Irish, A chthonic goddess of birds and horses
* Riddi, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Riddihivasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Rigenmucha, New Guinea, A god
* Rigisamus, Roman/Celtic, A god of war
* Rimmon, Babylon, Another sun god
* Rind, Scandinavia, A goddess of winter
* Ritona, Roman/Celtic, The goddess of river fords
* Robigo, Roman, A goddess of grain
* Rod, Slavic, A god of fertility
* Rodasi, Vedic, A goddess of lightning
* Rohini, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune
* Rohini, Jain, A goddess of learning
* Roma , Greek/Roman,
* Roman, ,  the very minor God of our culture
* Rongo, Maori, A god of cultivated plants
* Rongommatane, Polynesia, The god of agriculture, especially the sweet potato
* Rosmerta, Celtic/Roman/Gaul, A goddess of healing, water, and sacred springs
* Rozanica, Slavic, A goddess of winter
* Rsbha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, This god is an unusual avatar of is the god Vishnu
* Rubanga Alur, Uganda, creator god
* Ruda, N. Arabia, A tutelary god, an androgynous being
* Rudiobus, Roman/Gallic, Thought to be a horse god
* Rudra, Hindu/Vedic, A god of death, disease, healing, jungle, lightning, storms, thunder and the wind
* Rudracandra, Hindu, A distinct form of the goddess Durga
* Rugaba, Uganda, A god of the sky
* Rugievit, Rugen Is./Slavic, A local war and
* Rugiu Boba, Lithuanian, A goddess of autumn
* Ruhanga Bunyoro, Uganda, this creator god was the initiator of the world, regarded as distant and if ever invoked
* Rukko, Mandan, The creator
* Rukmini, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess who is avatar of Laksmi among other things
* Rumina, Roman, A goddess of infants
* Runcina , Roman? , A goddess of agriculture who presides over weeding
* Rundas, Hittite/Hurrian, A god of fortune that is associated with hunting
* Ruoini, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Rusalki, Slavic/Russia, They were water nymphs and not nice
* Rusina , Roman?,  A goddess of fields and open country
* Rwewti, Egypt, A lion god who guards the temple of heaven
* Ryangombe, Rwanda/E. Africa, The tutelary god and ancestral deity
* Ryuhwa, Korean, A goddess of water
* Ryujin, Japan/Shinto, The dragon god that controls of thunder and rain
* Sa Kono, E. Guinea, A creator god, one of a pair of creator deities
* Sabaoth, Gnostic Christian, A creator god
* Sabazios , Phrygian/NW Turkey, A god of agriculture
* Saci, India, A goddess of physical prowess, Strength
* Sadaksari[Lokesvara], Buddhist/Lamaist/Tibet, A variety of Avalokitesvara that is incarnate in succession of the Dali Lamas
* Sadarnuna, Sumeria, The goddess of the new moon
* Sadbhuja-Sitatara, Buddhist, A god
* Sadhumati, Buddhist/Vjarrayana, A minor goddess
* Sadrapa, Syria, A god of healing
* Sadwes, Persia, A goddess rain, of storms, thunder, lightning, hail, snow
* Safekh aabut, Egypt, A goddess of knowledge
* Saga, Norse, A goddess of history
* Saga, Scandinavia, A goddess of knowledge and waterfalls
* Sagaramati, Buddhist, A god
* Sagbata, Dahomey, A god of smallpox

* Sahar, Aramaic, A moon god
* Sai' Al Quan, Nabataean/W. Semitic, A local guardian God is believed to be the protector of caravans
* Saitada, Celtic, A goddess of mourning
* Sajara, Songhai, The rainbow god
* Sakhadai Noin, Siberia, A god of fire
* Sakhemet/Sachmet, Egypt, A goddess of war
* Sakka[n]/Amakandu/Sumuqan, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A patron god of herdsmen and A god of cattle
* Sakra, Buddhist, A god
* Sakti, Hindu/Buddhist/Jain, A personification of a god
* Sakyamuni, Buddhist/Tibet, A god, the historical Buddha
* Sala, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A war goddess
* Salacia, Roman, A sea goddess
* Salagrama, Hindu, A form of the god Visnu
* Salevao, Polynesia, The primordial god of rocks
* Salim, Syria, The god of the evening
* Salm of Mahram/Salman, N. Arabia, A local tutelary god
* Salmacis, Greek, A goddess Fountain, spring
* Salmaone, Greek, A mother goddess
* Salus, Roman/Sabine, A goddess of health, prosperity and public welfare
* Sama, Davidian/Tamil, An obscure heroic god
* Samael, Gnostic Christian, The creator god aka the blind god
* Samantabhadra, Buddhist, A god, a form of a spiritual meditation Buddha
* Samantaorabha, Buddhist/Vjratana, A minor goddess
* Samas, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, The sun guard and patron deity of Sippa and Larsa
* Samba, Hindu, A heroic god
* Samkarsana , Dravidian/Camille,  a local last form of Balarama
* Samkhat, Babylon, A goddess of happiness and joy
* Sampsa, Finnish, A vegetation god that gives life to seed that lies dormant through the winter
* Sams, Greek, A sun deity that in the north is a male and in the south female
* Samundra, Indian, A goddess of rivers
* Samvara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god
* San Chou Niang Niang, China, A mother goddess that was first deified during the Sung dynasty
* San-Dui, Buddhist/Tibet, A tutelary god
* Sandhya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Sangarius, Greek, A river god
* Sango , Yoruba/Nigeria, A god of thunder
* Sani, Hindu/Buddhist, An astral god
* Saning Sari, Java, The rice mother goddess
* Sanjna, Hindu, A goddess of warriors
* Sanju, Kafir/Afghanistan, A harvest goddess
* Sankari, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Sankha[pala], Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A snake god
* Sanmukha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god, a form of Skanda
* Santa, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess
* Santana, Hindu, A minor goddess
* Santoshi Mata, Hindu, A mother goddess of recent origin, about 1960
* Sanu, Kafir/Afghanistan, A god
* Sao, Greek, A goddess of sailing
* Sao ch'ing Niang Niang, China, A goddess of brooms and fair weather
* Sapas,  Canaanite,  a sun god
* Sapientia, Roman, A goddess of wisdom
* Saptanatra, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, The generic title of the seven deities of evil influence
* Sar, Syria, The god of the dawn
* Sar Akka, Swedish, A goddess midwives
* Sara , Babylon/Akkadian,  A Minor war god
* Saraddevi, Buddhist/Tibet, A fertility and vegetation goddess associated autumn
* Sarama, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/Vedic, An attendant goddess of the god Indra
* Saranya, Hindu/Vedic, A primordial goddess
* Sarapis, Egypt, A god, rather late in arrival
* Sarasvati Hindu,, Vedic, A goddess of astronomy, science, education, wisdom, eloquence and rivers
* Saravakarmavaranavisodhani, Buddhist, A god of the richer, another deification of text
* Sarrahitu/Sarra Itu, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadia, A fertility goddess that started out being the tutelary goddess of the city of Su-Sin
* Sarritor, Roman, A minor god of agriculture who was invoked during the growing and harvesting of crops
* Sarruma, Hittite/Hurrian, A god
* Sarvabuddharma-Kosavati, Buddhist, A god of literature, the deification of texts
* Sarvakarmsvaranavisodhani , Buddhist , it in other god of literature
* Sarvanaranaviskambhin, Buddhist, A god, a spiritual meditation buddha
* Sarvasokatamonirghatmatiage, Buddhist, A god, another spiritual meditation buddha
* Sarvastramahajvala, Jain, A messenger goddess
* Sasuratum, Canaan, These are midwife goddesses, they are seven in number
* Satabhisa, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune that is not very nice at all
* Sataruri, Hindu/Puranic, A minor goddess that was the victim of incest
* Satet, Egypt, A goddess of archery and hunting
* Sati/Sakti/Parvati, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/India, A mother goddess
* Sati/Satet, Egypt, A goddess of waterfalls
* Satis, Egypt, A minor goddess of fertility
* Satrughna, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor god
* Saturn/Saturnus, Roman, A god of agriculture, seeds, astronomy, Saturn, education
* Satyabhama, Hindu/Davidian/Tamil, A goddess
* Satyr, Greek/Roman, A generic term for woodland gods and divine beings
* Saule, Baltic, The sun goddess
* Saule, Lithuanian, A god of war
* Saunatonttu, Finland, Tutelary of the sauna.
* Sauska, Mesopotamia, A goddess of healing
* Savari, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of terrifying appearance, or so it is said
* Savati, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor benevolent goddess of fortune
* Savea Si'uleo, Polynesia, He is the god of the dead
* Savitar, Hindu/Vedic, A god of war and the sun
* Savpayanjiha, Buddhist, A god, a spiritual meditation buddha
* Saxnot, Saxon, A tutelary god, at one time required to be denounced at Christian baptism
* Say, Egypt, A minor god of destiny
* Scabies, Roman, A goddess invoked to cure skin diseases
* Scamander, Greek, A river god
* Scathach, Irish/Scotland, A goddess of the underworld
* Schetewuarha, Brazil, A goddess rain
* Scotia, Greek, A sea goddess
* Sebitti, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, The collective name for the minor war gods
* Secia, Roman, A goddess of stored seeds
* Securita, Roman, The guardian goddess invoked to ensure continuing stability of the Roman Empire
* Sed, Egypt, The guardian god that was popular as a personal deity
* Sedna, Inuit, The goddess of the sea
* Sefkhet-Abwy, Egypt, A local goddess, concerned with libraries and writing
* Segeta, Gaul, A goddess of healing of springs
* Segetia, Roman, A goddess of planted seeds [part of a trinity]
* Segomo/Cocidius, Celtic, A war god
* Sehu, Cherokee, The grain goddess
* Seker, Egypt, A god of death and light
* Sekhet, Egypt, A goddess of justice, beer, war
* Sekhet-Hor, Egypt, The cow goddess of lower Egypt
* Sekhmet, Egypt, A goddess of war
* Selardi, Armenia, A moon god
* Selene/Mene, Greek, The goddess of the moon and stars
* Selket, Egypt, The scorpion goddess and helper of women in childbirth
* Semargl, Slavic, A god of barley and family
* Semele, Greek/Roman, A mother goddess
* Senecta, Greek, The goddess of old age
* Sentia, Roman, A goddess who heightens feelings
* Senx/Ta'ata/Sami'yaila , Bella Coola/BC Canada, the sun god that is the ruler of a lower heavens
* Seocosus, Roman/Iberia, A god of war that was popular with various troops of the Roman legions
* Sepset, Egypt, A local funerary goddess from Memphis
* Sequana, Gaul, The goddess of the Seine River
* Sequana/Sequena, Britain, A goddess who lived beneath the rivers
* Serapis, Egypt, A god of grain, of grain
* Serida, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A mother goddess
* Serket[-hetyt], Egypt, A minor mortuary goddess
* Serqet, Egypt, A goddess of the morning star
* Sesa[naga], Hindu/Epic/Vedic/Puranic, A snake god/Naga, he is at the Great serpent that lies in the primeval sea and encircles the world
* Sesat, Egypt, A goddess of books and knowledge
* Sese Ngbandi, Zaire, A chthonic goddess that is invoked at sunrise every day
* Sessrumnir, Germanic, A goddess of fertility
* Set, Egypt, A god of black magic, destruction, evil, storms, thunder, drought and chaos
* Seta , Pokot/Suk / Kenya, A goddess of the Pleiades as well as a fertility goddess
* Seth, Egypt, A god Desert
* Seven Macaw, Maya, A god of the Big Dipper
* Seyon/Muruga, Dravidian/Tamil, A creator god
* Sezmu, Egypt, A minor god of one of the wine and oil presses
* Sga'na , Haida/PNW, The sea god
* Shadanna-Subrahmanya, Hindu/Puranic, This is a form of a god Kattikeya
* Shagpona, Yoruba, A god of smallpox
* Shahar, Canaan, A god of warriors and the dawn
* Shai, Egypt, A god of fate
* Shait, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Shakplana , Yoruba/Nigeria,  A plague god identified with smallpox
* Shakuru, Pawnee, A spirit of war and the sun
* Shala, Canaan, A goddess of storms
* Shalim, Canaan, The god of dusk and of warriors
* Shamash, Babylon, A god of war, justice, divination and prophecy
* Shamish, Babylon, He was the sun god and the god of justice
* Shang Chien, China, A god of the neck
* Shang Kuo-Lao, China/Taoist, One of the eight immortal beings
* Shang Ti/Yu Hwang-Shang, China/Taoist, He is a creator god
* Shango, Nigeria, A god of storms and thunder
* Shango, Yoruba, A god of war, storms, thunder and fertility
* Shani, Hindu, An astral god that brought misfortune
* Shapash, Ugarit, A goddess of war
* Shapshu, Canaan, A goddess of war and the sun
* Shashaya, Tanzania, A goddess of the morning star
* Shashti, Hindu, A goddess of children and childbirth
* Shaushka, Hittite/Akkadian/Hurrian, A powerful goddess Ishtar
* She chi, China, A god of agriculture, grain, land and soil
* Sheela[Sheila] Na Gig, Irish, She was most likely a protective or blessing deity
* Sheger, Canaan, The god of cattle
* Shen Hsui Chih, China, A god of medicine
* Shen Nung, China, A god of agriculture
* Sheng Mu, China, A goddess of witchcraft
* Shici-Fuku-Jin , Japan/Shinto,  these are the seven principal gods of luck, there is a one female involved however
* Shilup Chito Osh , Choctaw,  The Great Spirit
* Shina-Tsu-Hiko/Shina Tsu Hime, Japan, A god of the wind
* Shing Li-Kuan , China/Taoist,  one of the eight immortal beings
* Shitala, Hindu, A goddess of disease [smallpox]
* Shiu Fang, China, A god of embankments
* Shiva, Hindu, A god of fertility
* Shomde, Kafir/Afghanistan, A local creator god known throughout HinduKush
* Shoney, Scotland/Irish/Manx, Originally a single god of the North Sea
* Shoten, Japanese, A god of commerce and wisdom
* Shou Hsing, China, A god of longevity
* Shou Lao, China, A god of longevity that started out as an astral deity
* Shoul lao, China, A god of longevity
* Shouxing, China, A god of longevity
* Shu, Egypt, A god of the atmosphere, light, war, wind
* Shui Fang, China, A god of agriculture
* Shui Yng, China, A god of agriculture
* Shun I Fu gen, China, A goddess of drought and of famine
* Shurdi, Albania, A storm god that had been revered in recent times
* Shutu, Babylon, A goddess of the winds
* Si, Slavic, A goddess of justice
* Si Chimu, Peru, A moon god
* Si'a, Phonecia, A minor attendant goddess
* Si'duku, Kamchadal/SE Siberia, the mother spirit
* Si'mskalin, Kamchadal/SE Siberia, guardian spirit
* Sia, Egypt, He is the god of perception
* Siaparamita, Buddhist, A philosophical deity
* Siddhi, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune that grants favors
* Siddhi, Irish, The old gods that live it in the hills
* Siduri, Sumeria, A minor goddess of happiness, merriment, wine making, brewing and of wisdom
* Sien Tsang, China, A goddess of silk cultivation
* Sif, Norse, A goddess of agriculture, fertility and autumn
* Sigyn, Nordic/Icelandic, A goddess that ran with Loki a
* Sikhandin, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor deity, one of a group of emancipated gods
* Sikhin, Buddhist/Tibet, A physician god
* Sila, Inuit, A god of storms
* Silewe Nazarata, Indonesia, A goddess Understanding, of wisdom
* Silma Inua, Inuit, The supreme god, rarely invoked or prayed at
* Silvanus, Roman, A god of nature and the woods
* Sin, Babylon, The moon god
* Sin, Irish, Patron goddess of warriors
* Sina, Samoa, She is the moon goddess
* Sinann, Celtic, A goddess of rivers
* Sindgund, German, A goddess of healing charms
* Sindhu, Hindu/Vedic, A river goddess
* Singala, N. Arabia, A local god
* Sinhanada, Buddhist/Tibet, A physician god
* Sinivali , Hindu/Vedic,  a minor goddess of prosperity
* Sinnilktok, Inuit, A goddess of healing
* Sins Sga'nagwai , Haida/BC Canada, A supreme god that gives power to all things
* Sio Humis, Ahopui, The rain god
* Siofn, Nordic/Icelandic, A goddess listed by Snorri
* Sionnan, Irish, A goddess of the River Shannon
* Sipe Gialmo, Bon/Tibet, A mother goddess, the queen of the world
* Sipylene, Anatolia/Symnra, The mother goddess worshiped in the Metroon sanctuary
* Sirao, Indonesia, A god
* Sirara, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, The goddess of the Persian Gulf, Enki said so
* Siris/Sirah, Babylon, A goddess of banquets and rain clouds
* Sirona, Celtic/Roman, A local goddess of healing from the Moselle basin of Germany
* Sirona/Dirona, Britain, A goddess of beneficial hot springs 
* Sirone, Haiti/Vodun, A water goddess and protector of bathing children
* Sirsir , Babylon/Akkadian,  The guardian god of boatmen
* Sirtur, Mesopotamia/Sumeria/Babylon/Akkadian, The goddess of sheep
* Sisyphos, Corinthian, The god of the faded sun
* Sita, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A chthonic earth goddess
* Sitala[mata], Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess of healing
* Sitapata, Buddhist, A goddess/Buddha designate
* Siva, Hindu/India, The principle creative and destructive god
* Sivini, Armenia, The sun god
* Sivottama, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor god
* Sjofn, Norse, A goddess of love and passion
* Skadi, Nordic/Icelandic, A goddess
* Skanda, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/India, A god of war
* Skuld, Norse, A goddess and future
* Slaine, Irish, Thought to be a deity of healing and the medical arts
* sMan-Bla, Buddhist/Tibet, A god, in medicine Buddha
* Smertrios, Celtic, A god of war and tutelary deity of the Treveri
* Smrti, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor god
* Snegurochka, Russia, A goddess and winter
* Snotra, Norse, A goddess of knowledge, wisdom and Virtue
* Snulk'ulxa'ls , Bella Coola/BC Canada, An arctypical god, rather like the Christian god in as he provided a conflict of decent and evil treatment for humans
* So , Ewe/Hua/Togo, and weather god
* Sobek, Egypt, The crocodile god
* Sodasi, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess
* Sodza , Ewe/Hua/Togo, The sky god prayed to weekly to send rain

* Sofh, Egypt, A goddess of education
* Sogblen , Ewe/Hua/Togo, A messenger god
* Sogbo Fon, Benin, A storm god of rain
* Sohobo-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The goddess scarecrows, the apotheosis of an actual scarecrow known as a Kakashi
* Sokar, Egypt, This chthonic underworld god is the guardian of the necropolis at Memphis
* Soko Nupe, Nigeria, The sky god, specifically the dark sky that precedes the beginning of the rainy season
* Sol, Nordic/Icelandic, The sun goddess
* Sol, Roman, A god of war and the sun
* Solbon, Slavic, A goddess of the morning star and the evening star
* Solntse, Slavic, A goddess of war
* Soma, Hindu, A god of the moon
* Somaskanda, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An aspect of the god Siva, a god for all that
* Somhlth, Irish/Scotland/Manx, A god who had no corporeal incarnation
* Somnus, Roman, A god of sleep and dreams
* Somtus/Harsomtus, Egypt, A god
* Sopedu, Egypt, The guardian god of the eastern border
* Sophia, Greek/Gnostic Christian, The primordial female force of the cosmos
* Sophrosyne, Greek, A goddess of temperance and moderation
* Sopona, Yoruba, A god of smallpox
* Sore-Gus, Hottentot/S. Africa, The sun/sky god
* Sors , Roman , the God of luck
* Soteira, Greek, A goddess of safety
* Sothis, Egypt Hellenic, The astral goddess that heralds Arias of the Nile
* Souconna, Roman/Celtic, The river goddess that was the guardian of the river Saone
* Soului , Hua/W. Africa, A benevolent vegetation god also in charge of medicine and music
* Spadareamet, Armenia, A chthonic goddess concerned with fertility of the earth and death, the Christians equate her name with hell
* Speio, Greek, A goddess of caves
* Spercheius, Greek, A river god
* Spermo, Greek, One of the Oenotropae
* Spes, Roman, A goddess of happiness, hope and law
* Spes , Roman , the goddess of hope, associated with gardens
* Spiniesis , , agriculture - This poor minor god is charged with responsibility of uprooting thorn bushes
* Sraddha, Hindu, A goddess Faith
* Sravana, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor benevolent goddess of fortune
* Sravistha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor benevolent goddess of fortune i
* Sri[devi], Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of terrible appearance and Royal attire
* Sri[devi], Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Srikantha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor god consider to be an aspect of Siva
* Srivasumukhi, Buddhist/Maya, A minor attendant goddess
* Srividyavedi, Hindu, A minor goddess that likes to wear a necklace of teeth and bones
* Ssu Cho, China, A god of agriculture
* Ssu ma Hsiang ju, China, A god of wine merchants
* Stanitakumara , Jain/India,  A youthful appearing god
* Sterculius, Roman, A minor god of agriculture that would fit right in with politicians, that is, his concern was spreading the BS on the fields
* Sthenias, Greek, A goddess of physical prowess and strength
* Strenua, Roman, A goddess of vigor who gives energy to the weak and tired
* Stribog, Slavic, A god of the winds
* Strymon, Greek, A river god
* Styx, Greek, The chthonic goddess of the River Styx
* Su, Egypt, The primordial god of the air
* Suada , Roman?,  A goddess of persuasion
* Subhadra, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A goddess
* Subhaga, Buddhist/minor, A minor goddess
* Subhamekhala, Buddhist/Meola, A minor goddess
* Subrahmanya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor warrior deity
* Sucellos, Celtic, A god of rivers, death and a hammer god
* Suddhodana, Buddhist, The primordial data that was the father of Buddha's line
* Sudrem, Kafir/Afghanistan, A weather god created for the breath of the god Imra
* Sudurjaya, Buddhist/Vajrayana, A minor goddess
* Sugriva, Hindu/Epic, The monkey god
* Sukarasya, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Sukkamielli, Finnish, A goddess of frenzied love
* Sukla-Tara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A goddess an emanation of all the meditation Buddhas
* Suklang malayon, Philippines, A goddess of happiness
* Sukra, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, This astral god was the personification of the planet Venus, he tutored demons on the side
* Suksma, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor deity
* Suku Ovimbundu, Cent. Africa, The creator god sky at, the rivers, people, and mountains
* Sukuna-Hikona, Japan/Shinto, A god of healing that helped establish the methods of healing diseases as well as a means to control and protection against Bob beast, snakes, insects, et all
* Sul, Celtic, A goddess of hot springs Sulla Sulis Sulevia
* Sul-Pa-e The, Mia/Sumeria, An astral and fertility god, a personification of the planet Jupiter
* Sul-utula, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A rather personal tutelary god
* Suleviae, Roman/Celtic, A goddess of passage, normally associated with crossroads
* Sulini, Hindu, A minor goddess appearance
* Sulis, Roman/Celtic, An underworld goddess concerned with knowledge and of prophecy
* Sullat, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A minor god that was an attendant of the sun god
* Sulman[u], Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia/W. Semitic, A chthonic war and fertility god
* Sulmanitu, W. Semitic, The fertility goddess concerned with love and war
* Sulsaga, Sumeria, An astral goddess
* Sumalini, Buddhist/Mayhayana, An attendant minor goddess
* Sumati , Buddhist,  a deification of literature
* Sumbha, Buddhist, A goddess that is the guardian of the downward direction
* Sumbharaja, Buddhist, The god that is the guardian of the downward direction
* Sumiyoshi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The genetic name of the sea gods that are guardians of seafarers[3]
* Summanus, Etruscan/Roman, A god of thunder
* Sumugan, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A god of the River plains
* Sun God, Hittite/Akkadian, The sun god of Heaven
* Sun Hou-Shi/Sun Wu-Kong, China, The monkey god
* Sundara, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Sundara, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess that is a prosperous aspect of Siva, a god
* Supai, Inca, A god of death
* Suparikiritanaasri, Buddhist/Tibet, A physician god
* Suparnakumara, Jain/India, A god
* Sura, Hindu, A goddess of wine
* Suraksini, Buddhist/Meola, A minor goddess
* Surangama, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god
* Surarnadhadravimalaratnaprabhasa, Buddhist/Tibet, A physician god
* Suresvara, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god, one of the Rudra gods
* Surma, Finland, The personification of a violent death.
* Surya, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, The sun goddess
* Surya, Hindu/Vedic, A god of light and war
* Susano-Wo, Japan/Shinto, A god of agriculture, the ocean and storms
* Susdinak Elamite, Iran, A local god, the god of Susa
* Sutalidihi, Cherokee, The sun spirit
* Sutekh/Hurrian, ,  A weather god
* Suwaliyattas, Hittite, He is a warrior god
* Svadha, Hindu, A minor goddess
* SvantovitSvantevit, Slavic, He was the fire and war god 
* Svaraghosaraja, Buddhist/Tibet, A physician god
* Svarazic/Svarozic/Svarogich, Slavic, The fire god
* Svasthavesini, Hindu, Another one of those rather ugly goddesses
* Svasti devi, Hindu, A goddess of the home
* Syamatara, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess, a form of the goddess Tara
* Syn, Scandinavia, A goddess of justice
* T'ai Shan, China, A god that is the senior one in the heavenly ministries
* T'ai Yi, China, A primordial god who was present before the cosmos was created
* T'ao Hua Hsiennui, China, This goddes guardian deity as well as the deity of the second spring month
* T'ien Fei, China, A goddess of sailing
* T'ung Chung chung, China, A god of the skin
* T'ung Lai yu, China, A god of the stomach
* Ta'lab , S. A,  moon god with an oracle function
* Ta'xet, Haida, A sky god who receives the souls of those who die by violence
* Ta'yan, Koryak/SE Siberia, The Supreme Being who does not muddle in human affairs
* Ta-bitjet, Egypt, A goddess that protects against scorpion bite, though her symbol is the scorpion
* Ta-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The generic name of several gods and harvest
* Taautos, Phoenicia, This god devolved into the Egyptian Thoth
* Tabiti, Scythia, A goddess of fire
* Tacoma, Salish, A goddess of fresh waters
* Taditkara, Buddhist, A goddess of light
* Tagabayan, Philippine, A goddess of adultery and incest
* Tages, Etruscan, An early god of prophecy
* Tagni, Italian, A god of witchcraft
* Tahc I, Tunica, A goddess of war
* Tahit, Tlingit, The spirit of fate
* Tai-Sung-Jing , China,  the god of temporal time, the apotheosis of the planet Jupiter
* Taijn/Tlaloc, Totonac(Mexico), The name for a group of rain gods, still worshipped and presumed to live in ruins of El Tajin Veracruz
* Taillte/Taultiu/Tailitu/Telta, Irish, A goddess of Lughnasadh and August 
* Taio, Lakalai, The moon goddess.
* Tajika no mikoto, Japanese, A god of strength
* Taka rita, Polynesian, A goddess of adultery
* Taka-Mi-Musubi-No-Kama, Japan/Shinto, Another primordial creator being
* Taka-Okami-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A god of the rains in the mountains
* Take-Mika-Dzuchi-No-Kami/Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, This god is one of the Raijin, A god of thunder, rain, and storms as well as a warrior
* Takkiraja, Buddhist, A god
* Takotsi Nakawe Huichol, Mexico, A chthonic vegetation goddess, all plant life and the earth are hers
* Taksaka, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A snake god
* Takuskanskan, Dakota, The wind spirit and a trickster
* Taliesin, Wales, Minor barley god worshipped through the 16th century
* Tallai, Syria, A goddess of dew, rain
* Tam Kung, China, A local sea god of rain and water but will extinguish fires
* Tama-No-Ya, Japan/Shinto, The god of jewelers
* Tamara, British, A goddess of the River Tamar
* Tamats Palike Tamoyeke Huichol, Mexico, the god of the wind and of air who was also a messenger of the gods, for an encore, put world into its present form and shape
* Tamesis, British, A goddess of the River Thames
* Tammuz, Assyrian, A god of agriculture and fertility
* Tammuz, Hittite, The harvest god
* Tammuz, Sumeria, A god of agriculture
* Tan ma, Tibetan, A goddesses of health and medicine
* Tana, Italian, A star goddess
* Tana'oa , Marquesas Is.,  the weather and C god
* Tanaquil, Roman, A goddess of justice
* Tanara, Yakut/Siberia, The apotheosis of the sky, a sky spirit
* Tane, Maori/New Zealand, A god of the woodlands
* Tane[mahuta], Polynesian, A god of light, fertility and the sky
* Tang, China, A goddess of justice
* Tangaroa, Maori/New Zealand, A god of the sea
* Tangaroa, Polynesia, A god of fishing, the ocean and reptiles, the life giver of all
* Tango , Hervey is.,  A god of virgin birth, kinda
* Tanit , Phonecia , /Carthage The goddess of the moon
* Tannus, Britain, Thunder god Tinnus Taranus
* Tano, Togo, A river god
* Tanu'la, Koryak/SE Siberia, A guardian spirit of the earth and its plans and animals, female type
* Tanus, Italian, A star god
* Tao Kung, China, A god of the diaphragm
* Taoki-Ho-Oi-No-Kami/Hiko-Sashiri-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, The God of carpenters
* Tapio, Russia, A god of forests
* Tapio, Finland, The god of the forest.
* Tar Tiv, Nigeria, The chthonic earth god
* Tara, Buddhist/Mayhayana/Vajrayana, A goddess, the epitaph of the mother of the Buddha[Maya]
* Tara, Hindu/Puranic/Epic/Vedic, A goddess of the stars
* Taranis, Celtic, A death goddess and mysterious sky god
* Tarhunt, Hurrian/Anatolia, A weather god
* Tari Pennu Khond, India, A chthonic goddess
* Tarpatassis, Hittite, This demon staves off sickness and grants long, healthy life
* Taru, Hittite/Hurrian, A weather god
* Tarvos Trigaranos, Roman/Celtic, A bull god
* Tasenetnofret, Egypt, A goddess
* Tasimmet, Hittite, A goddess of weather and storms
* Tasmettu[m], Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A goddess
* Tasmisu, Hittite/Hurrian, An attendant god
* Tate, Sioux, A creator spirit of the winds, he controls the changing of the seasons and guides the spirits of dead
* Tate Hautse Huichol, Mexico, She is the rain and water goddess, additionally responsible for mist and fog
* Tate Kyewimoka Huichol, Mexico, Another rain and water goddess, who is also the goddess of grain
* Tate Naaliwahi Huichol, Mexico, This rain and water goddess appears in lightning and brings rain from the east
* Tate Oteganaka Huichol, Mexico, A rain and water goddess who is also the patron of Laguna De Magdalena
* Tate Velika Vimali Huichol, Mexico, The sun goddess perceived as either a young girl or a royal eagle who holds the world in her talons, she guards it
* Tatenen, Egypt, A chthonic vegetation god, the apotheosis of the Nile silt
* Tatevali Huichol, Mexico, Not only the deity of life and health, the tutelary god of shamans, he is the god of fire
* Tathatavasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Tatosi Huichol, Mexico, He is the the principal god of fire
* Tatqa'hicin, Koryak/SW Siberia, A vegetation spirit spirit
* Tatsuta Hime, Japan, A goddess of autumn
* Taueret, Egypt, A goddess of fertility, rebirth, justice, pregnancy and childbirth
* Taumata-Atua, Polynesian, A vegetation god that presides over the fields
* Tawa, Pueblo, The sun kachina
* Taweret, Egypt, The hippopotamus goddess and protective deity of childbirth
* Tawhaki, Polynesian, A god of lightning and thunder
* Tawhirimatea, Maori/New Zealand/Polynesian, A god of winds
* Tawiscara/Taweskare/Tawiskaro, Iroquois, The evil twin brother of Loskeha
* Tayau Sakaimoka Huichol , Mexico, The western setting sun god
* Tayau/Tau/averik Huichol, Mexico, The sun god of the the rising sun
* Tcolawitze, Hopi, The fire spirit
* Te, Po, Polynesian personification of the primordial night being which existed in the chaos prior to light
* Te Kore, Polynesia, The primordial void being that was the personification of darkness of chaos prior to light
* Te mehara, Polynesian, A goddess of wisdom
* Te-Aka-Ia-Roe , Hervey Is./Polynesia, A creator being
* Te-Manava-Roa , Hervey Is.,  the creator being, one of three
* Te-Tanga-Engae , Hervey Is./Polynesia, A creator being
* Tecciztecatl, Aztec, A god of the moon
* Tecei'vune/Tne'sqan/Mratna'igrin/Lietna'igrin/Na'chitna'igrin, Chukchee/SE Siberia, The female spirit of the dawn
* Tefnut, Egypt, A goddess of the dawn, dew, moisture, justice and rain clouds
* Tegid Voel, Welsh, A water goddess that was identified by the poet Taliesin
* Teharonhiawagon, Mohawk, The creator spirit
* Teibas, Armenia/Uart, A tutelary god
* Teicauhtzin, Aztec, A patron god of Mexico as well as a minor god of war
* Tejosnina, Buddhist, A god
* Tekkeitserktock, Inuit, A god of hunting and the earth
* Telepinu[s], Hittite/Hurrian, The noble god and fertility
* Telesphorus, Roman, A god of strength
* Telesto, ,  A goddess of initiations
* Teliko Bambara, W. Africa, He is the god of hot winds
* Telipinu, Hittite, The god of agriculture
* Tellervo, Finland, The goddess of the forest, daughter of Tapio and Mielikki.
* Tellus, Roman, A goddess of agriculture, grain fields and fertility
* Telphochtli , Aztec,  then run a potent god, the universal and generally malvolent
* Telphusa, Greek, A goddess of fountains
* Tempestates, Roman, A goddess of storms and wind
* Tenanto'mwan, Koryak/S. Siberia, The creator spirit
* Tenato'mni, Chukchee/E. Siberia, The creator spirit
* Tenga, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Tengri, Mongolia, A sky god
* Tenye Te'en, Nigerian, A goddess of marital fidelity
* Teoyaomqui, Aztec, He is the god of dead warriors
* Tepeyollotl, Aztec, Either a minor chthonic and/or earth god or originally the earthquake god
* Tepozlecatl, Aztec, A god fertility and of drunkenness
* Tepyollotl, Aztec, Lord of uncertainty
* Terminus, Greek/Roman, A god of boundaries and landmarks
* Terra/Terra Mater, Roman, A goddess of the earth
* Tesub, Hittite/Hurrian, The storm god
* Teteoinnan, Aztec, The goddess of of healers and Medical diviners
* Teteoinnan-Toci, Aztec, The goddess of midwives

* Tethys, Roman, A goddess of the sea
* Teuhcatl, Aztec, A hunting and local goddess of war
* Teutates, Celtic, The god of the tribe
* Tewi'xlak Dza'wadeenox, BC Canada, The god of all goat hunters
* Tezcacoac, Aztec, She is a birth goddess
* Tezcatlipoca, Aztec/Nahuatl, A god of summer, war, power, death and evil
* Tezcatlipoca-Iztlacoliuhqui, Aztec, One of four temple deities
* Tezcatzoncatl, Aztec, A minor fertility god involved with the brewing of pulque
* Thab-Iha, Bon/Tibet, A hearth god
* Thakur Deo, Etruscan, A goddess of childbirth
* Thalia, Greek, A goddess of burlesque
* Thaloque-Tepictoton, Aztec, A rain and fertility god
* Thanatos, Greek, A god of death and pain
* Thatmanitu, Phoenicia, A goddess of healing
* Thea, Greek, A goddess of the dawn
* Theandros, N. Arabia, A god known only from Greek and Roman inscriptions
* Thebe, Greek, A nymph
* Themis, Greek, A goddess of fire, hospitality, human rights, justice
* Thermaia, Roman, A goddess of healing springs
* Thetis, Greek, The goddess of rivers and oceans
* Thmei, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Thoeris, Egypt, A goddess of health and justice
* Thor, Norse, A god of the sky, thunder , storms, sea journeys, the administration of justice and war
* Thoth, Egypt, A god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, the moon and surveying
* Thunor, Germanic, A god of fertility, lightning and thunder
* Thurremlin/Daramulun S. Waels, Aus., A god of passage, from adolescence to manhood
* Ti'hmar Kolyma, Tungus/Siberia, The supreme spirit, it became the name for the Christian god
* Tia/Ta'xet , Haida/BC Canada, the god of death, by violence
* Tiamat, Babylon, A goddess of the ocean
* Tiamat, Mesopotamia, The goddess of chaos in the creation myth
* Tiberinus, Roman, The god of the river Tiber
* Tie, Egypt, A goddess of intelligence and wisdom
* Tien Hou, China, A goddess of the ocean
* Tien Mu, China, A goddess of lightning
* Tien Tsun/Tian-zhu, China/Taoist, The generic title of gods given to each of the three holy images in a Taoist temple
* Tienoltsodi, Navaho, He is the god of oceans and fresh water to, he controls all waters that fall on the earth but none of those in the heavens
* Tifenua Tikopia, Polynesia, at the chthonic fertility god
* Tikesnosna, Buddhist, A god, a guardian in the northwestern quarter
* Tiki, Polynesia, The creator god that created mankind
* Tilla, Hittite/Hurrian, The bull god
* Tilo, Mozambique, A god of the sky and of thunder and rain
* Timaiti-Ngava-Rimngvari , Hervey Is./Polynesia, The primordial female principle being
* Timatekore , Hervey Is./Polynesia, The primordial male principle being
* Tin, Etruscan, A sky god
* Tin Hau, China/Taoist, The goddess of the waters
* Tinia, Etruscan, A god of storms
* Tinirau, Polynesian, A god of the ocean
* Tinnit, Carthage, A goddess
* Tino Taata , Society Is.,  The creator god regarded as the tutelary deity that created mankind
* Tir Mumia, , he is the god of wisdom concerned with writing
* Tirawa/Atius , Pawnee/USA, The supreme spirit
* Tirumal, Dravidian/Tamil, A creator god equated with Visnu
* Tishtrya, Iranian, A god of the sea and water
* Tishtrya, Persia, A god rain, of clouds
* Tisiphone of Eumenides, Greek, A goddess of justice
* Tispak , Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadia,  tutelary god of the city of Esnumma
* Titans, Greek, The second group of gods of  the pre-Hellenic pantheon
* Titlacvahuan , Aztec,  an omnipotent God, universal and generally evil power
* Tiwaz, Germanic, A god of law
* Tlacahuepan, Aztec, A patron god of Mexico and a minor god of war
* Tlachitonatiiuh, Aztec, A chthonic underworld god
* Tlachtga, Irish, A goddess of sacrifice
* Tlaeque-Tepictoton, Aztec, A fertility and rain god
* Tlahuiazecalpatcuatli, Aztec, He is the god of the morning star
* Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Aztec/Nahuatl, A god of warriors
* Tlaloc, Aztec, A god of agriculture, lightning, rain, weather, clouds, water, springs and mountains
* Tlaloc, Aztec, A rain god
* Tlaloc, Olmec, A jaguar god
* Tlaltecuhli, Aztec, A chthonic creator goddess, the ruler of the second of the 13 heavens
* Tlaltecuhtli, Aztec, A chthonic creator goddess
* Tlanzolteotl, Ixcuiname/Aztec, at the chthonic/earth goddess, a maternal goddess linked with sex, and in the Aztec way, personifying filth
* Tlauixcalpantechutli, Mexico, The lord of the morning star
* Tlazolteotl/Ixcuiname, Aztec, A goddess of death, filth, love, licentiousness, sex, sport, gambling, uncertainty, witchcraft, intoxication and pleasure
* Tlitcaplitana, Bella Coola, A goddess of healing
* Tloque, Aztec, A creator god
* Tloque Nahaque, Aztec, A creator god
* Tna'nto, Koryak/SE Siberia, The spirit of the first light of dawn
* Tna'nto, Koryak/Siberia, The spirit of dawn, the first light of the dawn deified
* Tnecei'vune, Chukchee/Siberia, A spirit of the dawn, one of four beings that control the dawn of from different directions
* To'nenile, Navaho, The rain god
* Toa'lalit , Bella Coola, A god of hunters
* Toa'lalit , Bella Coola/Canada, This god of hunters oversees hunting mountain goats
* Tobadzistsini, Navaho, The god of war
* Tobadzistsini , Navaho,  A Minor war god
* Toci, Aztec, A goddess of healing
* Tohil, Maya, A fire god
* Tokakami Huichol, Mexico, A god of death
* Tokakami Huichol, Mexico, The god of death
* Toko'yoto, Koryak/Siberia, A guardian spirit who is one of the owners of the world, the Pacific Ocean to be specific
* Toko'yoto, Koryak/SE Siberia, This male guardian spirit is one of the owners of world that created the Pacific Ocean
* Tomituka, S. Pacific, A goddess of rain
* Tomiyauhtecuhtli, Aztec, A fertility and rain god
* Tomiyauhtecuhtli, Aztec, A rain and fertility god
* Tomor, Albanian, A creator and wind and god, he is still around
* Tomor, Albanian, A god of the winds as well as a creator god, he is still worshipped today
* Tomwo'get, Koryak/Siberia, An archetypical creator spirit
* Tomwo'get, Koryak/SE Siberia, He is an archetypical creator being
* Tonacaciahutl, Aztec, A primordial deity that is the self created, eternal, female principle
* Tonacatceuhtli, Aztec, A primordial deity that is the self created, eternal, male principle
* Tonacatecuhtli, Aztec, She is the creator and provider of food
* Tonacatecuhtli, Aztec, The male primordial deity
* Tonachacihuatl, Aztec, The feminine primordial deity
* Tonaleque , Aztec,  catalyze this goddess is ruler of the fifth of the 13 heavens
* Tonaleque , Aztec,  this goddess is ruler of the 13 heavens
* Tonan, Aztec, A goddess of the winter solstice
* Tonantzin, Aztec, The goddess of motherhood
* Tonatiluh, Aztec, This creator god presides over the fifth world age[this is the one we are in]
* Tonatiuh, Aztec, The creator god that presides over the fifth world
* Tonatiuh/Pilzintecutli, Aztec/Nahua, The sun god and a god of war
* Toneili , Navaho,  this is the rain god in charge of all water from the skies
* Tonenili, Navaho, The rain god the controls waters from the skies
* Tonttu, Finland, Generally benign tutelary. Originally, a patron of cultivated land, keeper of lot.
* Top'tine, Brazil/Peru, A goddess of fire
* Topogh, Kenya, A goddess of the evening star
* Topoh , Pokot/Suk / Uganda, An astral god associated with the evening star
* Topoh , Pokot/Suk / Uganda, This astral god is the god of the evening star
* Tork, Armenia, This god is the guardian of the mountains and their inhabitants
* Tork, Armenian, A mountain god that is very hard on the eyes
* Tornarssuk, Inuit, The supreme being and master of the Tornat[the controlling deities]
* Toro Ngbandi, Zaire, He is the creator god
* Tororut , Pokot/Suk / Uganda, He is the creator god
* Totilma'il, Maya/Tzotzi, An androgynous creator being
* Totolteactl, Aztec, This fertility god is concerned with the Maguey plant and the art of growing pulque
* Tou Mou, China, A goddess of justice
* Touia Fatuna , Tonga/Polynesia, The earth goddess, the deification of the rock deep in the earth that rumbles and gives birth to new land
* Toumou, Egypt, No one really knows what this god did
* Toyo Uke, Japanese, A goddess of war
* Toyo Uke Bime, Japan/Shinto, A goddess of foodstuffs
* Toyota Mahime, Japanese, A goddess of the sea
* Tozi, Aztec, The goddess of sweat baths
* Trailokyaviaya, Buddhist/Mahayana, A god
* Trayasrinsa, Hindu/Vedic, The collective name for the group of Deva gods
* Triduana, Scotland, A goddess of Edinburgh
* Triglav, Poland, A three headed god
* Trikantakidevi , Hindu,  goddess of terrible appearance
* Trimurti, Hindu, The collective name of the major triad
* Tripura, Hindu/Jain, A mother goddess
* Trita, Hindu/Vedic, A goddess
* Tritons, Roman, Minor sea gods
* Trivikrama, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A god that may have been a sun god but is accepted as an incarnation of Visnu
* Trograin/Lug, Irish, A minor god
* Trukwinu Mana, Hopi, A goddess rain
* Ts'an Nu, China, A goddess of silkworms
* Tsa'qamae Qwe'gsotenox, BC Canada, the god that controls salmon migration
* Tsai Shen, China, A god of wealth, associated with the mandarins
* Tsao Chun, China, A god of kitchens and stoves
* Tsao Wang, China, A god of the hearth fire
* Tsehub, Hittite, The weather god
* Tsentsa, Huron, The good Creator Twin
* Tsetse, Zaire, A goddess of lightning
* Tsho gyalma, Tibetan, A goddess of happiness
* Tsi, Siberia, A goddess of justice
* Tsichtinako, Acoma, The female spirit of the creation myth
* Tsilah, Haiti/Vodun, A goddess of fortune and beauty
* Tsohanoai, Navaho, The god of the sun
* Tsui'goab, Hottentot, A rain god
* Tsuki-Yomi, Japan, A god of the moon
* Tsunigoab Khoi, Namibia, The creator god of that walks with a limp and was invoked at dawn each day
* Tu, China, A chthonic earth goddess and fertility spirit
* Tu, Polynesian, A god of war and stability
* Tu P'ing, China, A god of robbers
* Tu-Metua, Hervey Is., A god of silence that had an immaculate birth
* Tuatha De Dananmn, Irish, The collective name for the final pantheon
* Tuetates, Celtic, A god of war
* Tuetatesa, Gaul, A god of war
* Tui, China, A goddess of happiness
* Tule Zande, Sudan, The spider god who brought the seeds of all the plants on earth
* Tulsi, Indian, A goddess of basil plants
* Tumatauenga, Polynesian, A god of war who was given charge over mankind
* Tunek, Inuit, A god of seal hunters
* Tung Lu, China, A god of snow and skis
* Tunkan Ingan, Dakota, The sex Manitou
* Tuomas, Finland, Eternally befuddled.
* Tuonetar, Finland, Name referring to both the mistress and the daughter of Tuoni.
* Tuoni, Finland, The personification of Death.
* Turan, Etruscan, A goddess of love and the tutelary deity of Vulci
* Turan, Etruscan, A goddess of peace
* Turi a faumea, Polynesian, A god of fishing and reptiles
* Turrean, Irish, A goddess Tureann
* Tursas, Finland, The Tavastian god of war. May be same as the Norse Tyr and the Germanic Tîwaz.
* Tutu, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, The tutelary god of Borsippa
* Tuulikki, Finland, Daughter of Tapio and Mielikki, goddess of animals.
* Tvastar, Hindu/Vedic, A creator god
* Tyche, Greek/Roman, A goddess of fortune
* Tyr/Tiwaz, Norse, A god of justice, sports and war
* Tzapotla Tenan, Mexican, A goddess of healing and herbs
* Tzitzimime, Aztec, A goddesses of the stars
* Tzontemoc, Aztec, A minor underworld and god
* Tzu ku Shen, China, A god of the latrine
* Tzu Sun Niangniang, China, The mother goddess that has a protective role, She had been the wife of a mortal
* Tzultacah, Maya, A group led to chthonic and thunder gods
* Ua-Ildak, Babylon/Mesopotamia/Akkadian, The goddess responsible for pastures and poplar trees
* Uadjet, Egypt, A goddess of justice
* Uairebhuidhe, Irish, A bird goddess
* Uathach, Irish/Scotland, A goddess who trained warriors
* Ubastet, Egypt, A goddess of healing and hunting
* Ubertas, Roman, A minor god of agriculture associated with prosperity
* Ucchusma, Buddhist, A god
* Uchtsiti, Acoma, Father of the gods
* Udadhikumara, Jain/India, A generic name of one of the group of deities called bhvanavasi
* Ueuecoyotl, Aztec, A god of fertility
* Ugar, Syria, A god of agriculture
* Ugaracandika, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A distinctive form of a goddess Durga
* Ugatara, Hindu/Puranic, A goddess with a strange mode appearance, she carries a cup and a corpse on her head
* Uitzilopchtli, Aztec, The god of the sun
* Ukat, Yana, A goddess of good luck
* Uke Mochi, Japanese, A goddess of food
* Ukko, Finnish, A god of rain storms, thunder, weather and the sky
* Ukko ("old man"), Finland, The god of the sky and thunder, related to Thor (Estonian Taara).
* Uks Akka, Swedish, A goddess midwives
* Ukupanipo, Hawaii, The god of sharks
* Ukur/Kus, Mesopotamia/Babylon/Akkadian, A chthonic underworld god
* Uli, Polynesian, A goddess of healing
* Uliliyassis, Hittite, He is a minor god who removes impotence
* Ull/Ullr, Germanic/Norse, A god of archery, hunting and skis
* Ulu'tuyar Ulu Toyo'n, Yakut/Cen. Siberia, A rather evil creator spirit
* Umaj, Yakut, A goddess of midwives
* Umashii-Ashi -Kabi-Hiko-Ji-No-Kami, Japan/Shinto, A creator being formed from the reeds floating on the primordial waters
* Umvelinkwangi/Umvelinqangi, Zulu/S. Africa, The sky god
* Unelanuhi, Cherokee, A goddess of war
* Ungamilia, S. Pacific, The goddess of the evening star
* Ungud , Aus.,  A god/goddess
* Uni, Etruscan, A tutelary goddess of midwives and the sky
* Unk, Lakota, The female Manitou ancestor of all evil beings
* Unkulunkulu, Zulu/S. Africa, A creator god of the sky and chief deity
* Untombinde, Africa, A goddess of justice
* Unumbotte Bassari, Togo, A creator god
* Unxia, Roman, The goddess of marriage that anointed the bridegroom's door
* Upakesini, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Upayapattivasita, Buddhist, A minor goddess
* Upulvan, Singhalese/Sri Lanka, the most senior of the four great gods
* Urania, Greek, A muse of astronomy and astrology
* Uranus , Greek,  A Titan god
* Uras, Mesopotamia/Sumeria, A chthonic earth goddess
* Urd, Norse, A goddess of fate
* Urgel, Slavic, A god of the Pleiades
* Urjani, Hindu, A goddess of physical prowess and strength
* Ursule, Haiti/Vodun, A goddess of love
* Uru'n Ajy Toyo'n/Ayi' Uru'n Toyoy'n, Yakut/Siberia, A creator being that lived in the north east
* Ururupuin, Micronesia, A goddess of flirting, happiness and playfulness
* Uruzimu, Hittite, A deity involved in returning the lost Storm god of Nerik
* Usas, Hindu/Vedic, A goddess of warriors and of the dawn and wisdom
* Usins, Latavia, An astral god that was affiliated with both the morning and evening star, he sidelined with beekeepers and spring until the Christians showed up and then he became St. George
* Uslo , Yakut/Siberia, This spirit of the mountains was one of the guardians of the natural world
* Usnisa, Buddhist, A god, guardian of the integration and a collective term for a group of eight gods
* Usnisavijaya, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A primordial goddess, widely worshipped in Tibet
* Uso Dori, Japanese, A goddess of singing
* Utixo, Hottentot, A god of the sky, rain, and thunder
* Utlunta, Cherokee, A goddess of physical prowess
* Uttarabhadrapada, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune

* Uttarapalguni, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess
* Uttarasadha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A minor goddess of fortune
* Uttu, Sumeria, A goddess of we've been and of vegetation
* Utu, Sumeria, The sun god
* Uwolowu, Africa/Akpossa, A god
* Uzume, Japanese, A goddess of laughter and merriment
* Va'irgin, Chukchee/E. Siberia, The supreme being whose name means "I exist"
* Vac, Buddhist, A variety of Manjusri
* Vac, Hindu, A goddess of speech
* Vacuna, Roman, A goddess of agriculture and leisure
* Vaga, Celtic, A goddess of the River Wye
* Vagisvara, Buddhist, A tutelary deity of Nepal and a god of speech
* Vagitanus,  Roman,  this minor god of passage was the guardian of the press first cry at birth
* Vahagn, Armenian, A god of war
* Vahgan, Armenia, A god of victory, born from fire and has flames for hair
* Vahguru Sikh, India, The creator god
* Vaimanika, Jain/India, The generic title for a group of deities
* Vairacocha/Huiracocha/Viracpocha, Inca, The creator god
* Vairocana/Buddhaheruka,  Buddhist,  The First and oldest meditation Buddha
* Vairotya, Jain/India, A goddess of learning
* Vaisnavi, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess, a Sakti of Visnu
* Vajardaka, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A god
* Vajracarcika, Buddhist/goddess, A goddess that stands upon a corpse
* Vajradhara, Buddhist, A god
* Vajradhatvisvari, Buddhist, A goddess
* Vajradhatvisvari, Buddhist, A goddess
* Vajragandhari , Buddhist,  A
* Vakarine, Slavic, A goddess of the evening star
* Valetudo, Italian, A goddess of health.
* Vali, Nordic/Icelandic, A god that will survive Ragnarok
* Valli, Hindu, A goddess
* Vamana, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, An incarnation of the god Visnu
* Vanir, Nordic/Icelandic, A major group of Norse gods the concerned with peace, prosperity and the fertility of the land
* Var, Norse, A goddess of marriage Vows
* Varaha, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, The third avatar of Visnu
* Varahi, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A mother goddess that later became one of the goddesses of evil intent
* Varahmukio, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Varali, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Vari-Ma-Te-Takere , Hervey Is.,  a mother goddess and creator been, whose six children had immaculate births
* Varuna, Hindu/Puranic/Vedic/Tamil, A a major guardian god of the sky and water
* Varuni, Hindu, A goddess of golden liquor
* Vasantadevi, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of spring
* Vasio, Gallic/Celtic, A god Vocontii
* Vasu[s], Hindu/India, A generic title for the gods/deities that attend Indra
* Vasudeva, Hindu, A god
* Vasudhara, Buddhist, A female Buddha designate
* Vasudhara, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A fertility goddess
* Vasumattisri, Buddhist/Mayhayana, A minor goddess
* Vasusri, Buddhist/Mayhayana, Another minor goddess
* Vasya-Tara , Buddhist-Mayhayana,  A goddess
* Vata, Hindu/Vedic/Persia, A god of the wind
* Vayu, Buddhist, A god of the northwestern quarter
* Vayu, Hindu/Vedic, The god of the air and wind
* Vayukmara, Jain/India, A god
* Ve, Nordic/Icelandic, A god been listed in the prose Edda
* Ve'ai, Koryak/S. Siberia, The feminine vegetation spirit and personification of the grasslands
* Ved Ava, Finnish/Ugric, A goddess of water
* Veden Emo, Finnish, A goddess of water
* Vedenemo ("mother of waters"), Finland, Karelian goddess of water.
* Veive, Etruscan, A very young god
* Veja Mate, Latavia, The goddess of the wind was also responsible for birds and the woodlands
* Velaute'mtilan, Koryak/SE Siberia, He is a vegetation spirit
* Veles/Volos, Russia/Slavic, A god of flocks and herds, death and the Underworld
* Vellamo, Finnish, A goddess of the sea
* Vellamo, Finland, The wife of Ahti, goddess of the sea, lakes and storms. A current image of Vellamo can be seen on the coat of arms of Päijänne Tavastia.
* Velu Mate, Latavia, A chthonic underworld goddess and the queen of the dead
* Venda , Davidian/Tamil,  this creator god was an ancient vegetation deity
* Venilia, Roman, A goddess Coastal waters
* Venkata, Hindu/Puranic/Epic, A form of the god of Visnu
* Venus/Dion/Cytherea, Roman, A goddess of love, beauty, springtime, vineyards
* Verbeia, British, A goddess of the Wharfe and Avon Rivers
* Verbti , ,  A god of fire that the Christians identified with the devil
* Verdandi, Norse, A goddess of the present
* Verethragna Persia , Iran, The god of victory, he is perceived to be present in the wind
* Verevctor, Roman, A minor god of plowing who was associated with the sacrifices to Tellus and Ceres
* Veritas, Roman, A goddess of truth
* Verplaca, Roman, A goddess of family harmony
* Vertumnus, Roman, A god of change, commerce, fruits, gardens, plants, orchards and seasons
* Vertumnus, Roman, A minor god of orchards and gardens, likely of of Etruscan origin his festival is beingVertumnalia on August 13th
* Vesna, Slavic, A goddess of spring
* Vesta, Roman, A goddess of the hearth fire and marriage
* Vetali, Buddhist/Tibet, A goddess of terrifying appearance
* Vi of Wara, German, A goddess of healing springs
* Victoria , Roman,  the goddess of victory that became an attack by the Christians with an angelic capacity
* Vidyadevi, Jain/India, The generic title for a group of 16 goddesses that are associated with knowledge and learning
* Vidyesvara, Hindu, The generic title for the eight emancipated beings that are aspects of Siva
* Vidyraja, Buddhist/Meola, A tutelary god concerned with the implementation of the law
* Vierge, Haiti/Vodun, A sea goddess
* Vila, Slovenian, A goddesses of justice
* Viracocha, Inca, A god of storms and war The chief deity
* Viranakka, Saami, A goddess of hunting
* Virginia, Roman, A goddess of politics
* Virtus, Roman, A goddess of justice, Virtue, Valor
* Vivasvat, Indian, A god of warriors
* Vodni Panny, Slavic, A goddesses of rivers
* Volos, Slavic, A god of death and commerce Veles
* Voluptas, Roman, A goddess of sensual pleasure
* Voluspa, Scandinavia, A goddess of wisdom
* Vor, Scandinavia, A goddess of knowledge, wisdom and prudence
* Vulcan, Roman, A god of fire, inventing and metal working
* Väinämöinen, Finland, The old and wise man, who possessed a potent, magical voice. The central character in Finnish folklore and he is the main character in the Kalevala.
* Wa kon da Hondon, ,
* Wachilt, Celtic, Minor sea goddess
* Wadd, S. Arabia, A moon god
* Wagadu, Africa, A goddess of physical prowess
* Wah Kah Nee, Chinook, A goddess of winter
* Wahini Hal, Polynesian, The demonic mother figure
* Wak, Ethiopia, The supreme god
* Wakahirume, Japanese, A goddess of the dawn
* Wakan Tanka, Lakota, A collective union of the Manitous
* Wakinyan, Dakota, The thunder spirit.
* Wakonda , Omaha/Sioux,  The Great Spirit
* Wakwiyo, Tewa, A goddess of the winds
* Walo, Australia, The sun and war goddess
* Wang Mu Niang Niang, China, A goddess of female energy
* Wang the Pure, China, A god of sport and gambling
* Wantu, Sudan, The supreme god
* War Hsuan, China, A god of robbers
* War Pin, China, A god of shoemakers
* War Ssu miao, China, A god of Druggists
* Wardi Mumi Finno, Ugric, A goddess of war
* Wari Ma Te Takere, Polynesia, This goddess was a coconut shell divinity
* Warna, Scandinavia, A goddess of healing charms and war
* Warrta, Hindu, A goddess of happiness
* Wayland , Anglo-Saxon,  A god of blacksmiths
* Weiwobo, China, A goddess of female Energy
* Wele, Abaluyia, Chief god
* Wepwawet, Egypt, The god of war and of the funerary cult
* Were Luo' , , A chief god
* White Lady, Celtic, Dryad of Death
* Widapokwi, Yavapai, A goddess of health and whirlwinds
* Wigan, Philippine, A goddess of water
* Wilden Wip, German, A goddesses of healing
* Winonah, Ojibwa, Daughter of the goddess Nokomis and a virgin mother
* Wisagatcak, Cree, The trickster god
* Wodan, Germanic, A god of war
* Wopeh, Lakota, A goddess of happiness and pleasure
* Wotan, Germanic, A god of inspiration and magic
* Woto, Oto/Shongo, A god of fire
* Wuluwaid, Aus, A male rainmaker
* Wuni, Africa, A god
* Wuriupranili , Aus.,  A sun goddess
* Wurusemu/Wuruntemu, Hittite, The sun goddess of Arrina
* Xantho, Greek, One of the Nereides
* Xatel Ekwa, Hungarian, A goddess of war and the sun
* Xbaquiyalo, Maya, A goddess
* Xenia, Greek, A nymph
* Xevioso, Fon, A god of thunder
* Xiling Shi, China, A goddess of justice
* Xilonen, Aztec, A goddess of happiness and maize
* Xipe, Totec/Aztec, A god of agriculture, plants, seeds, fertility, jewelers, sacrifice and springtime
* Xiuhtecuhtli/Otontecuhtli/Huehueteotl, Aztec, The god of fire
* Xmucane, Maya, The goddess of childbirth
* Xochipili, Aztec, The god of flowers, sport, love, games, feasting, maize and pleasure
* Xochiquetzal, Aztec, A goddess of agriculture, fertility, love, sensual pleasure, sex, happiness, the moon and weavers
* Xoli Kaltes, Hungarian, A goddess of warriors and of the dawn
* Xolotl, Aztec, A god and bad luck, monsters and magicians
* Xpiyacoc, Maya, The god of marriage
* Xpuch and Xtah, Maya, The worlds first heavenly servants, prostitutes
* Xtabay, Maya, A goddesses of seduction
* Yacatecuhtli, Aztec, He is the god of merchant adventurers
* Yaluk, Maya, The head lightning god
* Yam, Canaan, A god of rivers and of the sea
* Yama, Hindu, A god of death
* Yamm, Ugarit, A god of the sea
* Yang Chen, Buddhist, A goddess of learning and teaching
* Yangombi, Bantu, A god of creation
* Yanguang Pusa, China, A goddess of healing and eyes
* Yansa, Brazil, A goddess of fire
* Yanwang, China, A god of death
* Yaparamma, India, A goddess of commerce
* Yarikh, Canaan, A god of the moon
* Yarilo, Slavic, A god of fertility
* Yarovit, Slavic, A god of victory
* Yarris, Hittite, He is a god of pestilence
* Yaya Zakurai, Japanese, A goddess of spring
* Yeba Ka, Navaho, The male leader of the gods
* Yebaad, Navaho, The female leader of the gods
* Yehl, Tlingit, A god
* Yeitso, Navaho, The child of the sun, a giant in Navaho legend
* Yemanja, Imanje/Brazil, The ocean goddess of the crescent moon
* Yemaya, Imanje/Caribbean, The goddess of the deep sea
* Yemonja, Nigerian/Yoruba, She is one of the great goddesses
* Yen cheng, China, A god of robbers
* Yen Lo, China, A god of death
* Yen Wang, China, A god of death
* Yhi, Karraur, The goddess of light and creator goddess
* Yiacatechutli, Mexico, The god of merchants
* Yima, Persia, The god of light
* Yingxi Niang, China, A goddess of happiness
* Ymoja, Yoruba, A goddess of rivers and of the sea
* Ynakhsyt, Yakut/Siberia, A goddess of cattle
* Yolkai Estsan, Navaho, A goddess of war, the dawn, fire and the moon
* Yu Ch'iang, China, A god of the ocean wind
* Yu Huang Shang Ti, China, A god
* Yu Nu, China, A goddess of Leo
* Yu Te, China, A god of vaccination
* Yu Tzu, China, A god rain
* Yuki Onne, Japanese, A goddess of death by freezing
* Yum Cimih, Maya, A god of death
* Yum Kaax, Maya, A god of agriculture and maize
* Yun T'ung, China, A god of clouds
* Zaba, Hurrite, The god of war
* Zababa, Kish, The chief of the gods
* Zaka, Haiti/Vodun, A god of agriculture
* Zalmoxis, Greek, He sometimes symbolized immortality
* Zam, Persia, An earth spirit
* Zambi, Angola, The supreme being
* Zanahary/Zanaharibe Railanitra, Madagascar, He was the creator god
* Zaoshen, China, A god of kitchens
* Zaramama, Peru, Grain goddess
* Zaria, Slavic, A goddess of beauty
* Zarpandit, Assyrian/Babylonian, An early pregnancy goddess
* Zarya, Slavic, A goddess of healing waters
* Zashapuna, Kastama, He is the chief god of the town of Kastama
* Zeme Mate, Latvia, The creator of earth
* Zemyna, Lithuanian, A goddess of childbirth and life
* Zephyrus, Greek, The god of the west wind
* Zeus, Greek, The god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods
* Zeuxippe, Greek, One of the Oceanides
* Zhongguei, China, A god of examinations
* Zipaltonal, Nicaragua, The female spirit that is the creator of all earth
* Zisa, Germanic, A goddess of autumn
* Ziva, Slavic, A goddess of long life
* Ziva Siva, Slavic, A goddess of life
* Zizilia, Poland, A goddess of love and sexuality
* Zonget Khanty, Siberia, The goddess of hunting
* Zoria/Zorya, Slavic, A goddess of morning, dawn and beauty
* Zu/Imdugud, Assyria, The god of thunder and storms
* Zurvan, Persia, The god of infinite time
* Zvezda Dennitsa, Slavic, The morning star goddess
* Zvoruna, Lithuania, A goddess of the hunt and of animals
* Zvoruna, Slavic, A god of hunting
* Zywie, Poland, A goddess of health and healing
* Äkräs, Finland, The god of fertility and the protector of plants, especially the turnip.

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